Hynek, Joseph Allen, 1910-1986
Hynek, J. Allen (Joseph Allen), 1910-1986
Hynek, Joseph Allen, 1910-....
Josef Allen Hynek
Hynek, J. Allen (Joseph Allen), 1910-
Hynek, Joseph Allen
Hynek, J. A.
VIAF ID: 97919243 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/97919243
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Hynek, J. A.
- 100 1 _ ‡a Hynek, J. Allen ‡q (Joseph Allen), ‡d 1910-1986
- 100 1 _ ‡a Hynek, Joseph Allen ‡d 1910-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Hynek, Joseph Allen ‡d 1910-1986
- 100 1 _ ‡a Hynek, Joseph Allen, ‡d 1910-....
- 100 1 _ ‡a Hynek, Joseph Allen, ‡d 1910-1986
- 100 0 _ ‡a Josef Allen Hynek
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (60)
5xx's: Related Names (2)
Title | Sources |
Architecture of the universe | |
Astronomy one | |
Astrophysics : a topical symposium commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the Yerkes Observatory and a half century of progress in astrophysics | |
Aux limites de la réalité | |
Axial Rotation and Stellar Evolution | |
The composite spectrum star 5 Lacertae | |
Dai sanshu sekkin sogu. | |
Dossier des influences cosmiques caractères et tempéraments | |
Edge of reality | |
Giant Binary Stars and the Mass-Luminosity Law | |
De grens van de werkelijkheid : Ufo's ter discussie | |
Hainekku hakushi no michi tono sogu ripoto. | |
Hynek ufo report | |
Kamānāwaqačaw ʿalamāt meśṭirāwi ʾenqesqāséwoč | |
Magnitudes and colors in the globular cluster Messier 12 and Selected Area 108 | |
n87802293 | |
A New Theory by C. F. Von WEIZSÄCKER of the Origin of the Planetary Systen | |
New York Times, May 1, 1986: | |
Night siege : the Hudson Valley UFO sightings | |
Note on the spectrum of delta Sagittae | |
Objets volants non identifiés mythe ou réalité ? | |
Observations of Satellite 1 / Fred L. Whipple and J. Allen Hynek. - (12.1957) | |
Occultation of the Bright Star Regulus by Venus | |
OVNI : relatorio Hynek | |
Ovnis sur l'Hudson River | |
A quantitative study of certain phases of F-type spectra, 1935 | |
Report of observatories 1951-52 (Perkins Observatory, McMillin Observatory, and Wesleyan Student Observatory) | |
A study of the spectroscopic variable phi Per | |
Uchu wa maneku. | |
Ufo Begegnungen d. 1., 2. u. 3. Art | |
UFO : en dokumentasjon | |
Ufo experience a scientific inquiry | |
The UFO experience : evidence behind close encounters, project blue book, and the search for answers | |
De UFO uitdaging : een opzienbarende analyse van insider no. 1 | |
Ufologia: uma pesquisa científica. | |
UFO's Merit Scientific Study | |
UFOとの遭遇 | |
UFOとは何か | |
Unusual Aerial Phenomena | |
The use of infrared spectra for the determination of absolute magnitudes | |
Yufo tono sogu. | |
Zetknięcie z UFO | |
ハイネック博士の未知との遭遇リポート | |
宇宙はまねく | |
第三種接近遭遇 |