International federation of operational research societies
Fédération internationale des sociétés de recherche opérationnelle
Federacion Internacional de Sociedades de Investigaciones Operacionales
International Federation of Operational Research Societies internationale Organisation
VIAF ID: 141820614 (Corporate)
Preferred Forms
- 110 2 0 ‡a Federacion Internacional de Sociedades de Investigaciones Operacionales
- 110 2 _ ‡a Fédération internationale des sociétés de recherche opérationnelle
- 110 2 _ ‡a International Federation of Operational Research Societies
- 110 2 _ ‡a International Federation of Operational Research Societies
- 110 2 _ ‡a International Federation of Operational Research Societies
- 110 2 _ ‡a International Federation of Operational Research Societies
- 110 2 _ ‡a International Federation of Operational Research Societies
- 110 2 _ ‡a International Federation of Operational Research Societies ‡c internationale Organisation
- 210 | | ‡a International federation of operational research societies
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (27)
Title | Sources |
Comparison of automatic control and operational research techniques applied to large systems analysis and control : IFAC/IFORS symposium, Toulouse, France, 1979 | |
Conférence internationale sur la recherche opérationnelle et l'énergie électrique : Athènes, 4-8 novembre 1968 | |
Control in transportation systems : proceedings of the IFAC/IFIP/IFORS Third International Symposium, August 9-13, 1976, Columbus, Ohio | |
Control science and technology for development (CSTD'85) : proceedings of the IFAC/IFORS Symposium, Beijung, People's Republic of China, 20-22 August 1985 | |
Dynamic modelling and control of national economies, 1983 : proceedings of the 4th IFAC/IFORS/IIASA conference and the 1983 SEDC Conference on Economic Dynamics and Control, Washington, D.C., USA, 17-19 June 1983 | |
EURO 1 : proceedings of the first european congress on operations research (abstracts), Brussels, January 27-29, 1975 | |
EURO bulletin. | |
Expert systems in economics, banking, and management | |
IAOR | |
Identification and system parameter estimation 1991 : selected papers from the Ninth IFAC/IFORS Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, 8-12 July 1991 | |
IMS'95 | |
Int. abstr. oper. res. | |
Intelligent manufacturing systems 1995 : (IMS'95) : a proceedings volume from the 3rd IFAC/IFIP/IFORS Workshop, Bucharest, Romania, 24-26 October 1995 | |
International transactions in operational research. | |
Intl. Fed. of Oprtnl. Res. Socs. Conf. (11th : 1987 : Buenos Aires, Argentina). IFORS '87 panels on the use of computer methods ... 1988: | |
ITOR | |
Large scale systems : theory and applications, 1986 : selected papers from the 4th IFAC/IFORS Symposium, Zurich, Switzerland, 26-29 August, 1986 | |
Managerial decision support systems : proceedings of the First IMAC/IFORS International Colloquium on Managerial Decision Support Systems and Knowledge Based Systems, Manchester, U.K., 23-25 November 1987 | |
Operational research and the social sciences | |
Papers | |
Preprints of the Symposium Optimization Methods-Applied Aspects. | |
Proceedings of the Pacific Conference on Operations Research, April 23-28, 1979, Seoul, Korea | |
Scientific management of transport systems : revised and edited version of selected papers presented at the International Conference on Transportation held at New Delhi, India, November 26-28, 1980 | |
Software for factory automation : proceedings of the IFIP TC 5/WG 5.3/IFORS Working Conference on Software for Factory Automation, Tokyo, Japan, 19-21 October, 1987 | |
Sustainability analytics and modeling. | |
System approach for development : third IFAC/IFIP/IFORS Conference, Rabat, Morocco, 24-27 November 1980 | |
System modelling and optimization : proceedings of the 11th IFIP conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 25-29, 1983 | |
Systems analysis applications to complex programs : proceedings of the IFAC/IFORS/IIASA Workshop, Bielsko Biała, Poland, 1-6 June 1977 | |
Systems approaches to developing countries; proceedings. |