Lloyd George, David, 1863-1945.
Lloyd George, David
George, Lloyd David 1863-1945
George, David Lloyd
David Lloyd George
Ллойд-Джордж, Д. 1863-1945 Дэвид
Lloyd George, D. 1863-1945 David
George, David Lloyd, 1863-1945
לויד-ג'ורג', דוד, 1863-1945
Ллойд Джордж, Дэвид, 1863-1945
George, Lloyd, 1863-1945
VIAF ID: 59148536 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/59148536
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a David Lloyd George
- 100 1 _ ‡a George, David Lloyd ‡d 1863-1945
- 100 1 _ ‡a George, Lloyd David ‡d 1863-1945
- 100 1 _ ‡a Lloyd George, David
- 100 1 _ ‡a Lloyd George, David ‡d 1863-1945
- 100 1 _ ‡a Lloyd George, David ‡d 1863-1945
- 100 1 _ ‡a Lloyd George, David, ‡d 1863-1945
- 100 1 _ ‡a Lloyd George, David, ‡d 1863-1945
- 100 1 _ ‡a Lloyd George, David, ‡d 1863-1945
- 100 1 _ ‡a Lloyd George, David, ‡d 1863-1945
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (232)
5xx's: Related Names (9)
- 551 _ _ ‡a Chorlton-on-Medlock ‡4 ortg ‡4 https://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#placeOfBirth
- 510 1 _ ‡a Gran Bretanya. ‡b Primer ministre (1916-1922 : Lloyd George)
- 510 2 _ ‡a Grande-Bretagne. ‡b Prime Minister (1916-1922 : Lloyd George)
- 510 2 _ ‡a Grande-Bretagne ‡b Prime Minister (1916-1922 : Lloyd George)
- 510 1 _ ‡a Great Britain. ‡b Prime Minister (1916-1922 : Lloyd George)
- 510 2 _ ‡a Great Britain ‡b Prime Minister (1916-1922 : Lloyd George)
- 551 _ _ ‡a Llanystumdwy ‡4 orts ‡4 https://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#placeOfDeath
- 551 _ _ ‡a London ‡4 ortw ‡4 https://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#placeOfActivity
- 510 2 _ ‡a YA Pamphlet Collection (Library of Congress)
Title | Sources |
Addresses on German reparation | |
Bessere Zeiten | |
Better times | |
British war aims | |
Chaim Weizmann a tribute on his 70 th birth day | |
Correspondence between Mr. Lloyd George and Sir James Craig on the position of Ulster. II. Articles of agreement establishing the Irish Free State. III. Irish Free State (Agreement) Bill. | |
Correspondence. Selections | |
Dank des Britischen Parlaments an Heer und Marine | |
Draft letter from David R. Campbell, Acting Secretary, Irish Trades Union Congress and Labour Party, to David Lloyd George regarding Labour representation in an Irish Home Rule Parliament and opposition to partition | |
Durch den Weltkrieg zur Demokratie : Rede in Glasgow vom 29. Juni 1917. | |
England og Tyskland = England & Germany | |
European war. | |
De Europeesche oorlog | |
Fact v. fiction. Mr. Lloyd George's statement on shipping and food supplies. | |
Fredsforslag og De Allieredes standpunkt | |
Für die Demokratie und den Weltfrieden | |
Gedanken eines Staatsmannes | |
Das Gewappnete Deutschland : ein englisches Lob, Reden des Munitionsministers Lloyd George [Übersetz und herausgegeben von Rudolf Friedmann]. | |
The great crusade : extracts from speeches delivered during the war | |
The great war. | |
La guerra europea | |
La Guerre actuelle, son passé, son avenir | |
Guerre européenne, discours prononcé par M. David Lloyd George,... au Queen's Hall de Londres le 19 septembre 1914 | |
A history of Anglo-Soviet relations | |
Honour and dishonour : a speech | |
Is it peace? | |
Ist wirklich Friede? | |
Der kampf um den englischen boden; | |
Kulturfront | |
The liberal outlook | |
Lloyd George family letters, 1885-1936 | |
Lloyd George : twelve essays | |
Lloyd Georges svar til Tyskland : tale holdt i Parlamentet den 19. december 1916 | |
Mein Anteil am Weltkrieg | |
Mémoires de guerre | |
Memoirs of the Peace conference | |
My darling pussy : the letters of Lloyd George and Frances Stevenson 1913-41 | |
Naar Krigen ender | |
Napoleon and Palestine | |
Notruf | |
Old age in the new world | |
oorlog, hoe wij er voor staan en wat wij deden | |
Peace and retrenchment : The prime Minister's call to the nation | |
Peace proposals and the attitude of the allies; | |
The peoples budget, 1909. | |
Pour la Démocratie et la Paix du Monde | |
Prawda o mirnyh dogovorah : v dvuh tomah : perevod s anglijskogo. | |
Prawda o traktacie wersalskim. | |
Prominent Welshmen on the resources of Western Canada : the report of Mr. D. Lloyd George, M.P., Carnarvonshire, Mr. W.J. Rees, J.P., The Laurels, Swansea, Mr. W. LLewellyn Williams, M.A., Llangadock, on their visit to Canada in 1899 : published by the Government of Canada. | |
Las proposiciones de paz, y la actitud de los aliados. | |
Los propósitos británicos en la guerra | |
Quand la guerre finira : discours prononcé à Glasgow le 29 juin 1917 | |
Relations between Great Britain and Ireland : proposals of British government, July 20, 1921, and correspondence between Mr. Lloyd George and Mr. De Valera | |
Sekai taisen kaikoroku | |
Sil-Vara. Englishe Melukheh-mener, 1918: | |
Spain and Britain | |
Speech on the budget | |
Den store krig : tilbageblik og fremtidsudsigter : taler holdt i parlamentet | |
Through terror to triumph | |
The truth about reparations and war-debts | |
Truth about the peace treaties | |
La Vérité sur les réparations et les dettes de guerre | |
victoire en marche | |
Voennye memuary | |
Waarvoor Groot-Brittannië strijdt : een heldere uiteenzetting van de oorlogs-doeleinden | |
Die Wahrheit über Reparationen und Kriegsschulden | |
War memoirs | |
War memoirs of David Lloyd George | |
The war prospect and retrospect | |
We can conquer unemployment; Mr Lloyd George's pledge. | |
When the war will end | |
Where are we going? | |
Why the allies will win | |
The wit & wisdom of Lloyd George | |
Wspomnienia wojenne. | |
Военные мемуары | |
Мир ли это? Европейский кризис 1922-1923 годов | |
Правда о мирных договорах, 1957: | |
世界大戰回顧録 | |
捷を獲るまで : 英國首相戰時演説集 |