Gordon J Christensen researcher
Christensen, Gordon J.
VIAF ID: 1461051 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/1461051
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Christensen, Gordon J.
- 100 1 _ ‡a Christensen, Gordon J.
- 100 1 0 ‡a Christensen, Gordon J.
- 100 1 _ ‡a Christensen, Gordon J.
- 100 0 _ ‡a Gordon J Christensen ‡c researcher
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (3)
Title | Sources |
Achieving a new era in esthetic dentistry | |
Amer. dent. dir., 1985 | |
Bleaching vital teeth | |
A consumer's guide to dentistry | |
Frequently encountered errors in tooth preparations for crowns | |
Has tooth structure been replaced? | |
High-tech dentistry: what is necessary and what is not. | |
Highly esthetic CEREC solutions | |
Hyphenated dentistry | |
Implant prosthodontics: from single tooth to complex cases | |
Implant supported removable prostheses | |
Important clinical uses for digital photography | |
Imported Infections in Rural Mid-West United States - A Report from a Tertiary Care Center | |
Impressions are changing: deciding on conventional, digital or digital plus in-office milling | |
In-office CAD/CAM milling of restorations: the future? | |
Is now the time to purchase an in-office CAD/CAM device? | |
Is occlusion becoming more confusing? A plea for simplicity | |
Is service still a part of dentistry? | |
Is the current generation of technology facilitating better dentistry? | |
Is the wide range in crown fees justifiable? | |
Laboratories want better impressions | |
The light-curing mania | |
Magnification in dentistry: useful tool or another gimmick? | |
The major part of dentistry you may be neglecting | |
Making fixed prostheses that are not too high | |
Making provisional restorations easy, predictable and economical | |
Mini dental implants : principles and practice | |
The 'mini'-implant has arrived | |
The new direction in dental continuing education | |
The 'new' operative dentistry | |
New technology: mandatory, elective, or hype? | |
Observations on Current Controversies in Dentistry | |
Ongoing changes in fixed prosthodontics, 2007. | |
Orthodontics and the general practitioner | |
The perception of professionalism in dentistry: further reflections on a lively topic. | |
Pitfalls in full mouth implant dentistry, part one | |
Porcelain-fused-to-metal versus zirconia-based ceramic restorations, 2009 | |
Porcelain inlays and onlays | |
Positive Changes in Dentistry Related to the “Great Recession” | |
Post concepts are changing | |
Preventing postoperative tooth sensitivity in class I, II and V restorations | |
Principles of dental suturing. The complete guide to surgical closure | |
Providing oral care for the aging patient | |
Rapid change in the fabrication of crowns and fixed prostheses. | |
Rationale for the utilization of bonded nonmetal onlays as an alternative to PFM crowns. | |
Recommending the best treatment for patients | |
Remaining challenges with Class II resin-based composite restorations | |
Restoration longevity versus esthetics: a dilemma for dentists and patients | |
Restorative dentistry: current developments and a look to the future. | |
Restoring a single anterior tooth: solutions to a dental dilemma | |
Salvaging crowns and fixed prostheses: when and how to do it. | |
Selecting new products, techniques, and concepts for your practice. | |
Selecting the best abutment for a single implant | |
Simple implant surgery | |
Soft-tissue cutting with laser versus electrosurgery | |
Solving the frustrations of crown cementation | |
Special oral hygiene and preventive care for special needs | |
The state of fixed prosthodontic impressions: room for improvement | |
Successful use of in-office CAD/CAM in a typical practice | |
Technology: today, tomorrow, and beyond! Interview by Damon Adams | |
Thick or thin veneers? | |
Too many crowns? | |
The tooth-whitening revolution. | |
The truth about small-diameter implants | |
Urgent challenges for dentists and laboratory technicians | |
Use of luting or bonding with lithium disilicate and zirconia crowns. | |
Veneer mania | |
What has happened to conservative tooth restorations? | |
What has happened to removable partial prosthodontics? | |
What is a veneer? Resolving the confusion. | |
What is the role of specialties in dentistry? | |
When and how to repair a failing restoration | |
When is a full-crown restoration indicated? | |
Why are dental implants not used more in the United States? | |
Why are flowable resin-based composites so popular? | |
Why switch to digital radiography? | |
Why use resin cements? | |
Will digital impressions eliminate the current problems with conventional impressions? | |
The winds of change: new paradigms in dentistry. Interview by Damon Adams. | |
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