Guo li gu gong bo wu yuan. Bian ji wei yuan hui
National palace museum Taipei, bian ji wei yuan hui
Guoli-Gugong-Bowuyuan (Taipeh) Bianji-Weiyuanhui
VIAF ID: 131383849 (Corporate)
Preferred Forms
- 110 2 _ ‡a Guo li gu gong bo wu yuan ‡b Bian ji wei yuan hui
- 110 2 _ ‡a Guo li gu gong bo wu yuan. ‡b Bian ji wei yuan hui
- 110 2 _ ‡a Guo li gu gong bo wu yuan. ‡b Bian ji wei yuan hui
- 110 2 _ ‡a Guoli-Gugong-Bowuyuan ‡g Taipeh ‡b Bianji-Weiyuanhui
- 110 2 _ ‡a 国立故宮博物院編輯委員会
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (36)
5xx's: Related Names (6)
- 510 2 _ ‡a Guo li gu gong bo wu yuan
- 510 2 _ ‡a Guo li gu gong bo wu yuan. ‡b Bian zuan wei yuan hui
- 510 2 _ ‡a Guo li gu gong bo wu yuan ‡b Bian zuan wei yuan hui
- 510 2 _ ‡a Guoli-Gugong-Bowuyuan ‡4 adue ‡4 ‡e Ueberordnung
- 510 2 _ ‡a National Palace Museum (Taipei, Taiwan). ‡b Editorial board
- 551 _ _ ‡a Taipeh ‡4 orta ‡4
Title | Sources |
The art of contemplation : religious sculpture from private collections | |
Gong shi lou ge zhi mei : jie hua te zhan | |
Gu gong bao ji. | |
Gu gong shu hua tu lu | |
Hai wai yi zhen. | |
Monochrome porcelains of the Ch'ing-dynasty | |
Pʻu Hsin-yü hsien sheng shu hua tʻe chan mu lu, 1982 (a.e.) | |
Song Cai xiang mo ji | |
Special exhibition of the paintings & calligraphicworks by Cheng Man-Ch'ing | |
Wen zheng ming mo ji | |
Wu Yu cui ya | |
Xin jiao zhu gu ben Xi xiang ji | |
Yang jia fu yan yi | |
You gui ji. | |
Zong jiao bian te zhan tu lu, 宗敎編特展圖錄 | |
書法之美特展圖録 | |
千禧年宋代文物大展 = China at the inception of the second millennium : Art and culture of the Sung dynasty, 960-1279 | |
元趙孟俯墨跡 | |
蘭千山館名畫目録 | |
蘭千山館法書目録 | |
幽閨記 | |
畫裏珎禽 | |
園林名畫特展圖錄 | |
刺繍特展圖録 | |
刺繡特展目錄 | |
華夏文化與世界文化之關係圖録 | |
名寳上珍 : 國立故宮博物院名品選集 | |
吳歈萃雅 | |
唐玄宗書鶺鴒頌, 唐徐浩書朱巨川告身 | |
唐陸東之書陸機文賦 | |
唐懷素書自敘 | |
唐褚遂良墨跡 | |
唐顏真卿書祭姪文稿 | |
國之重寶 | |
國之重寶特展圖錄 : 國立故宮博物院預祝建院七十週年高雄市特展紀盛 = Great national treasures of China : special exhibition in Kaohsiung city loaned by the National Palace Museum's seventieth anniversary | |
國立故宮博物院所藏同時期名家作品展 | |
嬰戲圖 | |
宋人墨跡集冊 | |
宋人梅竹聚禽圖 | |
宋代文物大展 | |
宋代書畫册頁名品特展 = Famous album leaves of the Sung dynasty | |
宋元瓷器特展目録 | |
宋蘇軾墨跡 | |
宋官窯特展 = Catalogue of the Special Exhibition of Sung Dynasty Kuan Ware | |
宋瓷特展目録 | |
宋米芾墨跡 | |
宋蔡襄墨跡 | |
宮室樓閣之美 : 界画特展 | |
張大千, 溥心畬詩書畫學術討論會 : 論文集 = The International Conference on the Poetry, Calligraphy, and Painting of Chang Dai-chien and Pʻu Hsin-yu : proceedings / | |
張大千先生紀念展圖録 | |
張大千先生遺作敦煌壁画摹本 | |
故宮の美 | |
故宮之美寫眞集 = The beauty of the National palace museum : an album of photographs | |
故宮書畫圖録 | |
故宮寶笈 | |
故宮法書 | |
故宮西周金文録 | |
新刻五鬧焦帕記 | |
明中葉人物畫四家特展 : 杜菫、周臣、唐寅、仇英 | |
明陸治書畫特展圖錄. | |
明陸治作品展覽圖録 | |
晉王羲之墨跡 | |
景印宋本纂圖互註毛詩 | |
月露音 | |
李卓吾先生批評浣紗記 | |
李郭山水畫系特展 | |
楊家府演義 | |
林宗毅先生捐贈書畫目録 | |
校注古本西廂記 | |
殷墟甲骨文 : 中國三千多年前古文字 | |
浣紗記 | |
海外遺珎 | |
清宮中琺瑯彩瓷特展 = Special exhibition of Chʻing dynasty enamelled procelains of imperial ateliers | |
溥心畬書畫文物圖録 | |
牡丹亭還魂記 | |
玉丁寧館捐贈牙骨竹木雕噐目錄 = A catalogue of the tusk, bone, bamboo and wood carvings donated to the National Palace Museum from the Yü-ting-ning studio | |
王新衡先生遺贈書畫展目録 | |
琵琶記 | |
皇權與佛法 : 藏傳佛教法器特展圖録 | |
離騷圖 | |
紀念司馬光, 王安石九百年特展目錄 | |
羣玉别藏續集 | |
西廂記 | |
金銅佛造像特展圖錄 = The crucible of compassion and wisdom : special exhibition catalog of the Buddhist bronzes from the Nitta Group Collection at the National Palace Museum | |
鈞窯 之 部 | |
青緑山水畫特展圖録 | |
黄河流域史前玉器特展圖録 |