Teece, David J.
Teece, David J., 1948-....
Teece, David
Teece, David J. (David John)
David Teece New Zealand - American business academic
VIAF ID: 54208954 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/54208954
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a David Teece ‡c New Zealand - American business academic
- 200 _ | ‡a Teece ‡b David J.
- 100 1 _ ‡a Teece, David
- 100 1 _ ‡a Teece, David J
- 100 1 _ ‡a Teece, David J.
- 100 1 _ ‡a Teece, David J.
- 100 1 _ ‡a Teece, David J. ‡d 1948-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Teece, David J. ‡d 1948-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Teece, David J., ‡d 1948-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Teece, David J., ‡d 1948-....
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (20)
5xx's: Related Names (1)
Title | Sources |
The basic elements | |
Clarendon lectures in management studies. | |
Competencies, capabilities and the neoschumpeterian tradition | |
Competitive challenge : strategies for industrial innovation and renewal | |
D.J.ティースダイナミック・ケイパビリティの企業理論 = A dynamic capabilities-based entrepreneurial theory : anthology of D.J.Teece's dynamic capabilities perspective | |
Di je tisu dainamikku keipabiriti no kigyo riron. | |
Dynamic capabilities and strategic management : organizing for innovation and growth | |
Economic performance and the theory of the firm, 1998: | |
Economics : an introduction to analysis and policy | |
Elements of the crude oil production decision : implications from economic theory | |
Empresas, mercados y jerarquías : la perspectiva económica de los costos de transacción | |
Essays in technology management and policy selected papers of David J. Teece | |
Favouring Dynamic Competition over Static Competition in Antitrust Law | |
Firms, markets, and hierarchies : the transaction cost economics perspective | |
Les frontières des entreprises : vers une théorie de la cohérence de la grande entreprise | |
Fundamental issues in strategy a research agenda | |
Fundamentals of business strategy | |
Harvard business on strategic alliances | |
Information and investment : a study in the working of the competitive economy | |
Integrating the elements | |
Keipabiriti no soshikiron senryakuron | |
Kyōsō eno chōsen | |
The law and economics of patent damages, antitrust, and legal process | |
Management innovation : essays in the spirit of Alfred D. Chandler, Jr. | |
Managing High-Tech Industries | |
Managing industrial knowledge : creation, transfer and utilization | |
Managing intellectual capital organizational, strategic and policy dimensions | |
Markets in microcosm some efficiency properties of vertical integration | |
The multinational corporation and the resource cost of international technology transfer | |
n79103879 | |
The new enlightenment : reshaping capitalism and the global order in the 21st century | |
OPEC behavior and world oil prices | |
Une organisation virtuelle n'est pas toujours vertueuse | |
The Oxford handbook of dynamic capabilities | |
The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management | |
Quand les entreprises chinoises se mondialisent : Haier, Huawei et TCL | |
Strategy, Innovation and the Theory of the Firm | |
Strategy, technology, and public policy | |
The transfer and licensing of know-how and intellectual property : understanding the multinational enterprise in the modern world | |
Understanding industrial and corporate change | |
Winning the long game : how strategic leaders shape the future | |
Works. Selections. 1998 | |
전략적 제휴 경쟁우위를 확보하는 원칙과 방법 | |
하이테크 산업 경영 | |
ケイパビリティの組織論戦略論 : what are the capabilities? | |
ダイナミック・ケイパビリティ戦略 : イノベーションを創発し、成長を加速させる力 | |
競争への挑戦 : 革新と再生の戦略 |