Great Britain. Office of Population Censuses and Surveys. Social Survey Division
Grande-Bretagne. Office of population censuses and surveys. Social survey division
VIAF ID: 137867638 (Corporate)
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- 210 | | ‡a Grande-Bretagne ‡b Office of population censuses and surveys ‡b Social survey division
- 110 2 _ ‡a Grande-Bretagne. ‡b Office of population censuses and surveys. ‡b Social survey division
- 110 2 _ ‡a Great Britain. Office of Population Censuses and Surveys. Social Survey Division
- 110 1 _ ‡a Great Britain. ‡b Office of Population Censuses and Surveys. ‡b Social Survey Division
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (2)
5xx's: Related Names (2)
Title | Sources |
1991 census, validation survey coverage report | |
Army welfare : a survey carried out for the Army Welfare Inquiry Committee (Ministry of Defence) | |
Changing the definition of a household : a study based on the 1981 Labour force survey in England to estimate the effect on housing data of a change in the definition of a household | |
Children's dental health in the United Kingdom, 1983 : a survey carried out by the Social Survey Division of OPCS, on behalf of the United Kingdom health departments, in collaboration with the Dental Schools of the Universities of Birmingham and Newcastle | |
Company organisation and worker participation a survey commissioned by the Department of employment of attitudes and practices in industrial democracy with special emphasis on the prospects for employee directors | |
Compiling the electoral register 1992 : a survey | |
Disabled adults : services, transport, and employment | |
Drinking in England and Wales an enquiry | |
Effects of the Redundancy Payments Act : a survey carried out in 1969 for the Department of Employment | |
Empty housing in England : a report on the 1977 vacant property survey carried out on behalf of the Department of the Environment : a follow-up survey of vacant addresses identified in the 1977 labour force survey | |
Families five years on | |
Family expenditure survey handbook : sampling, fieldwork, coding procedures and related methodological experiments : an account of the operations carried out by Social Survey Division of OPCS on behalf of the Department of Employment | |
Gen. househ. surv. | |
General household survey 1993 : an inter-departmental survey carried out by OPCS between April 1993 and March 1994 | |
The General Household Survey introductory report; | |
Handbook for interviewers; a manual for Social Survey interviewing staff, describing practice and procedures on structured interviewing. | |
Improving electoral registration : the report of field trials of a re-designed Form A carried out in 1984 by Social Survey Division of OPCS on behalf of the Home Office | |
Labour mobility in the construction industry | |
Living in Britain, 1994: | |
Matrimonial property; a survey carried out on behalf of the Law Commission, among married couples and formerly married people in England and Wales, establishing the current pattern of ownership of matrimonial property and the opinions of those interviewed on some of the fundamental issues of matrimonial property | |
National travel survey, 1972-73 : a comparison of 1965 and 1972-73 surveys. | |
Older workers and retirement : an enquiry carried out on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Security | |
OPCS surveys of disability in Great Britain | |
OPCS surveys of psychiatric morbidity in Great Britain | |
Parents' attitudes to education | |
People as pedestrians : a survey to ascertain how much adults go out and about on foot, carried out on behalf of the Transport and Road Research Laboratory | |
The prevalence of disability among children | |
The privately rented sector in 1978 : the report of a follow-up survey carried out among a sample of private renters who had been interviewed in the National Dwelling and Housing Survey | |
Public attitudes to liquor licensing laws in Great Britain | |
Recent private lettings, 1982-84 | |
Report on sampling error based on 1985 and 1986 data | |
Restrictions at Stonehenge the reactions of visitors to limitations in access | |
Scottish drinking habits a survey of Scottish drinking habits and attitudes towards alcohol carried out in 1972 for the Scottish home and health department | |
Scottish licensing laws : a survey | |
Series GHS | |
SS (Collection) (Grande-Bretagne. Office of Population Censuses and Surveys. Social Survey Division) | |
SS (Series) (Great Britain. Office of Population Censuses and Surveys. Social Survey Division) | |
Survey methodology bulletin | |
Survey of defenders in debt actions in Scotland | |
Teenagers and alcohol; a developmental study in Glasgow | |
Undergraduate income and expenditure | |
Visitors to three London museum : a survey of visitors to the British Museum, Science Museum and National Maritime Museum, carried out in October and November 1971 on behalf of the Department of Education and Science | |
Voluntary work a study carried out on behalf of the Home office as part of the 1992 General household survey | |
The West Indian school leaver : a survey conducted on behalf of the Department of Employment | |
Wheelchairs and their users : a survey among users of National Health Service wheelchairs in England and Wales, to establish their characteristics and attitudes to their wheelchairs and to the operation of the wheelchair service | |
Who would prefer separate accommodation? : a report on three studies investigating the circumstances and preferences of sharing households, concealed families, and unmarried people age 18-59 | |
Women and employment, a lifetime perspective : the report of the 1980 DE/OPCS women and employment survey | |
Women and shiftwork : the protective legislation survey carried out for the Equal Opportunities Commission |