Ye-shes-mtsho-rgyal, active 8th century.
Ye shes mtsho rgyal, 07..-....
Ye-shes-mtsho-rgyal 757-817
Ye-śes-mtsho-rgyal (757-817)
Ye-shes-mtsho-rgyal, activa segle VIII
Ye-śes-mtsho-rgyal, 8e eeuw
Ye shes mTsho rgyal
Yeshe Tsogyal
Tsogyal, Yeshe
VIAF ID: 37725516 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Tsogyal, Yeshe
- 100 0 _ ‡a Ye shes mtsho rgyal, ‡d 07..-....
- 200 _ | ‡a Ye-ses-mtsho-rgyal
- 100 0 _ ‡a Ye-shes-mtsho-rgyal ‡d 757-817
- 100 0 _ ‡a Ye-shes-mtsho-rgyal, ‡d active 8th century
- 100 0 _ ‡a Ye-śes-mtsho-rgyal
- 100 0 _ ‡a Yeshe Tsogyal
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (128)
5xx's: Related Names (1)
- 530 _ _ ‡5 z ‡a Padma bka' thaṅ
Title | Sources |
Accounts of the lives of manifestations of Gu ru Rin po-che from the discoveries of Stag sham Nus ldan rdo rje and Mchog gyur gliṅ pa and the Slob dpon Padma'i rnam thar Rgya gar lugs of Taranatha. | |
Dakini teachings : Padmasambhava's oral instructions to Lady Tsogyal | |
Dgoṅs gter Sgrol-maʼi zab tig las maṇḍal cho ga tshogs gñis sñiṅ po źes bya bźugs so = Essence of the two accumulations : mandala sadana from the gongter, "the profound essence of Tara" | |
Le dict de Padma : Padma Thang Yig : Ms. de Lithang | |
Dpal-riʾi smon lam rtsa ʼgrel chos tshan. | |
Green Tara | |
Gro lod bka' thang sogs | |
Gu-ru zhi drag gi sgrub thabs skor bskyed rdzogs ʼbum gyi snying bcud bzhugs so | |
Gu-ruʼi zab-gter-rgya-mtshoʼi bstan-srung chos-skyong gi sgrub thabs skor. | |
Ja, kobieta Yeshe Tsogyal : historia życia i oświecenia Yeshe Tsogyal : tłumaczenie "Pieśni lutni gandharwów" objawienie ukrytej historii życia i oświecenia Yeshe Tsogyal, Królowej Tybetu | |
Jo mo la gdams paʼi chos skor | |
Leben und die Visionen der großen Weisheitskönigin Yeshe Tsogyal eine Autobiografie | |
Die Lebensbeschreibung von Padma Sambhava, dem Begründer des Lamaismus 747 n. Chr | |
The legend of the Great Stupa. | |
A lenda da Grande Stupa : a vida do guru nascido do lótus | |
El Libro tibetano de la gran liberación, o, El método de realización del Nirvana a través del conocimiento de la mente; precedido por un epítome de la biografía de Padma-Sambhava y seguido de las enseñanazas del guru Phadampa Sangay | |
The life and visions of Yeshé Tsogyal : the autobiography of the great wisdom queen | |
Lotosgeborene im Land des Schnees wie Padmasambhava den Buddhismus nach Tibet brachte | |
Lotus-born : the life story of padmasambhava | |
Mkhaʼ-ʼgro Ye-shes-mtsho-rgyal gyi gsung rnam bzhugs so, 2015-: | |
Ñan-ral Ñi-ma- od-zer. Dakini teachings, 1990: | |
Nauki dakini : zbiór rad Padmasambhawy dla dakini Jeszie Tsogjal | |
Padma bka' than. | |
Padmasambhava comes to Tibet : 25 disciples ; Vajra Guru Mantra ; prayers | |
Padmasambhava : le dict de Padma | |
Rdo-rjeʼi tshig bdun gsol ʼdebs kyi rnam bshad phyogs bsdus Gu-ru-padmaʼi dgongs rgyan zhes bya ba bzhugs so | |
Rdo-rjeʾi tshig rkang bdun maʼi ʼgrel bshad skor | |
O-rgyan Gu-ru Pad-ma-ʼbyuṅ-gnas kyi rnam thar rnam graṅs ..., 2006: | |
O-rgyan rje ʾbang ʾdus paʾi zab chos kyi snying po gces btus rig ʾdzin gsang lam bgrod paʾi lam yig bzhugs so | |
O rgyan rnam thar dpag bsam ljon śiṅ : a brief biography of Padmasambhava attributed to Ye-śes-mtsho-rgyal | |
O rgyan źal gdams sñiṅ thur : a collection of esoteric instructions on the practice of Buddhism | |
Sky dancer the secret life and songs of the Lady Yeshe Tsogyel | |
Spiritual advice from the depths of the heart, [Źal gdams sñiṅ thur] : the science of the spirit from eighth century Tibet, Padmasambhava's spiritual advice, committed to writing by Yeshe Tsogyal | |
Tesouros do Pico do Junípero : as profundas instruções de tesouros de Padmasambava à Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal | |
The Tibetan book of the great liberation : or, The method of realizing Nirvāṇa through knowing the mind; preceded by an epitome of Padma-Sambhava's biography | |
Treasures from Juniper Ridge. | |
Works | |
Zab gter chos kyi mdzod khang | |
Zab gter rig ʾdzin mkha ʾgroʾi chos skor. | |
Zhal gdams snying thur | |
Zrodzony z lotosu : historia życia Padmasambhawy | |
Życie i wizje Jeszie Tsogjal : autobiografia wspaniałej królowej mądrości : skarb odkryty przez Drime Kungę | |
པདྨ་བཀའ་ཐང་།. | |
མཁའ་འགྲོ་ཡེ་ཤེས་མཚོ་རྒྱལ་གྱི་གསུང་རྣམ། | |
ཨོ་རྒྱན་གུ་རུ་པད་མ་འབྱུང་གནས་ཀྱི་རྣམ་ཐར་རྣམ་གྲངས་བཅུ་གཉིས་ཀྱི་བདག་ཉིད་ཅན་དྲི་མ་མེད་པའི་རྒྱན་ཞེས་བྱ་བ་བཞུགས་སོ |