Karan Singh, 1931-....
Karan Singh, Sadr-i-Riyasat of Jammu and Kashmir, 1931-
Singh, Karan
Karan Singh 1931- ) (regent Dżammu i Kaszmiru ;
Karan Singh
Karan Singh, Sadr-i-Riyasat of Jammu and Kashmir
Karan Singh (regent Dżammu i Kaszmiru ; 1931- ).
Singh, Karan 1931-
VIAF ID: 109714100 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/109714100
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a Karan Singh
- 100 0 _ ‡a Karan Singh ‡d 1931-
- 100 0 _ ‡a Karan Singh ‡d 1931- ) ‡c (regent Dżammu i Kaszmiru ;
- 200 _ | ‡a Karan Singh ‡f 1931-....
- 100 1 _ ‡a Karan Singh, Sadr-i-Riyasat of Jammu and Kashmir
- 100 0 _ ‡a Karan Singh, ‡c Sadr-i-Riyasat of Jammu and Kashmir, ‡d 1931-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Karan Singh, ‡d 1931-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Karan Singh, ‡d 1931-....
- 100 1 _ ‡a Singh, Karan
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (97)
Title | Sources |
As I see it-- : the Karan Singh reader | |
I believe | |
Brief sojourn : seven months as Ambassador to the United States | |
By the river of silver : diplomatic chronicles from a life in six continents | |
Contemporary essays. | |
Ḍā. Karṇasiṃha, 1981: | |
Dictionnaire de la civilisation indienne | |
Dogri bhajans | |
Dogri lok geet | |
The earth has no corners : felicitation volume on the 70th birthday of Dr. Karan Singh | |
Education for a global society : inter-faith dimensions : [selected papers of the international consultation on inter-faith dimension in education for global society] | |
Essays on Hinduism | |
Essays. Selections | |
Gilded cage : years that made and unmade Kashmir | |
The glory of Amarnath. | |
Heir apparent : an autobiography | |
Humanity at the crossroads : an inter-cultural dialogue | |
Hymn to Shiva and other poems | |
Ikeda daisaku zenshu. | |
The Indian heritage : an anthology of Sanskrit literature | |
Jammu Kingdow . Part I : Ancient and medieval upto 1800 A. D. / foreword by Dr. Karan Singh. | |
Joint Committee on Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Bill, 1978 : evidence. | |
Kashmir and beyond, 1966-84 : select correspondence between Indira Gandhi and Karan Singh | |
Law of religious institutions : Sikh gurdwaras | |
Learning Ceph : a practical guide to designing, implementing and managing your software-defined, massively scalable Ceph storage system | |
Luminous harmony : Indian art and culture | |
Meetings with remarkable women | |
The mountain of Shiva | |
Muṇdaka Upaniṣad : the bridge to immortality : six ancient manuscripts with bhāṣya bhāṣya-tippaṇa and dīpikā-Sanskrit commentaries by Śrī Śankarāchārya and Śrī Nārāyaṇa Paṅdita in old and new Kaśmīrī devanāgari script | |
n50067178 | |
Nala and Damayanti a great series of paintings of an old Indian romance | |
Nehru's Kashmir | |
One man's world | |
Perspectives on the constitution : incorporating the report of the I.I.C. Committee on the Constitution headed by Karan Singh | |
Phrǣng chīwit : botsonthanā wādūai watthantham rawāng chāt | |
Political history of Kashmir | |
Political leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru | |
Population, poverty and the future of India | |
Post-independence generation | |
Princely historian : commemoration volume of Maharajkumar Dr. Raghubir Sinh | |
Prophet of Indian nationalism | |
Religions of India : Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism | |
Revivalism : a symposium on problems within and between the religions | |
Saints | |
Selected writings and speeches, 1960-1964 | |
Shadow and sunlight; an anthology of Dogra-Pahari songs. | |
Shiva : lord of the cosmic dance : an anthology | |
Sikh gurdwaras legislation : all India perspective | |
Sri Ramcharitmanas | |
Śrīmad Bhagavadgītā | |
The sterling book of hinduism [Elektronski vir] | |
Tātparyaprakāśa | |
Towards a new India | |
Transition to the global society, towards a Dharma for the New Millenium | |
Triveni : essays, poems & novella | |
Učenje : blago u nama : izvješće UNESCO-u Međunarodnog povjerenstva za razvoj obrazovanja za 21. stoljeće | |
Uchinaru sekai | |
Upanishads. | |
Varied rhythms. | |
Vedanta today | |
Vedic philosophy for Himalayan eco-system development | |
Voices of freedom interspersed with commentary | |
Voices of freedom the spirit of freedom and progress speaks in the voices of our leaders | |
Welcome, the moonrise, forty poems | |
Why preserve wild life ? | |
Yogavāsiṣṭha of Vālmīki | |
Yugānta ke kṣitija para | |
आत्मकथा | |
मेरो कथा | |
युगान्त के क्षितिज पर | |
यॊगवासिष्ठः श्रीवासिष्ठमहारामायणतात्पर्यप्रकाशाख्यव्याख्या, भूमिका, मूल, व्याख्या एवं श्लॊकानुक्रमणिका सहित | |
युवराज : बदलते कश्मीर की कहानी | |
内なる世界 : インドと日本 | |
池田大作全集. |