Davis, Paul K., 1943-....
Davis, Paul K.
Paul K. Davis americký autor publikací z oboru strategického plánování v armádě
VIAF ID: 35825467 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/35825467
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Davis, Paul K.
- 100 1 _ ‡a Davis, Paul K.
- 100 1 _ ‡a Davis, Paul K. ‡d 1943-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Davis, Paul K., ‡d 1943-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Davis, Paul K., ‡d 1943-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Davis, Paul K., ‡d 1943-....
- 100 0 _ ‡a Paul K. Davis ‡c americký autor publikací z oboru strategického plánování v armádě
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (3)
Title | Sources |
Aggregation, disaggregation, and the 3:1 rule in ground combat | |
Analysis, analysis practices, and implications for modeling and simulation | |
Analysis to inform defense planning despite austerity | |
Analytic architecture for capabilities-based planning, mission-system analysis, and transformation | |
Analytical methods for studies and experiments on "transforming the force" | |
Applying artificial intelligence techniques to strategic-level gaming and simulation | |
The base of sand problem : a white paper on the state of military combat modeling | |
Capabilities for joint analysis in the Department of Defense : rethinking support for strategic analysis | |
Challenges in virtual collaboration : videoconferencing, audioconferencing, and computer-mediated communications | |
A composite approach to Air Force planning | |
Defense planning for the post cold war era : giving meaning to flexibility, adaptiveness, and robustness of capability | |
Deterrence & influence in counterterrorism : a component in the war on al Qaeda | |
Deterrence, influence, cyber attack, and cyberwar | |
Deterring or coercing opponents in crisis : lessons from the war with Saddam Hussein | |
Developing a risk assessment methodology for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration | |
Developing resource-informed strategic assessments and recommendations | |
Dilemmas of intervention : social science for stabilization and reconstruction | |
Effects-based operations : a grand challenge for the analytical community | |
Encyclopedia of invasions and conquests from ancient times to the present | |
Encyclopedia of warrior peoples and fighting groups | |
Enhancing strategic planning with massive scenario generation : theory and experiments | |
EXHALT : an interdiction model for exploring halt capabilities in a large scenario space | |
Exploratory analysis of "the halt problem" : a briefing on methods and initial insights | |
Extended deterrence, compellence, and the "old world order" | |
Finding candidate options for investment : from building blocks to composite options and preliminary screening | |
Generalizing concepts and methods of verification, validation, and accreditation (VV&A) for military simulations | |
Implications of modern decision science for military decision-support systems | |
Improving the composability of Department of Defense models and simulations | |
Influencing adversary states : quelling perfect storms | |
Integrating Transformation Programs | |
Lessons from RAND's work on planning under uncertainty for national security | |
Looming discontinuities in United States military strategy and defense planning | |
Masters of the battlefield : great commanders from the classical age to the Napoleonic era | |
Measuring interdiction capabilities in the presence of anti-access strategies : exploratory analysis to inform adaptive strategy for the Persian Gulf | |
Modeling decisionmaking of potential proliferators as part of developing counterproliferation strategies | |
Modeling of escalation in automated war games, 1984 | |
Motivated metamodels : synthesis of cause-effect reasoning and statistical metamodeling | |
Multiresolution modeling (MRM) | |
New challenges for defense planning : rethinking how much is enough | |
A new methodology for modeling national command level decisionmaking in war games and simulations | |
Observations on the Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force : origins, direction, and mission | |
One hundred decisive battles | |
Planning for long-term security in Central Europe : implications of the new strategic environment | |
Portfolio-analysis methods for assessing capability options | |
Possible postwar force requirements for the Persian Gulf : how little is enough? | |
Proceedings of Conference on Variable-Resolution Modeling, Washington, DC, 5-6 May 1992 | |
The Rand Strategy Assessment Center, 1983 | |
RAND's portfolio analysis tool (PAT) : theory, methods, and reference manual | |
Reflecting warfighter needs in Air Force programs : prototype analysis | |
Resource allocation for the new defense strategy : the DynaRank decision-support system | |
Simple models to explore deterrence and more general influence in the war with al-Qaeda | |
Simulated central region conflicts at nominal parity and low force levels | |
Social-behavioral modeling for complex systems | |
Social science for counterterrorism : putting the pieces together | |
Strategic issues and options for the quadrennial defense review | |
Studying first-strike stability with knowledge-based models of human decision-making | |
Theory and methods for supporting high level military decisionmaking | |
Thinking about opponent behavior in crisis and conflict : a generic model for analysis and group discussion | |
Toward a conceptual framework for operational arms control in Europe's central region | |
Uncertainty-sensitive heterogeneous information fusion : assessing threat with soft, uncertain, and conflicting evidence | |
Understanding and influencing public support for insurgency and terrorism |