Litvak, Isaiah A.
Litvak, I.A. (Isaiah A.), 1936-
Litvak, Isaiah Allan, 1936-
Litvak, Isaiah A. 1936-
VIAF ID: 113305257 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Litvak, Isaiah A.
- 100 1 _ ‡a Litvak, Isaiah A.
- 100 1 _ ‡a Litvak, Isaiah A.
- 100 1 _ ‡a Litvak, Isaiah A. ‡d 1936-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Litvak, Isaiah Allan ‡d 1936-
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (14)
Title | Sources |
Advanced manufacturing technologies in the Canadian secondary manufacturing sector | |
Alcan Aluminium limitée : une étude de cas | |
Business can succeed! : understanding the political environment | |
The Canadian multinationals | |
Community and management development | |
Corporate dualism and the Canadian steel industry : a background report | |
Cultural sovereignty : the Time and Reader's digest case in Canada | |
Development in the distribution systems for Canadian periodical, book and newspaper publishers : a report prepared for the Research and Statistics Directorate, Arts and Culture Branch | |
Dual loyalty : Canadian-U.S. business arrangements | |
Le dualisme de nos entreprises et l'industrie de l'acier au Canada : une recherche scientifique | |
Efficacité de l'usine et politique de concurrence au Canada. | |
Emerging patterns of distribution | |
Foreign investment in Mexico: some lessons for Canada | |
Foreign investment; the experience of host countries. | |
The impact of Bill C-58 on English language periodicals in Canada | |
Inter-governmental arrangements for East-West cooperation in the application of industrial technology. | |
The light-rapid comfortable (LRC) train and the intermediate capacity transit system (ICTS) : two case studies of innovation in the urban transportation equipment manufacturing industry | |
L'incidence du projet de Loi C-58 sur les périodiques de langue anglaise au Canada | |
L'v̌aluation des modes de distribution des přiodiques, livres et journaux canadiens : ťude rǎlisě pour le compte de la Direction de la recherche et des statistiques, Direction gňřale des arts et de la culture, Secrťariat d'Etat | |
The marginalization of corporate Canada | |
Marketing: Canada | |
The nation keepers : Canadian business perspectives | |
New Brunswick's plastics industry, competing in the global marketplace | |
Obstacles to imports from communist countries : a Canadian study. | |
Trading with the Communists. |