Allied and Associated Powers (1914-1920).
Puissances alliées et associées (1914-1920)
Puissances Alliées et Associées
Allied and Associated Powers 1919 June 28
Potències Aliades i Associades (1914-1920)
VIAF ID: 158281323 (Corporate)
Preferred Forms
- 110 2 _ ‡a Allied and Associated Powers 1919 June 28
- 110 2 0 ‡a Allied and Associated Powers (1914-1920)
- 110 2 _ ‡a Allied and Associated Powers (1914-1920)
- 110 2 _ ‡a Allied and Associated Powers ‡g 1914-1920
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (17)
5xx's: Related Names (6)
- 510 2 _ ‡a Allied Powers (1919- )
- 510 2 0 ‡a Allied Powers (1919- )
- 510 0 2 ‡a Allied Powers (1919-)
- 510 2 _ ‡a Alliés (1919- )
- 510 2 _ ‡a Alliés (1919- )
- 510 2 _ ‡a Potències Aliades (1919- )
Title | Sources |
Actes signés à Lausanne le 30 janvier et le 24 juillet 1923 | |
American commission to negotiate peace | |
Antwort der Alliierten und Assoziierten Mächte auf die Bemerkungen der deutschen Delegation zu den Friedensbedingungen nebst Mantelnote und Entwurf eines Abkommens über die militärische Besetzung der Rheinlande. | |
Army. Terms of the armistices concluded between the Allied governments and the governments of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey ... | |
Coalition strategy and the end of the First World War | |
Condizioni di pace | |
Convention for the control of the trade in arms and ammunition, and protocol | |
Convention for the regulation of aerial navigation. Paris, October 13, 1919. Amendments of annexes (A), (C), (D) and (E). <In continuation of Treaty series nho. 2 of 1922 (Cmd. 1609) and no. 11 of 1922 (Cmd. 1741)> ... | |
Convention revising the general act of Berlin, February 26, 1885, and the general act and declaration of Brussels, July 2, 1890. Signed at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, September 10, 1919. | |
Convention sur le régime des spiritueux en Afrique et protocole. Signés à Saint-Germain-en-Laye le 10 septembre 1919. | |
Declaration by the governments of the United States of America, Great Britain and France in regard to the occupation of the Rhine provinces ... | |
Déclaration de Conseil suprême des puissances allieés et asocieés relative aux frontières provisoires orientales de la Pologne. | |
Declaration modifying the agreement ofd September 10, 1919, between the Allied and associated powers with regard to the Italian reparation payments. | |
Der deutsche und österreichische Friedensvertrag | |
Das deutsche Weissbuch über die Schuld am Kriege : mit der Denkschrift der deutschen Viererkommission zum Schuldbericht der Alliierten und Assoziierten Mdchte vom 29. März 1919 | |
Dōmei oyobi Rengōkoku to Hangarīkoku to no heiwa jōyaku narabini giteisho oyobi sengensho. | |
Els Drets humans al segle XXI: continuïtat i canvis, 2007: | |
Friedensbedingungen, inhalt | |
Friedensverhandlungen in Versailles. | |
Protocol relating to amendments to articles 34 and 40 of the Aerial Navigation Convention of October 13, 1919. Signed at Paris, December 11, 1929. Canadian ratification deposited September 19, 1930. | |
Recuerdo del Festival a Beneficio de los huérfanos de la guerra belgas, franceses, servios y voluntarios españoles | |
Réponse des Puissances alliées et associées aux remarques de la Délégation allemande sur les conditions de paix. Reply of the Allied and Associated Powers to the observations of the German Delegation on the conditions of peace. | |
Sub-Commission on economic treaties | |
Summary of the conditions of peace as presented to the German plenipotentiaries at Versailles May 7, 1919... | |
Synthiki eirinis metaxy ton symmachon kai synispismenon dynameon kai tis Oungarias : meta ton prostheton afti protokollou kai diloseos : ypografeisa en Trianon ti 22 maïou-4 Iouniou 1920 | |
Terms of the armistice as orginally supplied to the War department, Washington, D.C. | |
Tractat de Pace între Puterile Aliate și Asociate și Austria : protocol și declarațiuni semnate la Saint Germain-en-Laye la 10 septemvrie 1919. | |
Traité de paix avec la Hongrie | |
Traité entre les principales Puissances alliées et associées et la Roumanie | |
Traités, etc. Allemagne, | |
Trattati, ecc. | |
Tready with Poland, June 28, 1919 | |
Treaties, etc. | |
Treaties, etc. Austria, | |
Treaties, etc. Bulgaria, | |
Treaties, etc. Bulgaria, Protocols, etc., | |
Treaties, etc. Poland, | |
The treaties of peace, 1919-1923 : maps compiled especially for this edition and a summary of the legal basis of the new boundaries | |
Treaty of peace between the United States of America : the British empire, France, Italy and Japan and Poland. | |
Treaty of peace with Germany ... | |
Treaty of peace with Turkey, and other instruments signed at Lausanne on July 24, 1923, together with agreements between Greece and Turkey signed on January 30, 1923, and subsidiary documents forming part of the Turkish peace settlement | |
Treaty of Trianon | |
[Treaty of Versailles and related treaties]. | |
Treaty with Austria, Sept. 10, 1919 | |
Das ultimatum der Entente; vollständiger französischer text der mantelnote (lettre d'envoi) und der antwort auf die deutschen gegenvorschläge (résponse aux remarques de la délégation allemande sur les conditions de paix) | |
Versailles, Trattato di | |
Die verträge über besetzung und räumung des Rheinlandes und die Ordonnanzen der Interalliierten Rheinlandoberkommission in Coblenz. | |
Συνθήκη ειρήνης μεταξύ τον συμμάχων και συνησπισμένων δυνάμεων και της Αυστρίας : μετά τον πρόσθετων αυτή πρωτοκόλλου και δηλώσεως : υπογραφείσα εν Τριανόν τη 22 Μαϊου-4 Ιουνίου 1920 | |
הסכם ורסאי | |
הסכם סוור |