Commission of the European Communities. Coordination of Agricultural Research
Europäische Kommission Division 4, Co-ordination of Agricultural Research
Komisja Wspólnot Europejskich. Directorate-General for Agriculture. Coordination of Agricultural Research.
Commission des Communautés européennes. Coordination of Agricultural Research
VIAF ID: 124327123 (Corporate)
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- 110 2 _ ‡a Commission of the European Communities ‡b Coordination of Agricultural Research
- 110 2 _ ‡a Commission of the European Communities. Coordination of Agricultural Research
- 110 2 _ ‡a Commission of the European Communities. ‡b Coordination of Agricultural Research
- 110 2 _ ‡a Europäische Kommission ‡b Division 4, Co-ordination of Agricultural Research
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (54)
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- 510 2 _ ‡a Commission of the European Communities. ‡b Division for the Coordination of Agricultural Research
- 510 2 _ ‡a Commission of the European Communities ‡b Division for the Coordination of Agricultural Research
- 510 2 _ ‡a Europäische Kommission ‡e Ueberordnung
Title | Sources |
Advances in the production and utilization of cruciferous crops | |
Beta-agonists and their effects on animal growth and carcass quality | |
Biochemical identification of meat species : a seminar in the CEC Programme of Coordination of Livestock Productivity Management, held in Brussels, Belgium, 27-28 November 1984 | |
Biomass : recent economic studies | |
Bovine leucosis : various methods of molecular virology | |
Bulgaria's agriculture : situation, trends, and prospects | |
Cold storage warehousing in the EEC : an inter-country comparison | |
Curr. top. vet. med. anim. sci. | |
Current topics in veterinary medicine and animal science. | |
Energy and protein feeding standards applied to the rearing and finishing of beef cattle : proceedings of a seminar in the EEC Programme of Research on Beef Production, held in Theix, France, 13-16 November 1979 | |
Exploiting new technologies in animal breeding : genetic developments : proceedings of a seminar in the CEC Animal Husbandry Research Programme, held in Edinburgh, UK, on 19-20 June 1985 | |
Factors influencing fertility in the postpartum cow : a seminar in the CEC programme of coordination of research on beef production held at Freising, September 30-October 2, 1981 | |
Fruit flies of economic importance : proceedings of the CEC/IOBC International Symposium, Athens, Greece, 16-19 November 1982 | |
Glucosinolates in rapeseeds : analytical aspects : proceedings of a seminar in the CEC Programme of Research on Plant Productivity, held in Gembloux (Belgium), 1-3 October 1986 | |
Laboratory diagnosis in neonatal calf and pig diarrhoea : proceedings of a Workshop on Diagnostic Techniques for Enteropathogenic Agents Associated with Neonatal Diarrhoea in Calves and Pigs, held at the Central Veterinary Institute, Department of Virology, Lelystad, The Netherlands, June 3-5, 1980 | |
Latent herpes virus infections in veterinary medicine | |
The Male in farm animal reproduction, 1984: | |
The Mucosal immune system : proceedings of a seminar in the EEC programme of coordination of agricultural research on protection of the young animal against perinatal diseases, held at the University of Bristol, School of Veterinary Science, Lanford, Nr. Bristol, United Kingdom, on September 9-11, 1980 | |
Nitrogen efficiency in agricultural soils : a Seminar on Nitrogen Efficiency in Agricultural Soils and the Efficient Use of Fertilizer Nitrogen, held in Edinburgh, 16-18 September 1987, as part of the EC Programme for the Coordination of Agricultural Research | |
Perspectives for peas and lupins as protein crops : proceedings of an International Symposium on Protein Production from Legumes in Europe, organized by University of Naples, held in Sorrento, Italy, 19-22 October 1981 | |
Physiological limitations and the genetic improvement of symbiotic nitrogen fixation : proceedings of an International Conference on the Physiological Limitations and the Genetic Improvement of Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation, Cork, Ireland, September 1-3, 1987 | |
The Present state of leptospirosis diagnosis and control : a seminar in the CEC Programme of Coordination of Research on Animal Pathology, held at the Veterinary Research Laboratories, Belfast, Northern Ireland, October 10-11, 1984 | |
The problem of dark-cutting in beef : a seminar in the EEC programme of coordination of research on animal welfare, organised by D.E. Hood and P.V. Tarrant, and held in Brussels, October 7-8, 1980 | |
Progress in land evaluation : proceedings of a Seminar on Soil Survey and Land Evaluation, Wageningen, Netherlands, 26-29 September, 1983 | |
Resistance and immunity to Marek's disease : a seminar in the EEC joint programme on the mechanisms of resistance to Marek's disease : held in the Reichstag, West Berlin, 31 October-2 November 1978 | |
Sem. in the EEC Programme of Coordination of Research on the Improvement of the Production of Plant Proteins, Cambridge, Eng., 1979. Vicia faba, c1980 (a.e.) | |
Sem. on Use of Soma. in Live. Prod. (1988 : Brussels, Belg.). Use of somatotropin in livestock production, c1989: | |
Soil degradation : proceedings of the Land Use Seminar on Soil Degradation, Wageningen, 13-15 October 1980 / edited by D. Boels, D.B. Davies, A.E. Johnston. - Rotterdam, 1982. | |
Soil erosion in the European community : impact of changing agriculture | |
Structure des facteurs : terre, travail et resultats du systeme de production | |
Sub-acute spongiform encephalopathies : proceedings of a seminar in the CEC Agricultural Research Programme, held in Brussels, 12-14 November 1990 | |
Summer mastitis, 1987: | |
Symposium on Computers in Greenhouse Climate Control, Wageningen, Netherlands, 18-22 June 1979 | |
Symposium on More Profitable Use of Energy in Protected Cultivation : Dublin, Ireland, 7-12 September 1980 | |
A systematic approach to agricultural forecasts 1985 for the European Community of nine | |
Varroa jacobsoni Oud. : affecting honey bees : present status and needs : proceedings of a meeting of the EC Experts' Group, Wageningen, 7-9 February, 1983 | |
Vicia faba : agronomy, physiology, and breeding |