C Simon Herrington researcher
Herrington, C.S.
Herrington, C.Simon
Herrington, C.S. (C. Simon)
VIAF ID: 8946363 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/8946363
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a C Simon Herrington ‡c researcher
- 100 1 _ ‡a Herrington, C. S.
- 100 1 _ ‡a Herrington, C. S.
- 100 1 _ ‡a Herrington, C.Simon
- 100 1 _ ‡a Herrington, C.Simon
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (6)
Title | Sources |
Diagnostic molecular pathology, c1992-: | |
Hormone receptor expression patterns define clinically meaningful subgroups of endometrioid ovarian carcinoma | |
HPV16 DNA and prediction of high-grade CIN. | |
Human papilloma virus (HPV) is possibly involved in laryngeal but not in lung carcinogenesis. | |
In situ evidence for HPV 16, 18, 33 integration in cervical squamous cell cancer in Britain and South Africa. | |
Individuality in FGF1 expression significantly influences platinum resistance and progression-free survival in ovarian cancer | |
International Society of Gynecological Pathologists (ISGyP) Endometrial Cancer Project: Guidelines From the Special Techniques and Ancillary Studies Group. | |
Interphase cytogenetic evidence for distinct genetic pathways in the development of squamous neoplasia of the uterine cervix | |
Interphase cytogenetics using biotin and digoxigenin labelled probes: III. Increased sensitivity and flexibility for detecting HPV in cervical biopsy specimens and cell lines | |
The Journal of Pathology: Clinical Research. A new step in the evolution of publishing in pathology [Changed]. | |
Loss of heterozygosity occurs at the D11S29 locus on chromosome 11q23 in invasive cervical carcinoma | |
Loss of sequences on the short arm of chromosome 17 is a late event in squamous carcinoma of the cervix. | |
Model system for optimising mRNA non-isotopic in situ hybridisation: riboprobe detection of lysozyme mRNA in archival gut biopsy specimens | |
Modern pathology teaching and the internet | |
Molecular and cellular themes in inflammation and immunology. | |
Molecular Biology of Cancer. | |
Molecular Diagnostics for the Clinical Laboratorian. | |
Molecular events in uterine cervical cancer | |
Molecular markers for the prediction of progression of CIN lesions | |
Molecular stratification of endometrioid ovarian carcinoma predicts clinical outcome | |
Morphological correlation of human papillomavirus infection of matched cervical smears and biopsies from patients with persistent mild cervical cytological abnormalities | |
Muir's textbook of pathology, 2014: | |
Multi-modal approach using Raman spectroscopy and optical coherence tomography for the discrimination of colonic adenocarcinoma from normal colon | |
Near-Infrared Raman Spectroscopy Using Hollow-Core Photonic Bandgap Fibers | |
Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Fallopian Tube: Report of a Case Series and Review of the Literature | |
Nonredundant Raman imaging using optical eigenmodes | |
Numerical abnormalities of chromosomes 1, 11, 17, and X are associated with stromal invasion in serous and mucinous epithelial ovarian tumours | |
Optical detection and grading of lung neoplasia by Raman microspectroscopy | |
Optimal algorithm for fluorescence suppression of modulated Raman spectroscopy | |
Osteosarcomatous differentiation in carcinoma of the breast: a case of 'metaplastic' carcinoma with osteoclasts and osteoclast-like giant cells | |
Ovarian cancer cell lines derived from non-serous carcinomas migrate and invade more aggressively than those derived from high-grade serous carcinomas | |
Overexpression of cyclins A and B as markers of neoplastic glandular lesions of the cervix | |
Overexpression of heat shock protein 27 in squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix | |
p16INK4a Immunohistochemistry Improves Interobserver Agreement in the Diagnosis of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia | |
p53 antigen in cervical condylomata, intraepithelial neoplasia, and carcinoma: relationship to HPV infection and integration | |
p53 codon 72 ARG/PRO polymorphism is not related to HPV type or lesion grade in low- and high-grade squamous intra-epithelial lesions and invasive squamous carcinoma of the cervix | |
Pancreatic glucagonoma metastasising to the right ovary five years after initial surgery: a case report. | |
The pathology and management of endocervical glandular neoplasia. | |
Pathology of the cervix | |
Patterns of clinicopathological features and outcome in epithelial ovarian cancer patients: 35 years of prospectively collected data | |
PCR 3, a practical approach, 1997: | |
PCR in situ hybridization | |
PCR three | |
Peritoneal mesothelial hyperplasia associated with gynaecological disease: a potential diagnostic pitfall that is commonly associated with endometriosis. | |
Phenotyping and genotyping of intact cells | |
Recent advances in molecular gynaecological pathology. | |
Recent advances in the use of stimulated Raman scattering in histopathology | |
Recommendations for minimum information for publication of experimental pathology data: MINPEPA guidelines | |
A retrospective clinical audit of cervical smears reported as 'glandular neoplasia'. | |
Role of human papillomavirus in determining the HLA associated risk of cervical carcinogenesis | |
S100A4 (p9Ka) protein in colon carcinoma and liver metastases: association with carcinoma cells and T-lymphocytes. | |
Scanning electron microscopy of endometrial biopsies of patients with bacterial vaginosis shows morphology resembling mycoplasma/ureaplasma organisms | |
SCOTfluors: Small, Conjugatable, Orthogonal, and Tunable Fluorophores for In Vivo Imaging of Cell Metabolism. | |
Selective induction of apoptosis by leptomycin B in keratinocytes expressing HPV oncogenes | |
Self testing for human papillomaviruses. | |
Simultaneous in situ genotyping and phenotyping of human papillomavirus cervical lesions: comparative sensitivity and specificity | |
Simultaneous Raman micro–spectroscopy of optically trapped and stacked cells | |
Squamous intraepithelial neoplasia in an ovarian cyst, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, and human papillomavirus | |
Structural Variants at the <i>BRCA1/2</i> Loci are a Common Source of Homologous Repair Deficiency in High-grade Serous Ovarian Carcinoma | |
Surgical Raman Forceps for Disease Diagnosis | |
The terminology of pre-invasive cervical lesions in the UK cervical screening programme. | |
Tetrasomy is induced by human papillomavirus type 18 E7 gene expression in keratinocyte raft cultures | |
Towards automated cancer screening: Label-free classification of fixed cell samples using wavelength modulated Raman spectroscopy. | |
TP53 codon 72 polymorphism and cervical cancer: a pooled analysis of individual data from 49 studies. | |
Translational Pathology and the Understanding of Disease. | |
Upregulation of heat shock protein 27 in metaplastic and neoplastic lesions of the endocervix | |
Utilization of human tissue in breast cancer research. | |
Verrucous carcinoma arising in pseudoepitheliomatous keratotic and micaceous balanitis, without evidence of human papillomavirus | |
Villoglandular adenocarcinoma of the cervix: clarity is needed on the histological definition for this difficult diagnosis. | |
Viruses and disease: emerging concepts for prevention, diagnosis and treatment. | |
WHO classification of tumours of female reproductive organs | |
Wide-field multiphoton imaging through scattering media without correction |