Danmark Departement for Internationalt Udviklingssamarbejde
Dania. Udenrigsministeriet. Afdelingen for internationalt udviklingssamarbejde.
VIAF ID: 136747476 (Corporate)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/136747476
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- 110 2 _ ‡a DANIDA
- 110 2 _ ‡a DANIDA
- 110 2 _ ‡a DANIDA
- 110 2 _ ‡a DANIDA
- 110 2 _ ‡a DANIDA
- 110 2 _ ‡a Danmark ‡b Departement for Internationalt Udviklingssamarbejde
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- 510 1 _ ‡a Dänemark ‡b Udenrigsministeriet ‡4 adue ‡4 https://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#hierarchicalSuperiorOfTheCorporateBody ‡e Ueberordnung
- 510 1 _ ‡a Denmark. ‡b Udenrigsministeriet
- 551 _ _ ‡a Kopenhagen ‡4 orta ‡4 https://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#placeOfBusiness
Title | Sources |
3. verden og os | |
Country strategy for strengthening environmental ... 1989: | |
Danida sector policies | |
DANIDA undersøgelsen | |
Danidas årsberetning | |
Danmarks deltagelse i det internationale udviklingssamarbejde | |
Denmark's development assistance ... | |
Eleventh International Congress & Workshop of the Tropical Marine Mollusc Programme (TMMP) | |
Environmental issues in agriculture in humid areas | |
Especies arbóreas del Arboretum Alain Meyrat | |
Evaluation of citizens' voice and accountability : country case study : Nepal | |
Evaluation of Danish humanitarian assistance [...] | |
Evaluation of the rural water supply and sanitation programme : Bangladesh | |
Evaluation report (DANIDA) | |
FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes | |
Forskningsrapporter - Danida (1990) | |
Health | |
IFLA/Danida newsletter. | |
ILO OTA. | |
ILO TF. | |
India, "Women and youth training and extension project" (WYTEP) in Karnataka, "Tamil Nadu women in agriculture" project (TANWA) and "training and extension for women in agriculture" project (TEWA) in Orissa | |
Introducción a la evaluación de recursos pesqueros tropicales : Parte 1: manual | |
Introduction to tropical fish stock assessment | |
Iringa seminar on rural water supply and water master plan | |
Kat. forsk.rapp. udg. støtte Rådet U-landsforsk. | |
Landstrategi for Mozambique : strategi for dansk udviklingssamarbejde med Mozambique | |
Langt ude på landet i Latinamerika : bønder, landbrugsforskning og et bedre liv | |
Managing aid exit and transformation : lessons from Botswana, Eritrea, India, Malawi and South Africa : synthesis report | |
The National mental health programme in the United Republic of Tanzania : a report fram WHO and DANIDA | |
Nyamandlovu Aquifer Pipeline Project : a socio-economic impact study | |
OIT TAP. | |
Oversigt fra Danida. | |
Patrakāritāmā mahilā praśna | |
Pengalaman terbaik kontribusi perempuan pemimpin politik di aras lokal. | |
Planning and organization of fertilizer use development in Africa : papers presented at the FAO/DANIDA Regional Seminar on Planning and Organization of Fertilizer Use Development in Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, 1-16 December 1972. | |
Political parties and the parliamentary process in Nepal : a study of the transitional phase. | |
Preparation report for rural employment sector programme feeder roads. | |
Privat sektor programmet i Egypten : etablering af virksomhedssamarbejde. | |
Private udenlandske investeringer i udviklingslandene og deres betydning for udviklingslandenes industrialisering | |
Proceedings of the seminars on climate change & an inventory of climate change projects. | |
Projekt orientering | |
Regional Public Hearing Workshop on GMO | |
Rent vand til alle et sundhedsprojekt i Bangladesh | |
Report from the Danida/CDR Seminar on Population and Development, Copenhagen, 29 September 1993. | |
Report from the Seminar on Female Genital Mutilation ... c1995: | |
Report of a training workshop for district teams on integrated interventions in MCH/FP through a problem solving approach | |
Report of the Interregional Seminar on the Cement Industry, [held in the Krogerup High School in Humlebaek, from 2 to 16 May 1964] | |
Report of the management study including cold-chain | |
Research projects (<<The >>Danish Council for Development Research) | |
Review of SAPES Peace and Security Research Programme | |
Review report : cooperation for technology transfer (CTT Project) : Zimbabwe. | |
The role of botanical gardens in biodiversity conservation : proceedings of the Regional Botanical Gardens Conference, 1-4 April 2003, Queen Sirikit Botanic Garden, Chiang Mai, Thailand | |
Den rullende 5-årsplan ... | |
Savanna afforestation in Africa : lecture notes for the FAO/DANIDA Training Course on Forest Nursery and Establishment Techniques for African Savannas and papers from the Symposium on Savanna Afforestation, [organized] with the support of the Danish International Development Agency, Kaduna, Nigeria, 1976. | |
Séminaire sur l'info. sur le marché de l'emploi et la planif. des ress. hum. dans les pays non sah. d'Afrique franc. (1982 : Abidjan, Ivory Coast). Rapport final, 1982?: | |
Sight, sound & pulse | |
Situations- og perspektivanalyse : Pakistan | |
Small-scale cash crop farming in South Asia : seminar proceedings : FAO/DANIDA regional seminar held at the Agrarian Research and Training Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 15-27 October 1979. | |
South Africa, background and possibilities for Danish transitional assistance | |
South Asian Regional Conference of Woman Trade Unionists, identifiying [i.e. identifying] common gender agendas for a better South Asia | |
Strategisk planlægning perspektiver og strategier | |
Strengthening ministries of health for primary health care. | |
Summaries of research projects | |
Tal om dansk bistand | |
Tanzania : en økonomisk og politisk oversigt | |
Les temps changent, les attitudes aussi : portraits alternatifs de femmes et d'hommes : extraits du travail des ateliers DANIDA-Unesco pour la production de programes de radio relatifs à l'équité entre les seses : au destination des programmes d'éducation non formelle | |
Towards sustainable environment in Tanzania | |
The UNRWA/Unesco experience in refugee education : a report submitted to the Danish International Development Agency | |
Upgrading labour market information in developing countries : problems, progress and prospects : a synthesis of the results of an ILO-DANIDA inter-regional seminar | |
En verden i udvikling : strategi for dansk udviklingspolitik frem mod år 2000 | |
Vizārat-i Umūr-i Khārijahʼ-i Dinmārk | |
Vocational rehabilitation of leprosy patients : report on the ILO/ DANIDA Asian Regional Seminar : Bombay, India (26 October-6 November 1981) | |
Wage determination in English-speaking Caribbean countries record of proceedings of, and documents submitted to, ILO/DANIDA regional seminar, Kingston, Jamaica, 1-7 March 1978 | |
Water from rock outcrops : a handbook for engineers and technicians on site investigations, designs, construction, and maintenance of rock catchment tanks and dams | |
Water surveys and designs | |
WHO training course on coastal pollution control held under the auspices of DANIDA | |
Women in Development : Danida's WID policy towards the year 2000 | |
World Summit for Social Development : press analysis : Copenhagen, 6-12 March 1995 | |
مساعدتهاى بشر دوستانه و بازسازى براى افغانستان از سال ٢٠٠١ الى ٢٠٠٥ : از جانب کشورهاى دنمارک، ايرلند، هالند، سويدن و انگلستان، يک ارزيبى مشترک : خلاصهء گزارش. |