Center for Ottoman Diplomatic History
Centre d'histoire diplomatique ottomane
Centre d'Histoire Diplomatique Ottomane (Istanbul)
VIAF ID: 143580434 (Corporate)
Preferred Forms
- 110 2 _ ‡a Center for Ottoman Diplomatic History
- 110 2 _ ‡a Center for Ottoman Diplomatic History
- 110 2 _ ‡a Centre d'Histoire Diplomatique Ottomane ‡g Istanbul
- 110 2 _ ‡a Centre d'histoire diplomatique ottomane
- 210 | | ‡a Centre d'histoire diplomatique ottomane
- 110 2 _ ‡a Centre d'histoire diplomatique ottomane
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (10)
5xx's: Related Names (1)
Title | Sources |
1879-1882 | |
1883-1912 | |
Une Ambassadrice de France à Constantinople : les souvenirs de Gabrielle Bompard de Blignières (1909-1914) | |
De Bagdad à Berlin : l'itinéraire de Yanko Aristarchi Bey, diplomate ottoman : correspondance officielle et privée. | |
The Balkan crisis 1875-1878 | |
Les Balkans et la Russie à la veille de la première guerre mondiale : mémoires d'un diplomate ottoman | |
Bosnian annexation crisis september 1908-may 1909 | |
Chambre des conseillers légistes de la Sublime Porte : rapports, avis et consultations sur la condition juridique des ressortissants étrangers, le statut des communautés non musulmanes et les relations internationales de l'Empire Ottoman (1864-1912) | |
Correspondence | |
Crete and Turco-Greek relations (1869-1896) | |
The diary of Émile de Borchgrave : recollections of a Belgian diplomat in Ottoman Istanbul (1885-1892) | |
diplomate militaire français en Europe orientale à la fin de l'Ancien Régime la carrière de François baron de Tott (1733-1793) | |
Egypt from Ismail Pasha's abdiction to Hasan Fehmi Pasha's mission to London, 1879-1885 | |
Empire ottoman et l'Europe | |
Études pratiques sur le protectorat religieux de la France en Orient | |
Europe and the 'Ottoman world' : exchanges and conflicts : (sixteenth to seventeenth centuries) | |
final stage of the Cretan question, 1899-1913 | |
The first permanent Ottoman Embassy in Europe : the embassy of Yusuf Agah Efendi to London (1793-1797) | |
Français et Ottomans en Illyrie et dans l'Adriatique au temps de Napoléon inventaire des papiers du général Donzelot (1764-1843) | |
From the July Crisis to Turkey's entry into the war July-December 1914 | |
from the war with Serbia and Montenegro to the dissolution of the Constantinople conference July 1876 - Janury 1877 | |
Hulâsat ül-itibar. | |
the last months of peace February-April 1878 | |
Life and writings of E.C. Grenville-Murray | |
Life of Robert, marquis of Salisbury. | |
The London conference on the revision of certain stipulations of the treaty of March 30, 1856 concerning the neutralisation of the Black Sea, 1870-71 | |
Lord Strangford at the Sublime Porte : the Eastern crisis | |
Macedonian Issue, 1879-1912 | |
The Macedonian question and fin-de-siecle Greek politics | |
Marbles and politics : William Martin Leake's missions in the Ottoman Balkans, 1799-1810 | |
Nineteen years of Ottoman diplomatic telegrams 1889-1908 | |
Notes from Constantinople : the political diary of Sir Nicholas O'Conor, Britain's ambassador to the Porte, 1898-1908 | |
Ottoman diplomatic documents on "the Eastern question" | |
Ottoman documents on the English in the Ottoman Empire (1700-1800) : consulates, consuls and travellers | |
The Ottoman Empire in British Parliamentary debates : extracts from Hansard | |
A plea for Turkey : England and the Ottoman Empire in the 1860's with special reference to Serbia : a speech delivered in the House of Commons on Friday, May 29, 1863 | |
Proceedings of the Turco-Bulgarian Commission on the Vakıfs (1880-1885) | |
Publications of the Center for Ottoman Diplomatic History | |
Queen's ambassador to the sultan memoirs of sir Henry A. Layard's Constantinople embassy 1877-18 | |
Les rapports de Louis-Sauveur, marquis de Villeneuve, ambassadeur du roi de France, auprès de la Sublime Porte ottomane (1728-1741) | |
Reports of Cesare Durando Italian vice-consul in Sarajevo (1863-1867) | |
road to Bulgarian independence september 1908-may 1909 | |
The secret reports of the Hungarian Arminius Vambery to the British Foreign Office on Sultan Abdulhamid II and his reign (1889-1909) | |
Small power diplomacy and commerce : Belgium and the Ottoman Empire during the reign of Leopold I (1831-1865) | |
Souvenirs diplomatiques de quarante ans, 1863-1903. | |
Summary of admonitions : a chronicle of the 1768-1774 Russian-Ottoman War | |
Témoignages diplomatiques français sur la Conférence de Constantinople (décembre 1876-janvier 1877) | |
Twixt Pera and Therapia : the Constantinople diaries of Lady Layard |