Pavšič, Matej
Matej Pavšič Slovene physicist
Pavšič, Matej, 1946-
VIAF ID: 317143703 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a Matej Pavšič ‡c Slovene physicist
- 100 1 _ ‡a Pavšič, Matej
- 100 1 _ ‡a Pavšič, Matej
- 100 1 _ ‡a Pavšič, Matej
- 100 1 _ ‡a Pavšič, Matej
- 100 1 _ ‡a Pavšič, Matej
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (10)
Title | Sources |
The embedding model of induced gravity with bosonic sources | |
The extended relativity theory in Clifford spaces | |
External inversion, internal inversion and reflection invariance | |
An extra structure of spacetime: a space of points, areas and volumes | |
Feynman's last mistake | |
Fock-Schwinger proper time formalism for p-branes | |
Formal and physical properties of the generalized (Subluminal and superluminal) Lorentz transformations | |
General principles of brane kinematics and dynamics | |
Geometric spinors, generalized dirac equation and mirror particles | |
The grand biocentric design : how life creates reality | |
Gravitacijsko polje točkastega telesa | |
Higher derivative gravity and torsion from the geometry of C-spaces | |
How the geometric calculus resolves the ordering ambiguity of quantum theory in curved space | |
Introducing the dilatational degree of freedom special relativity in V6 | |
Kakšno vesolje ali katero vesolje? | |
Kaluza-Klein approach to the classical model of the DIRAC electron | |
Kaluza-Klein theory without extra dimensins : curved Clifford space | |
Klein-Gordon-Wheeler-DeWitt-Schrödinger equation | |
Kvantna teorija polja in poenotenje osnovnih sil : zaključno poročilo o rezultatih opravljenega znanstveno-raziskovalnega dela na področju temeljnega raziskovanja | |
The landscape of theoretical physics : a global view : from point particles to the brane world and beyond, in search of a unifying principle | |
Manifestly covariant canonical quantization of the scalar field and particle localization | |
Meritve radioaktivnosti v okolici nuklearne elektrarne Krško, poročilo za leto 1991 | |
Motional freedom of the acetylcholinesterase-active-site bound spin labels | |
Nevidna masa v spiralnih galaksijah | |
A new perspective on quantum field theory revealing possible existence of another kind of fermions forming dark matter | |
Nezvezna metoda analize meritev življenskih dob jedrskih vzbujenih stanj s pomočjo Dopplerjevega premika : magistrsko delo | |
O nezveznih Lorentzovih transformacijah | |
A non-trivial zero length limit of the Nambu-Goto string | |
A novel approach to quantum gravity in the presence of matter without the problem of time | |
A novel view on successive quantizations, leading to increasingly more "miraculous" states | |
A novel view on the physical origin of E[sub]8 | |
On a unified theory of generalized branes coupled to gauge fields, including the gravitational and Kalb-Ramond fields | |
On negative energies, strings, branes, and braneworlds : a review of novel approaches | |
On the consisten drivarion of rigid particles from strings | |
On the coupling of relativistic particle to gravity and Wheeler-DeWitt quantization | |
On the quantization of the world-line | |
On the Stueckelberg-like generalization of general relativity | |
On the wave function in a classical gravitational field | |
Parametrized field theory | |
Path and path deviation equations for p-branes | |
Phase space action for minimal surfaces of any dimension in curved spacetime | |
Point particle-like action for p-branes | |
Poročilo o meritvah radioaktivnega onesnaženja in ocena doz prebivalstva SR Slovenije v letu 1986 po jedrski katastrofi v Černobilu, SSSR | |
Pseudo Euclidean-signature harmonic oscillator, quantum field theory and vanishing cosmological constant | |
Quantisation of the classical relativistic zitterbewengung in the Schroedinger picture | |
The quantization of a point particle with extrinsic curvature leads to the Dirac equation | |
Quantized fields à la Clifford and unification | |
Quantum field theories in spaces with neutral signatures | |
Quantum gravity induced from unconstrained membranes | |
The question of the universal atomic standard | |
Recovering causality for tachyons even in macrophysics | |
The relativistic charged membrane and its total mass | |
Relativistic p-branes without constraints and their relation to the wiggly extended objects | |
Rigid particle and its spin revisited | |
The role of the invariant evolution parameter in relativistic particles and strings | |
The self-intersecting brane world | |
Solution of the Planck mass problem in Kaluza-Klein theories | |
Space inversion of spinors revisited : a possible explanation of chiral behavior in weak interactions | |
Spacetime as an unconstrained membrane : presented at International School-Seminar "Problems of Theoretical Cosmology", Ulyanovsk, Russia, September 1-7, 1997 | |
Spin and electron structure | |
The spinning minimal surfaces without the grassmann vaiables | |
Stable self-interacting Pais-Uhlenbeck oscillator | |
String model for general relativity and canonical formalism for minimal surfaces | |
Stumbling blocks against unification : on some persistent misconceptions in physics | |
A systematic study of 5-dimensional Kaluza-Klein theory with sources consisting of point particles or strings | |
Towards a new paradigm: relativity in configuration space | |
Towards the unification of gravity and other interactions : What has been missed? | |
Towards understanding quantum mechanics, general relativity and the tachyonic causality paradoxes | |
The unconstrained Stueckelberg-like membrane's action as a reduced Dirac-Nambu-Goto action | |
Unification of leptons and quarks within conformal relativity | |
Unified kinematics of bradyons and tachyons in six-dimensional space-time | |
Unified theory of gravitation and electromagnetism, based on the conformal group SO[sub](4,2) ; Discrete res masses resulting from relativistically covariant massless fiels equations in 5 dimensions : disertacija | |
Veliki biocentrični dizajn : kako život stvara stvarnost | |
Vesolje na membrani | |
Wheeler-DeWitt equation in five dimensions and modified QED |