King, William, 1663-1712
William King English poet
King, William, c. 1663-1712
King, William
VIAF ID: 36927739 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 200 _ | ‡a King ‡b William ‡f 1663-1712
- 100 1 _ ‡a King, William
- 100 1 _ ‡a King, William ‡d 1663-1712
- 100 1 _ ‡a King, William ‡d 1663-1712
- 100 1 _ ‡a King, William, ‡d 1663-1712
- 100 1 _ ‡a King, William, ‡d 1663-1712
- 100 1 _ ‡a King, William, ‡d 1663-1712
- 100 0 _ ‡a William King ‡c English poet
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (58)
5xx's: Related Names (1)
- 551 _ _ ‡a London
Title | Sources |
Animadversions on a pretended Account of Denmark | |
Apple-pye | |
Ars amatoria. | |
The art of cookery : a poem. In imitation of Horace's Art of poetry. By the author of a Tale of a tub. | |
The art of love, 1709: | |
Art of love, in imitation of Ovid "de Arte amandi", with a preface containing the life of Ovid. By W. King. [With the Latin text of Ovid.] | |
[caption title, p.113:] Catch à 3 D|r Will|m King Phil. Hayes. Feb. 18. 1782 | |
Considerations politique sur les coups d'estat. English. 1711 | |
Défense du Danemark, ou Examen d'un libelle, qui a pour titre, Relation de l'État de Danemark comme il était en l'an 1692 | |
Dialogues of the dead : relating to the present controversy concerning the Epistles of Phalaris | |
The eagle and the robin : an apologue | |
An essay on civil government : in which the Right of chusing Officers and Members of Parliamnt, for the City and Corporation of London, is shewn to be anciently and unalienably vested in the Freemen at large, or the Whole Commonalty of Citizens; from whom it has been Unconstitutionally taken and transferred to the Livery. Inscribed to Sir William Withers, Lord Mayor of London; By Dr. William King, late Judge of the High Court of Admiralty, Keeper of the Records, and Vicar-General, to the Lord Primate, of Ireland, etc. To which is added A Remonstrance with the Court of Common-Council, On their presenting the freedom of the City to Dr. Price, for his Observations on Civil Liberty; Setting forth the inconsistency of their concern for the Liberties of the Americans, while they trample on the Rights and Privileges of their Fellow-Citizens. | |
The examiner. | |
The fairy feast, 1704: | |
The fairy feast, written by the author of A tale of a tub, and The Mully of Mountown. | |
A friendly letter from honest Tom Boggy : To the Reverend Mr. G-d, Canon of Windsor; Occasion'd by a Sermon against Censure, preach'd In St. George's Chappel. Dedicated to her Grace the D-----ss of M------h. Very proper to be tack'd to the Canon's Sermon. | |
The furmetary : a very innocent and harmless poem. In three canto's. | |
An historical account of the heathen gods and heroes : necessary for the understanding of the ancient poets. Being an improvement of whatever has been hitherto written, by the Greek, Latin, French, and English Authors, upon that subject. By Dr. King. | |
A journey to London, in the year, 1698 : After the ingenious method of that made by Dr. Martin Lyster to Paris, in the same year, etc. Written originally in French, by Monsieur Sorbiere, and newly translated into English. | |
Miscellanies in prose and verse. By William King. | |
A miscellany of poems : Viz. Mully of Mountown. By Dr. King. Phoenix-Park. By Mr. Ward. Orpheus and Euridice. | |
Mr. B--t's recantation | |
Mr. Bt's recantation : in a letter to the Reverend Dr. Henry Sacheverell. Occasion'd by his reading the Doctor's Vindication, lately publish'd by Henry Clements, at the Half - Moon in St. Paul's Church-Yard. | |
Mr. L-----b's recantation : in a letter to Poor Tom. Occasion'd by his reading the Two wolves in lambs skins, etc. With some proper animadversions, and a few necessary advertisements; all out of his own books. | |
Mully of Mountown: with Robin of Darby-shire, born at the Devil's Arse of Peak. A poem. | |
Nature a thousand ways complains | |
The old cheese : an original tale, recited by Mr. Fawcett, at Covent-Garden Theatre. | |
Plays. | |
Poems | |
Poetical works of Dr. William King ; in two volumes. With the life of the author | |
Political considerations upon refin'd politicks, and the master-strokes of state, as practis'd by the ancients and moderns. | |
Posthumous works of the late learned William King, L.L.D. in verse and prose. Published from his original manuscripts, purchased of his sister, by Joseph Browne, M.D. To which is prefixed, an account of his life and writings, with a true copy of his last will and testament made by himself the Night before he Died. | |
The present state of physick in the island of Cajamai. To the members of the R.S. | |
A proposal for publishing a poetical translation, both in Latin and English, of the Reverend Mr. tutor Bentham's letter to a young gentleman of Oxford. By a Mastere of arts. | |
Rechtmässige Vertheidigung des Königreichs Dännemarck : in welcher eine ohnlängst unter dem Titul, Dännemarks gegenwärtiger Staat, herausgekommene Schrift [von Robert Molesworth] gründlich beantwortet und widerleget ... | |
Réflexions sur la constitution de l'Angleterre, traduites de l'anglois... | |
Rufinus, or an Historical essay on the favourite-ministry under Theodosius the Great and his son Arcadius, to which is added a version of part of Claudian's Rufinus. [By W. King or R. Shippen.] | |
A second letter from Tom Boggy : to the Canon of Windsor; occasion'd by the late panegyrick given him by the Review of Thursday, July 13. 1710. | |
The swan Tripe-Club : in Dublin. A satyr. Dedicated to all those who are true friends to her present Majesty and her government, to the Church of England, and the Succession as by Law Establish'd: And who gratefully acknowledg the Preservation of their Religion, Rights and Liberties, due to the late King William of Ever-Glorious and Immortal Memory. Difficile est Satyram non Scribere. | |
The transactioneer | |
Tripe Club | |
Useful miscellanies : containing, I. A preface of the publisher of The tragi-comedy of Joan of Hedington. In Imitation of Shakespear. III. Some Account of Horace his Behaviour during his Stay at Trinity-College, in Cambridge. With an Ode to Entreat his Departure thence; Together with a Copy of his Medal, taken out of Trinity-College Buttery, by a Well-Wisher to that Society. Part I. | |
Useful transactions in philosophy and other sorts of learning, for the months of ... | |
Verteidigung Dänemark Titel Dänemarks Schrift Wissenschaft Sprache Kapiteln Partikularitäten | |
A vindication of the Reverend Dr. Henry Sacheverell : from the false, scandalous and malicious aspersions cast upon him in a late infamous pamphlet, entitled, The modern fanatick. Intended chiefly to expose the Iniquity of the Faction in general, without taking any considerable Notice of their poor mad Tool B-t in particular. In a dialogue between a Tory and a Wh-g. | |
Works | |
The works of the english poets. With prefaces, biographical and critical, by Samuel Johnson. Volume the twenty-sixth.. | |
The Works Of The Poets Of Great Britain And Ireland. |