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Sample Title
1 |
Stalin, Joseph, 1878-1953.
Сталин, И. В. 1879-1953 Иосиф Виссарионович
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič, 1879-1953
Stalin, Josif Vissarionovič 1878-1953
Stalin, Josef, 1878-1953
Staline, Joseph, 1879-1953
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovich 1879-1953
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič (1878-1953).
Сталин, Иосиф Виссарионович, 1879-1953
Stalin, Josif Vissarionovič, 1879-1953
Stalin, Józef (1878-1953)
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovich
Stalin, Iossif, 1879-1953
Stalin, Iosif (Iosif Vissarionovič), 1878-1953
Stalin, Iosif
იოსებ ბესარიონის ძე ჯუღაშვილი
Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovič
Stalin, Jossif, pseudonüüm, 1878-1953.
Stalin, I. V. 1879-1953 Iosif Vissarionovič
Stalín, Íosíf Víssaríonovítsj, 1879-1953
ستالين، يوسف فيساريونوفيتش، 1878-1953
סטלין, יוסף ויסריונוביץ', 1878-1953
Сталин, Иосиф Виссарионович, 1878-1953
Stalin, Joseph, 1879-1953
Estaline, pseud.
Stalin, Jozef
Stalin, Josef
ستالين، جوزيف، 1879-1953
Stalin, Iosif, 1879-1953
Džugašvili, Iosif Vissarionovič (Stalin)
Stalin, Joseph (Soviet leader, 1879-1953)
ستالين، جوزف، 1879-1953
Personal |
Class and party
Marksizm i voprosy jazykoznanija
Pisʹma I.V. Stalina V.M. Molotovu, 1925-1936 gg
Lenin jako organizator i wódz RKP Marksizm i voprosy i︠a︡zykoznanii︠a︡
Anarhizm ili socializm
Marksizm i voprosy i︠a︡zykoznanii︠a︡ Marksizm i voprosy i︠a︡zykoznanii︠a︡ Marksizm i voprosy i︠a︡zykoznanii︠a︡
Marksizm i voprosy i︠a︡zykoznanii︠a︡
2 |
Churchill, Winston, 1874-1965.
Churchill, Winston, Sir, 1874-1965
Winston Churchill
Черчилль, У. полит. деятель 1874-1965 Уинстон
تشرتشل، ونستن ليونارد، 1874-1965
צ'רצ'יל, וינסטון לאונרד ספנסר, 1874-1965
Черчилль, Уинстон, 1874-1965
Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer 1874-1965
Churchill, Winston Spencer
Churchill, Winston S. (Winston Spencer), 1874-1965
تشرشل، ونستون، 1874-1965 م سير،
Churchill, Winston S., 1874-1965
Churchill, Winston S.
Churchill, Winston (English statesman, author, and amateur painter, 1874-1965)
تشرشل، ونستون، سير، 1874-1965
Churchill, Winston 1874–1965 seras
Чърчил, У. полит. деятель 1874-1965 Уинстън
Churchill, Winston
Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer, Sir, 1874-1965
Personal |
Address to Congress, Dec. 26, 1941 The age of revolution History of the English-speaking peoples Sir Winston Churchill a self-portrait Churchill wit Churchill wit Churchill wit Closing the ring La deuxième guerre mondiale The birth of Britain
La deuxième guerre mondiale Marlborough : his life and times.
The Six Day War
Sir Winston Churchill a self-portrait
History of the English-speaking peoples
3 |
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1882-1945.
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 1882-1945
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Roosevelt, F. D. 1882-1945 Franklin Delano
Рузвельт, Ф.Д. 1882-1945 Франклин Делано
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano)
روزفلت، فرانكلين دلنو
רוזבלט, פרנקלין דילנו, 1882-1945
Рузвельт, Франклин Делано, 1882-1945
روزفلت، فرانكلين، 1882-1945
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (American president, 1882-1945)
Personal |
Address of Franklin D. Roosevelt, president of the United States, Chautauqua, N.
Address of Franklin D. Roosevelt, president of the United States, Chautauqua, N.
Address of Franklin D. Roosevelt, president of the United States, Chautauqua, N.
décret présidentiel 9066 Amerikas Weg Auszüge aus seinen öffentlichen Reden und Dokumenten Churchill & Roosevelt the complete correspondence Churchill & Roosevelt the complete correspondence Amerikas Weg Auszüge aus seinen öffentlichen Reden und Dokumenten F. D. R. : his personal letters F. D. R. : his personal letters F. D. R. : his personal letters
4 |
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David), 1890-1969
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 1890-1969.
Eisenhower, Dwight David, 1890-1969
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Eisenhower, Dwight David
Eisenhower, D. D. 1890-1969 Dwight David
Эйзенхауэр, Д. Д 1890-1969
ايزنهاور، دوايت دافيد، 1890-1969
איזנהאור, דויט דוד, 1890-1969
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (Dwight David)
Эйзенхауэр, Д. Д. 1890-1969 Дуайт Дэвид
أيزنهاور، دوايت، 1890-1969
Eisenhower, Dwight, 1890-1969
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (American president and painter, 1890-1969)
Personal |
At ease ANNEE DU BAC 13 dni w USA : z pobytu przewodniczącego Rady Ministrów ZSRR N. Chruszczowa w US
Proclamation 3268 Celui que je fus : souvenirs de guerre et de paix Crusade in Europe
Batailles pour la paix 1956-1961 Batailles pour la paix 1956-1961 At ease Crusade in Europe مذكرات آيزنهاور Celui que je fus : souvenirs de guerre et de paix Crusade in Europe
5 |
Truman, Harry S., 1884-1972.
Harry S. Truman
Truman, Harry S.
Truman, Harry S. (Harry Shippe), 1884-1972
Truman, H. S. 1884-1972 Harry S.
טרומן, הרי ס., 1884-1972
Трумэн, Г. 1884-1972 Гарри
Truman, Harry S. (American president, 1884-1972)
Personal |
1946-1952 : Years of trial and hope Executive Order 9538 The autobiography of Harry S. Truman 1946-1952 : Years of trial and hope 1950 г.: решение Трумэна : США вступают в Корейскую войну Correspondence between the chairman of the Council of ministers of the U.S.S.R.
1950 г.: решение Трумэна : США вступают в Корейскую войну
6 |
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1884-1962.
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Eleanor (Anna Eleanor), 1884-1962
Eleanor Roosevelt
רוזבלט, אלינור, 1884-1962
Personal |
Achterhuis autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt Anne no nikki My day לקח החיים : אלינור רוזבלט ; עברית - עדית ניומן.
7 |
Chamberlain, Neville, 1869-1940.
Chamberlain, Neville
Chamberlain, Arthur Neville, 1869-1940
Neville Chamberlain
Chamberlain, Neville (Arthur Neville), 1869-1940
צ'מברלין, ארתור נויל, 1869-1940
Chamberlain, N. 1869-1940 Neville
Чемберлен, Н. 1869-1940 Невилл
Personal |
9 settembre : Goering agli operai della R.B.W. . 20 settembre : Chamberlain ai c
The Austrian crisis and British foreign policy 9 settembre : Goering agli operai della R.B.W. . 20 settembre : Chamberlain ai c
Декларация Великобритании об объявлении войны Германии (1939) The British system of social insurance : a history and description of health ins
Chang Po-lun sui ching cheng tsʻe chih yen chiu, 1937-1939, 1983: Chamberlain and Roosevelt Brit. foreign policy a. the United States, 1937-1940 Chamberlain and Roosevelt Brit. foreign policy a. the United States, 1937-1940
8 |
Hill, Napoleon, 1883-1970.
Hill, Napoleon
Хилл, Н. 1883-1970 Наполеон
Oliver Napoleon Hill
Napoleon Hill American author
هل، ناپوليون، 1883-1970
היל, נפולאון, 1883-1970
هيل، نابليون، 1883-1970
Hill, N. 1883-1970 Napoleon
Personal |
52 étapes pour atteindre le succès Denke nach und werde reich die Erfolgsgesetze und ihre Nutzanwendung Napoleon Hill's mental dynamite series Denke nach und werde reich die Erfolgsgesetze und ihre Nutzanwendung
Magic ladder to success Magic ladder to success Napoleon Hill's mental dynamite series Napoleon Hill's mental dynamite series
9 |
Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930
Taft, William Howard, 1857-1930
William Howard Taft
Taft, William Howard, 1857-1930, homme d'État
Taft, William Howard
Taft, William H. 1857-1930
Taft, W. H. 1857-1930 William Howard
Taft, William H. (William Howard)
טאפט, ויליאם הווארד, 1857-1930
Taft, William Howard, Pres. degli Stati Uniti, 1857-1930
Personal |
Address of President Taft at the banquet given in his honor by the Americus club The Anti-trust act and the Supreme Court. Executive Order 1080 The Anti-trust act and the Supreme Court. In their own voices the U. S. presidential elections of 1908 and 1912 the earlie
Ist das Alkoholverbot ein Schlag gegen die persönliche Freiheit? Insurgency Personalities and politics of the Taft era The Anti-trust act and the Supreme Court. The photographic history of the Civil War Let us have peace : a prayer
10 |
Wallace, Henry Agard, 1888-1965
Wallace, Henry A. (Henry Agard), 1888-1965
Wallace, Henry Agard
Wallace, Henry A., 1888–1965
Henry Agard Wallace
Wallace, Henry A. 1888-1965. (Henry Agard),
וואלס, הנרי, 1888-1965
Personal |
Agricultural prices, 1920. Agricultural prices, 1920. Agricultural prices, 1920. Century of the common man Ten Extra Years Carta a Henry Wallace feita por representantes de diversos segmentos da sociedad
Toward world peace
11 |
Berle, Adolf Augustus, 1895-1971.
Berle, Adolf A., jr., 1895-1971
Berle, Adolf A.
Berle, Adolf Augustus
Berle, Adolf Augustus, Jr., 1895-1971
Berle, Adolf A., 1895-1971
Adolf A. Berle American diplomat (1895-1971)
بيرل، أدولف أ.، 1895-1971
Berle, Adolph A., 1895-
Personal |
20th century capitalist revolution 20th century capitalist revolution 20th century capitalist revolution 20th century capitalist revolution 20th century capitalist revolution American economic republic Modern corporation and private property Liquid claims and national wealth : an exploratory study in the theory of liquid
América Latina : Mitos y realidades
12 |
United States. National Recovery Administration
États-Unis. National Recovery Administration
USA National Recovery Administration
National Recovery Administration New Deal agency established by President Frankl
Etats-Unis. National Recovery Administration (1933-1935)
Corporate |
Approved codes... NUCMC data from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Archives. Bledsoe, W
The Failure of the N.R.A.
13 |
United States. Works Progress Administration
Etats-Unis. Work projects administration
Works Progress Administration
Works Progress Administration United States government New Deal agency (1935–193
Stati Uniti. Works Progress Administration
New York, NY Works Progress Administration
Corporate |
Los Angeles Dance Band. American-made : the enduring legacy of the WPA : when FDR put the nation to work
Museum paper New horizons in American art;
14 |
United States. War Relocation Authority
États-Unis. War relocation authority
War Relocation Authority (Department of the Interior ; Stany Zjednoczone)
USA War Relocation Authority
Etats-Unis, War agency liquidation unit
War Relocation Authority US government agency established to handle the internme
Corporate |
Administrative highlights of the WRA program Relocation communities for wartime evacuees, 1942. Community government in war relocation centers
Token shipment (Oswego camp)
15 |
Federal Art Project
Federal Art Project (U.S.)
Federal Art Project United States federal government: New Deal relief program to
Federal art project États-Unis
Federal art project (États-Unis) (1935-1943)
Corporate |
American guide week, Nov. 10-16 Take pride in your country : State by state the
16 |
Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.)
United States. Federal Security Agency. Civilian Conservation Corps
Estados Unidos Civilian Conservation Corps
Civilian Conservation Corps (Spojené státy americké)
Etats-Unis, Civilian conservation corps
Civilian Conservation Corps United States federal government public work relief
Civilian Conservation Corps.
Estados Unidos., Federal Security Agency., Civilian Conservation Corps
USA Civilian Conservation Corps
United States. Civilian conservation corps (1937-1942)
Civilian Conservation Corps (Stati Uniti)
Corporate |
The ABC of forestry
The CCC at work. A story of 2,500,000 young men. Camp stoves and fireplaces Digest of laws relating to local parks and recreation as of January 2, 1940 The CCC at work. A story of 2,500,000 young men.
Soldaten der Arbeit : Arbeitsdienste in Deutschland und den USA 1933-1945 Annual report of the Director of emergency conservation work, fiscal year ending
17 |
United States. President (1933-1945 : Roosevelt)
Spojené štáty americké. Prezident (1933-1945 : Roosevelt)
United States President (1933-1945)
États-Unis. Président (1933-1945 : Roosevelt)
Corporate |
Address of the President of the United States delivered before a joint session o
18 |
Morgenthau, Henry, 1891-1967
Henry Morgenthau Jr. American politician (1891–1967)
Morgenthau, Henry
Morgenthau Jr., Henry, 1891-1967
Morgenthau, Henry, Jr.
מורגנטאו, הנרי, 1891-1967
Personal |
Call for action, by Henry Morgenthau Jr.,... Deutschland ist unser Problem
Germany is our problem Germany is our problem Farm loans and mortgage refinancing through the federal land bank system ... 193
19 |
Roosevelt, James, 1907-1991
Roosevelt, James
Roosevelt, James, 1907-
James Roosevelt
Personal |
1959. Affectionately, F. D. R. : a son's story of a courageous man Affectionately, F. D. R. : a son's story of a courageous man
20 |
Franklin D. Roosevelt Library
Franklin D. Roosevelt Library (New York)
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Franklin Delanoe Roosevelt library New York, N.Y.
Franklin D. Roosevelt Library (New York, NY)
Franklin Delanoe Roosevelt library (New York)
Corporate |
Annual report of the archivist of the United States as to the Franklin D. Roosev
Annual report of the archivist of the United States as to the Franklin D. Roosev
[Documents techniques et publicitaires.]
21 |
United States. President (1945-1953 : Truman)
Spojené štáty americké. Prezident (1945-1953 : Truman)
Corporate |
Aid to China.
22 |
Carter, John Franklin, 1897-1967
Carter, John Franklin
John Franklin Carter American journalist, columnist, biographer and novelist
Personal |
American messiahs 1940 The Rat Race
23 |
Feingold, Henry L., 1931-
Feingold, Henry L.
Feingold, Henry L., 1931-...., historien
פינגולד, הנרי ל.
Henry L. Feingold Publikuje v oblastech: dějiny; dějiny politické; holocaust; Ně
Personal |
American Jewish political culture and the liberal persuasion American Jewish political culture and the liberal persuasion Bearing witness how America and its Jews responded to the Holocaust FDR and the Holocaust did the president do all he could to save European Jewry?
24 |
Prado y Ugarteche, Manuel, 1889-1967
Manuel Prado Ugarteche presidente del Perú de 1939 a 1945 y de 1956 a 1962
Manuel Prado Ugarteche presidente del Perú
Prado, Manuel, 1889-1967
Personal |
Un año de gobierno.
25 |
Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr. (Franklin Delano), 1914-1988
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr.
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1914-1988.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr American politician
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano 1914-1988
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, junior, 1914-1988
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, Jr., 1914-1988
Personal |
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr.
26 |
Cohen, Benjamin V.
Cohen, Benjamin V., 1894-1983
Benjamin Victor Cohen American civil servant (1894-1983)
Benjamin Victor Cohen American civil servant
Cohen, Benjamin Victor
Cohen, Benjamin Victor (1894-1983).
Cohen, Benjamin V. (Benjamin Victor), 1894-1983
Personal |
Benjamin V. Cohen papers Benjamin V. Cohen papers
The Prospect for Presidential-Congressional government The United Nations, constitutional developments, growth and possibilities... The United Nations, constitutional developments, growth and possibilities...
27 |
Roosevelt, Sara Delano, 1854-1941
Roosevelt, Sara Delano
Sara Roosevelt mother of Franklin D. Roosevelt (1854-1941)
Sara Roosevelt Mother of Franklin D. Roosevelt
Roosevelt, Sara Delano (American patron, 1854-1941)
Personal |
Mama knows best / by Sara Delano Roosevelt // America remembers : our best-loved
Mon fils Franklin : souvenirs racontés
28 |
Roosevelt, Frank, 1938-....
Roosevelt, Frank
Franklin D. Roosevelt III American economist
Personal |
Burke's presidential families of the U.S.A., 1981: Understanding capitalism : competition, command, and change
29 |
Steinbaum, Marshall.
Marshall Steinbaum
Personal |
After Piketty : the agenda for economics and inequality , 2017: The Book that Explains Charlottesville
30 |
Garner, John Nance, 1868-1967
John Nance Garner
John Nance Garner American politician
Personal |
American claims against Mexico ...
31 |
Richberg, Donald R. (Donald Randall), 1881-1960
Richberg, Donald R. 1881-1960
Donald Richberg American lawyer (1881-1960)
Richberg, Donald R.
Richberg, Donald Randall, 1881-1960
Richberg, Donald R. (Donald Randall)
Personal |
Donald R. Richberg papers Government and business tomorrow : a public relations program
Government and business tomorrow : a public relations program Government and business tomorrow : a public relations program Labor union monopoly : a clear and present danger
32 |
Kahn, Suzanne
Personal |
Art & marine
33 |
High, Stanley, 1895-1961
High, Stanley
High, Stanley, 1895-
Stanley H. High
Personal |
China's place in the sun, 1922: Amsterdam on capitalism
34 |
Earle, George Howard, 1890-1974
George Howard Earle III American diplomat (1890-1974)
George Howard Earle III American diplomat
Personal |
35 |
Warren, Dorian Tod, 1976-
Warren, Dorian T., 1976-....
Personal |
The hidden rules of race : barriers to an inclusive economy The hidden rules of race : barriers to an inclusive economy
36 |
Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park
Four Freedoms Park Conservancy
New York (State) New York Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park
פארק ארבע החירויות על שם פרנקלין ד. רוזוולט (ניו יורק, ניו יורק)
Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park (New York, N.Y.)
Geographic |
37 |
Guillén, Fedro
Guillén, Pedro
Personal |
La aurora es inmortal : Ecuador 0° 0' 0''
38 |
Roosevelt Island
New York (State) New York Roosevelt Island
רוזוולט איילנד (ניו יורק, ניו יורק)
Roosevelt Island (New York, N.Y.)
Geographic |
39 |
Tully, Grace
Tully, Grace, 1900-1984
Grace Tully Personal Secretary to Franklin D. Roosevelt (1900–1984)
Personal |
F.D.R., my boss F.D.R., my boss
40 |
Ulica Franklina Roosevelta (Posen)
Ulica Franklina Roosevelta (Poznań, Poland)
Poland Poznań Ulica Franklina Roosevelta
Ulica Franklina Roosevelta w Poznaniu
Geographic |
Work cat.: 2010415800: Secesyjne domy przy ulicy Roosevelta, 2009:
41 |
LeHand, Marguerite, 1896-1944
Marguerite LeHand American presidential secretary
Marguerite LeHand
Personal |
Grace Tully collection, Roosevelt Library, 1907-1984:
42 |
Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake
אגם פרנקלין ד. רוזבלט (וושינגטון)
Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake (Wash.)
Washington (State) Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake
Geographic |
43 |
Lucy Page Mercer Rutherfurd American socialite (1891-1948)
Mercer, Lucy Page, 1891-1948
Rutherfurd, Lucy Mercer 1891-1948
Rutherfurd, Lucy Mercer
Personal |
44 |
Franklin D. Roosevelt East River Drive
Franklin D. Roosevelt East River Drive (New York, N.Y.)
New York (State) New York Franklin D. Roosevelt East River Drive
East River Drive (Musical group)
Geographic |
Work cat.: Gutfreund, Owen D. The path of prosperity, 1990
Where has the sunshine gone? [SR] 1971:
45 |
Warren, Ethel du Pont Roosevelt 1916-1965
Warren, Ethel du Pont Roosevelt, 1915-1965
Ethel du Pont
Ethel du Pont American heiress and socialite 1916 - 1965
Personal |
Burke's presidential families, 1974:
46 |
Tucker, Todd N.
Todd Tucker American activist
Personal |
Judge knot, 2018:
47 |
New York (State). Governor (1929-1932 : Roosevelt)
Niujorko valstija, Governor (1929-1932 : Roosevelt)
Corporate |
Distress and unemployment relief.
48 |
Roosevelt, Isaac, 1726-1794
Isaac Roosevelt American merchant and politician; great-great-grandfather of the
Personal |
At a meeting of a number of inhabitants at Cape's Tavern ... the following addre
49 |
Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt National Historic Site
New York (State) Hyde Park (Dutchess County) Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt Natio
בית פרנקלין ד 'רוזוולט, אתר היסטורי הלאומי (הייד פארק, ניו יורק)
Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt National Historic Site (Hyde Park, N.Y.)
Geographic |
50 |
John Aspinwall Roosevelt American businessman, son of Franklin D. Roosevelt (191
Roosevelt, John Aspinwall
Roosevelt, John A. (John Aspinwall), 1916-1981
Personal |
Burke's Presidential families, 1975:
51 |
Franklin D. Roosevelt Collection (Library of Congress)
Corporate |
Annual report of the librarian of Congress for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1
52 |
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial (Washington, DC)
Geographic |
53 |
Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum
Corporate |
54 |
Franklin D. Roosevelt Philatelic Society
Franklin D.\Roosevelt#Philatelic Society
Corporate |
Fireside chats.
55 |
Roosevelt, Suzanne Perrin, 1921-
Personal |
56 |
Franklin D. Roosevelt Collectors' Association
Corporate |
The Franklin D. Roosevelt collector.
57 |
Starling, Edmund W. | Starling of the White House the story of the man whose Sec
Work |
58 |
Fórum Açoriano Franklin D. Roosevelt "As Relações Transatlânticas na Opinião Púb
Corporate |
Franklin Roosevelt and the Azores during the two world wars
59 |
Fórum Açoriano Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1, Ponta Delgada, 2008
Corporate |
À procura da grande estratégia de Roosevelt a Obama
60 |
Chandler Roosevelt Lindsley granddaughter of U.S. president Franklin D. Roosevel
Lindsley, Chandler Roosevelt, 1934-
Personal |
61 |
Estados Unidos., Presidente, 1932-1945 (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
Corporate |
Memorable quotations of Franklin D. Roosevelt
62 |
Viorst, Milton. | Hostile allies FDR and Charles de Gaulle
Work |
63 |
Franklin D. Roosevelt Azorean Forum, 1, Ponta Delgada, 2008
Corporate |
Landmarks in transatantic strategy from Roosevelt to Obama
64 |
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945. | Fireside chats | Russian
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945. | Fireside chats. | Russian
Expression |
65 |
Hickok, Lorena A. | Story of franklin d. roosevelt | Persian 1960
Hickok, Lorena A. | Story of Franklin D. Roosevelt. | Persian
Expression |
66 |
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945. | Address to Congress reque
Work |
67 |
St. Lawrence-Franklin D. Roosevelt Power Project
Corporate |
St. Lawrence-Franklin D. Roosevelt Project, 1994 :
68 |
Rogers, Bernard, 1893-1968. | To the memory of President Roosevelt
Work |
69 |
Franklin D. Roosevelt Warm Springs Memorial Commission (Ga.)
Corporate |
The story of the Little White House.
70 |
Joint AHA-OAH Ad Hoc Committee to Investigate the Charges Against the Franklin D
Corporate |
71 |
Flynn, Andrea ca. 20./21. Jh.
Personal |
72 |
Franklin D. Roosevelt (Aircraft carrier)
Corporate |
USS Franklin D. Roosevelt, CVA-42; Mediterranean cruise, 1971.
73 |
Fórum Açoriano Franklin D. Roosevelt, 2, Ponta Delgada, 2010
Corporate |
Potências emergentes e relações transatlânticas
74 |
Leuchtenburg, William E. (William Edward), 1922-. | Franklin D. Roosevelt and th
Work |
75 |
Hamilton, Nigel. | American Caesars : lives of the presidents from Franklin D. R
Expression |
76 |
USA Präsident (1933-1945 : Roosevelt)
Corporate |
77 |
Leuchtenburg, William E. (William Edward), 1922-. | Franklin D. Roosevelt and th
Expression |
78 |
Padover, Saul Kussiel, 1905-1981. | Genius of america men whose ideas shaped our
Expression |
79 |
Hatch, Alden, 1898-1975. | Franklin D. Roosevelt : an informal biography | Chine
Expression |
80 |
Fórum Açoriano Franklin D. Roosevelt, 3, Faial, 2012
Corporate |
mar na história, na estratégia e na ciência
81 |
United States. | World War II Memorial Prayer Act of 2013
Work |
82 |
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Personal |
Præsidenten har ordet
83 |
Washington., Franklin D. Roosevelt Library., Museum Collections
Corporate |
brief guide
84 |
Hansen, Grace. | Franklin D. Roosevelt | Spanish | (Puchol and Reyes-Wrede : 201
Expression |
85 |
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945. | Public papers and address
Expression |
86 |
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945. | On our way | Chinese | (张
Expression |
87 |
Яковлев, Н. Н. (Николай Николаевич). | Франклин Рузвельт--человек и политик | Ge
Expression |
88 |
M.E. Sharpe library of Franklin D. Roosevelt studies
Work |
89 |
Leuchtenburg, William E. (William Edward), 1922-. | Franklin D. Roosevelt and th
Expression |
90 |
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945. | Speeches. Selections
Work |
91 |
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945. | Looking forward | Chinese
Expression |
92 |
Âkovlev, Nikolaj Nikolaevič (1927-1996). | Franklin Ruzvel't | (czes.)
Expression |
93 |
Wong, Felicia J. ca. 20./21. Jh.
Personal |
94 |
Freidel, Frank, 1916-1993. | Franklin D. Roosevelt. 1. Apprenticeship
Work |
95 |
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945. | Franklin D. Roosevelt's o
Work |
96 |
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945. | On our way | Spanish | (R
Expression |
97 |
United States. | Act to Provide for the Acquisition of Lands Formerly Occupied b
Work |
98 |
United States. | Act to Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to Transfer Admi
Work |
99 |
Leuchtenburg, William E. (William Edward), 1922-. | Franklin D. Roosevelt and th
Expression |
100 |
Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial Foundation
Corporate |