11 headings found for Cooper, Cary L.
Heading | Type | Sample Title | |
1 |
Cooper, Cary L.
Cooper, Cary L., 1940- Cooper, Cary Lynn, 1940-.... Cooper, Cary 1940- Cooper, Cary L. (Cary Lynn), 1940- Cooper, Cary كوبر، كاري، 1940- קופר, קארי, 1940- Cary Cooper British academic Cooper, Cary Lynn Купер, К. Л. психолог 1940- Кэри Линн |
Personal | 30 minutes to deal with difficult people Advances in experiential social processes. Advances in mergers and acquisitions. 30 minutes to deal with difficult people Advances in mergers and acquisitions. Qualidade total e recursos humanos guia para executivos Stress prevention in the workplace assessing the costs and benefits to organisat ... Stress prevention in the workplace assessing the costs and benefits to organisat ... Work and Wellbeing in the 21st Century †. Advances in mergers and acquisitions. Эмоции и работа [теории, исследования и методы применения] |
2 |
Schabracq, Marc J., 1949-
Schabracq, Marc J. Schabracq, Marc Schabracq, Marc (Marc Jacques), 1949- Schabracq, Marc, 1949- Schabracq, Marc Jacques Marc Schabracq nizozemský psycholog, vysokoškolský pedagog - autor publikací z o ... |
Personal | Handbook of Work and Health Psychology Changing Organizational Culture The Change Agent's Guidebook Alledaagse macht Beter, leuker, slimmer : de uitdaging van stress Changing Organizational Culture The Change Agent's Guidebook Changing Organizational Culture The Change Agent's Guidebook |
3 |
Cooper, Cary
Personal | Mergers and acquisitions in practice |
4 |
Cooper, C. L. психолог 1940- Cary Lynn
Personal |
5 |
Cooper, Cary L. | Conquer your stress | Chinese 2006
Expression |
6 |
Cooper, Cary L. | Psychosocial stress and cancer | Spanish 1986
Expression |
7 |
Cooper, Cary L. | Organizational stress
Work |
8 |
Cooper, Cary L. | 30 minutes to deal with difficult people
Work |
9 |
Cooper, Cary L. (1940- ). | Does privatization affect corporate culture and empl
Work |
10 |
Cooper, Cary L. | Psychosocial stress and cancer
Work |
11 |
Cooper, Cary L. | Conquer your stress
Work |