Beek, W. E. A. van
Beek, W.E.A. van (Wouter Eildert Albert), 1943-
Beek, Walter E. A. van, 19..-....
Beek, Walter E.A. van
van Beek, W. E.A.
Beek, Wouter E. A. van 1943-
Beek, Walter E. A. van (1943- ).
Wouter van Beek anthropologue néerlandais
Beek, W. E. A. van, 1943-
Beek, Wouter Eildert Albert van
VIAF ID: 263404176 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Beek, W. E. A. van
- 100 1 _ ‡a Beek, W. E. A. van
- 100 1 _ ‡a Beek, Walter E. A. van, ‡d 19..-....
- 100 1 _ ‡a Beek, Wouter E. A. van ‡d 1943-
- 100 0 _ ‡a Wouter van Beek ‡c anthropologue néerlandais
- 100 1 _ ‡a van Beek, W. E.A.
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (49)
5xx's: Related Names (1)
- 500 1 _ ‡a Beek, W. E. A. van
Title | Sources |
Africa explores : 20th century African art | |
African hosts & their guests : cultural dynamics of tourism | |
African tourist encounters : effects of tourism on two West African societies | |
Afrika & Afrika : gedichten aangeboden bij het afscheid van Wim van Binsbergen | |
Afrikaanse religies, 1994: | |
Agency in Kapsiki religion: a comparative approach | |
Anthropologie et missiologie ou la séparation graduelles des partenaires | |
De betrekkingen tussen Peul en Dogon in centraal-Mali | |
Bierbrouwers in de bergen, 1978 | |
Boys and masks among the Dogon | |
Challenge Mondial 1997 Stadskanaal : beschouwingen, commentaren en analyses | |
Chanter le baja ni : abirè le voyant Dogon | |
Connecting 'ourselves': a Dogon ethnic association and the impact of connectivity | |
Contes nouveaux des Kapsiki (Cameroun) | |
The Creative communion : African folk models of fertility and the regeneration of life | |
The dancing dead : ritual and religion among the Kapsiki/Higi of north Cameroon and northeastern Nigeria | |
Divination meaning out of chaos | |
Dogon : Africa's people of the cliffs | |
The Dogon and their trees | |
Dogon masks in motion | |
Dogon restudied : a field evalutation of the work of Marcel Griaule | |
De Dogonreligie | |
Drie religies, ca.1971: | |
Dynamics behind persistent images of "the other" : the interplay between imaginations and interactions in Maasai cultural tourism | |
The escalation of witchcraft accusations | |
Evil and the art of revenge in the Mandara Mountains | |
Evil in Africa : encounters with the everyday | |
Explorations in the anthropology of religion essays in honour of Jan van Baal | |
The fascinating world of draughts : 50 years World Draughts Federation (FMJD) | |
Footprints of the future : Dogon fox divination | |
Forge and the funeral : the smith in Kapsiki/Higi culture | |
From idol to art : African 'objects with power': a challenge for missionaries, anthropologists and museum curators | |
In memory of a great singer: the Dogon 'baja ni' as a cultural-historical performance | |
Intensive slave raiding in the colonial interstice : Hamman Yaji and the Mandara Mountains (North Cameroon and North-eastern Nigeria) | |
Jan Bom | |
Kapsiki beer dynamics | |
The Kapsiki of the Mandara hills | |
L'état ce n'est pas nous! : cultural proletarization in Cameroon | |
Masquerades in African society : gender, power and identity | |
Meeting culture : essays in honour of Arie de Ruijter | |
Mimese en geweld : beschouwingen over het werk van René Girard | |
Pathways to mitigate climate variability and climate change in Mali : the districts of Douentza and Koutiala compared | |
The political economy of Cameroon : historical perspectives | |
Propedeuse culturele antropologie in blokvorm : evaluatie van de invoering van een geherstructureerd programma | |
The quest for purity : dynamics of puritan movements | |
The quest for purity / ed. by Walter E. A. van Beck. - Berlin ; New York, 1988. | |
Les rapports entre Peuls et Dogons du Mali central | |
Religion in Africa : experience & expression | |
Reviewing reality dynamics of African divination | |
Right and left as political categories : an exercise in "not-so-primitive" classification | |
Rites et religions dans le bassin du lac Tchad | |
Ritualisering van sport | |
Ritueel als toerisme : huwen met water | |
Roozenburg | |
Sacred spaces and contested identities : space and ritual dynamics in Europe and Africa | |
Singing with the Dogon prophet | |
Sini stierf : begrafenis bij de Kapsiki in N. Kameroen | |
Special topic: civil society in the Mande world | |
Spiegel van de mens : religie en antropologie | |
The study of culture through the lens of ritual | |
Symbols for communication : an introduction to the anthropological study of religion | |
Symbool en betekenis | |
Tales of death and regeneration in West Africa | |
Des taurins et des hommes : Cameroun, Nigéria | |
Thuis in Afrika : een dubbelleven | |
Tiny Zion : Harvest Hills, an intentional Zionic community | |
To dance or not to dance? : Dogon masks as a tourist arena | |
A touch of wildness: brass and brass casting among the Kapsiki/Higi | |
Tourism in Africa = Le tourisme en Afrique | |
The transmission of Kapsiki-Higi folktales over two generations : tales that come, tales that go | |
Ụzọ iji belata mgbanwe ihu igwe na mgbanwe ihu igwe na Mali: mpaghara Douentza na Koutiala tụnyere | |
Walking wallets: tourists at the Dogon falaise | |
The West African sports official : an insider's view of sports administration | |
Why a twin is not a child: symbols in Kapsiki birth rituals | |
Zwarte Piet in Afrika: rite en ruzie |