Harald Bugmann chercheur
Bugmann, Harald K.M.
Bugmann, Harald 1965-
Bugmann, H.
VIAF ID: 262441415 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/262441415
Preferred Forms
- 200 _ | ‡a Bugmann ‡b Harald K. M.
- 100 1 _ ‡a Bugmann, Harald K. M (sparse)
- 100 1 _ ‡a Bugmann, Harald K. M.
- 100 1 _ ‡a Bugmann, Harald K.M.
- 100 1 _ ‡a Bugmann, Harald K.M.
- 100 1 _ ‡a Bugmann, Harald ‡d 1965-
- 100 0 _ ‡a Harald Bugmann ‡c chercheur
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (9)
5xx's: Related Names (2)
Title | Sources |
Global change and mountain regions an overview of current knowledge | |
IGBP Northern Eurasia study : prospectus for an integrated Global Change research project | |
Integrating historical ecology and ecological modeling | |
Key factors affecting the future provision of tree-based forest ecosystem goods and services | |
Klimawandel als Prüfstein für die Waldbewirtschaftung | Climate change as a touchstone for forest management | |
Light availability predicts mortality probability of conifer saplings in Swiss mountain forests better than radial growth and tree size | |
Linking palaeoenvironmental data and models to understand the past and to predict the future | |
Long-term effects of drought on tree-ring growth and carbon isotope variability in Scots pine in a dry environment | |
Long-term response of forest productivity to climate change is mostly driven by change in tree species composition. | |
Long-term tree species population dynamics in Swiss forest reserves influenced by forest structure and climate | |
Low litter cover, high light availability and rock cover favour the establishment of Ailanthus altissima in forests in southern Switzerland | |
Magnitude and timing of density reduction are key for the resilience to severe drought in conifer-broadleaf mixed forests in Central Europe | |
Management‐based mitigation of the impacts of climate‐driven woody encroachment in high elevation pasture woodlands | |
Management of heterogeneous mountain forests and trade-off between timber production and biodiversity conservation : a simulation study. | |
Mixing tree species at different spatial scales: The effect of alpha, beta and gamma diversity on disturbance impacts under climate change | |
Modeling the Biophysical Impacts of Global Change in Mountain Biosphere Reserves | |
Natural forest regrowth under different land use intensities and landscape configurations in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest | |
On the generality of habitat distribution models: a case study of capercaillie in three Swiss regions | |
Optimisation of tree mortality models based on growth patterns | |
Pathways and dynamics of 15NO3− and 15NH4+ applied in a mountain Picea abies forest and in a nearby meadow in central Switzerland | |
Pervasive effects of drought on tree growth across a wide climatic gradient in the temperate forests of the Caucasus | |
Phenological shifts induced by climate change amplify drought for broad-leaved trees at low elevations in Switzerland | |
Politikwissenschaft als Bestandteil inter- und transdisziplinärer Forschung : das Forschungsprojekt MOUNTLAND | |
Predicting global change impacts on mountain hydrology and ecology : integrated catchment hydrology/altitudinal gradient studies : workshop report | |
Predicting long-term development of abandoned subalpine conifer forests in the Swiss National Park | |
Predicting tree death for Fagus sylvatica and Abies alba using permanent plot data | |
Predicting tree mortality from growth data: how virtual ecologists can help real ecologists | |
Predicting tree regeneration in Picea abies snag stands | |
Predicting Understorey Vegetation Cover from Overstorey Attributes in Two Temperate Mountain Forests | |
Process‐oriented models of leaf senescence are biased towards the mean: Impacts on model performance and future projections | |
Projecting Forest Dynamics Across Europe: Potentials and Pitfalls of Empirical Mortality Algorithms | |
Quantification of plant dispersal ability within and beyond a calcareous grassland | |
Quantifying disturbance effects on vegetation carbon pools in mountain forests based on historical data | |
Quantifying the effects of drought on abrupt growth decreases of major tree species in Switzerland | |
Radial growth responses to drought of Pinus sylvestris and Quercus pubescens in an inner-Alpine dry valley | |
Le régime des incendies de forêt en Valais : influences climatiques et anthropiques | |
Regional impacts of climatic change on forests in the state of Brandenburg, Germany | |
The relative importance of land use and climatic change in Alpine catchments | |
Response of broadleaved evergreen Mediterranean forest vegetation to fire disturbance during the Holocene: insights from the peri-Adriatic region | |
Scaling Issues in Forest Succession Modelling | |
Sensitivity of carbon cycling in the European Alps to changes of climate and land cover | |
Sensitivity of ecosystem goods and services projections of a forest landscape model to initialization data | |
Sensitivity of stand dynamics to grazing in mixed Pinus sylvestris and Quercus pubescens forests: A modelling study | |
Sheltered or suppressed? Tree regeneration in unmanaged European forests | |
Short- and long-term efficacy of forest thinning to mitigate drought impacts in mountain forests in the European Alps | |
Simulating forest dynamics in a complex topography using gridded climatic data | |
Simulating structural forest patterns with a forest gap model: a model evaluation | |
A sink-limited growth model improves biomass estimation along boreal and alpine tree lines | |
Site factors are more important than salvage logging for tree regeneration after wind disturbance in Central European forests | |
Spatial interactions between storm damage and subsequent infestations by the European spruce bark beetle | |
Stand‐scale climate change impacts on forests over large areas: transient responses and projection uncertainties | |
Struktur und Langzeitentwicklung von subalpinen Pinus montana Miller und Pinus cembra L. Waldern in den zentraleuropaischen Alpen | |
Successional pathways in Swiss mountain forest reserves | |
Summer temperature dependency of larch budmoth outbreaks revealed by Alpine tree-ring isotope chronologies | |
Sustainable Land Use in Mountain Regions Under Global Change: Synthesis Across Scales and Disciplines | |
Swiss tree rings reveal warm and wet summers during medieval times | |
Sylviculture des forêts hétérogènes de montagne et compromis production-biodiversité : une approche simulation | |
Tackling unresolved questions in forest ecology: The past and future role of simulation models | |
Temperature response functions introduce high uncertainty in modelled carbon stocks in cold temperature regimes | |
Temporal stability in forest productivity increases with tree diversity due to asynchrony in species dynamics | |
Timing, light availability and vigour determine the response of Abies alba saplings to leader shoot browsing | |
Towards a common methodology for developing logistic tree mortality models based on ring-width data | |
Tree diversity reduced to the bare essentials | |
Tree mortality submodels drive simulated long-term forest dynamics: assessing 15 models from the stand to global scale | |
Tree recruitment is determined by stand structure and shade tolerance with uncertain role of climate and water relations | |
Tree regeneration in models of forest dynamics: A key priority for further research | |
Tree species admixture increases ecosystem service provision in simulated spruce- and beech-dominated stands | |
Tree Species Composition in European Pristine Forests: Comparison of Stand Data to Model Predictions | |
Tree species richness promotes productivity in temperate forests through strong complementarity between species | |
Understanding the low-temperature limitations to forest growth through calibration of a forest dynamics model with tree-ring data | |
Ungulate browsing in winter reduces the growth of Fraxinus and Acer saplings in subsequent unbrowsed years | |
Ungulate herbivory modifies the effects of climate change on mountain forests | |
Updating beliefs and combining evidence in adaptive forest management under climate change: a case study of Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) in the Black Forest, Germany | |
Using a forest patch model to predict the dynamics of stand structure in Swiss mountain forests | |
Using a retrospective dynamic competition index to reconstruct forest succession | |
Variabilité démographique et adaptation de la gestion aux changements climatiques en forêt de montagne : calibration par Calcul Bayésien Approché et projection avec le modèle Samsara2 | |
Wald und Klimawandel in der inneralpinen Trockenregion Visp | |
Waldausdehnung in zwei Regionen des Schweizer Berggebiets: eine integrative Analyse | |
Waldbrandmodellierung - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen | Forest fire modeling - limits and possibilities | |
Waldreservate : 50 Jahre natürliche Waldentwicklung in der Schweiz | |
Warming, photoperiods, and tree phenology | |
Water and carbon fluxes of European ecosystems: an evaluation of the ecohydrological model RHESSys | |
Weather and human impacts on forest fires: 100 years of fire history in two climatic regions of Switzerland | |
Will the CO2 fertilization effect in forests be offset by reduced tree longevity? | |
Wind disturbance in mountain forests: Simulating the impact of management strategies, seed supply, and ungulate browsing on forest succession |