Lazareth, William Henry
VIAF ID: 4073149108698468780001 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Lazareth, William Henry
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (1)
Title | Sources |
Christians in society : Luther, the Bible, and social ethics | |
Does Chalcedon divide or unite? : towards convergence in Orthodox christology | |
Evangelische Katholiken : Gespräch mit William Lazareth | |
God's call to public responsibility | |
Growing together in baptism, eucharist and ministry : a study guide | |
Helping children know doctrine | |
Holy Trinity and holy tradition : Orthodox contributions to 'Baptism, eucharist and ministry' | |
Kreshcheine, evkharistiia͡, svia͡shchenstvo : uluchshennyĭ tekst, predlozhennyĭ na obsuzhdenie ts͡erkveĭ | |
The Lord of life : theological explorations of the theme "Jesus Christ--the Life of the World" | |
L'Unité, un profil de l'avenir | |
Lutheran identity and mission : evangelical and evangelistic? | |
Protestant churches and reform today | |
Reading the Bible in faith : theological voices from the pastorate | |
Righteousness and society : ecumenical dialog in a revolutionary age | |
Die Taufe, Eucharistie und Amt : Konvergenzerklärungen der Kommission für Glauben und Kirchenverfassung des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen | |
Two forms of ordained ministry : a proposal for mission in light of the Augsburg confession | |
Unity, the shape of the future | |
Zusammenwachsen in Taufe, Eucharistie und Amt | |
Крещение, евхаристия, священство : улучшенный текст, предложенный на обсуждение церквей | |
リマ文書 学習の手引き : 教会の見える一致をめざして |