Eckerberg, Katarina, 1953-....
Eckerberg, Katarina
Katarina Eckerberg
VIAF ID: 85606840 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Eckerberg, Katarina
- 100 1 _ ‡a Eckerberg, Katarina
- 100 1 0 ‡a Eckerberg, Katarina, ‡d 1953-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Eckerberg, Katarina, ‡d 1953-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Eckerberg, Katarina, ‡d 1953-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Eckerberg, Katarina, ‡d 1953-....
- 100 0 _ ‡a Katarina Eckerberg
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (3)
Title | Sources |
Comparing Nordic and Baltic countries : environmental problems and policies in agriculture and forestry | |
Democracy's dawn : parliamentary elections in North West Russia | |
Devolving power from the state Local initiatives for nature protection and recreation in Sweden. | |
Environmental policy integration in practice : shaping institutions for learning | |
Environmental protection in Swedish forestry | |
Erfarenheter av lokala naturvårdsbidrag (LONA) i processperspektiv : en utvärdering på uppdrag av Naturvårdsverket | |
European forest governance post-2020 | |
External Evaluation of the NMBU Faculty Landscape and Society's IEDS and SDP PhD Programmes | |
Forest water governance challenges in cross-sectoral and multi-level collaboration. | |
From the earth summit to Local Agenda 21 : working towards sustainable development | |
In pursuit of sustainable development : new governance practices at the sub-national level in Europe | |
Klimatpolitiska rådets rapport 2021 | |
Lärande i lokala naturvårdsprojekt (LONA) | |
Mellan lag och förväntningar : översiktsplanering utvärderas | |
National and Local Policy Implementation as a Participatory Process | |
The nature of rural development : the case of Sweden | |
Naturvård på hyggen | |
Naturvårdshänsyn i skogsbruket : fungerar det? | |
Planering för god miljö och hållbar utveckling. | |
Policy change implications for forest water protection in Sweden over the last 50 years | |
Policy integration for sustainability notes from a roundtable dialogue | |
Political science and ecological restoration | |
Preface to forest conflicts a growing research field. | |
Process & policy evaluation in structure planning | |
Studying conflicts, proposing solutions Towards multi-level approaches to the analyses of forest conflicts. | |
Svenska kommuners arbete med Agenda 21 : en jämförelse över tid | |
Sveriges uppföljning av två FN-konferenser under 1990-talet : FN:s konferens om miljö och utveckling, UNCED, i Rio de Janeiro, 1992 : FN:s kvinnokonferens i Peking, 1995 | |
Tillämpningen av skogsvårdslagens 21 paragraf : slutrapport från fältundersökning | |
Understanding LIP in context : an evaluation of LIP (Local Investment Programmes) in central government, business and comparative perspectives in Sweden | |
Wanted and Unwanted Nature: Invasive Plants and the Alien–Native Dichotomy |