Hauerwas, Stanley, 1940-....
Hauerwas, Stanley
Hauerwas, Stanley M. 1940-
Hauerwas, Stanley (Stanley Martin), 1940-
Stanley Hauerwas American theologian
VIAF ID: 105999215 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/105999215
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Hauerwas, Stanley
- 100 1 _ ‡a Hauerwas, Stanley M. ‡d 1940-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Hauerwas, Stanley ‡d 1940-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Hauerwas, Stanley ‡d 1940-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Hauerwas, Stanley ‡d 1940-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Hauerwas, Stanley, ‡d 1940-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Hauerwas, Stanley, ‡d 1940-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Hauerwas, Stanley, ‡d 1940-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Hauerwas, Stanley, ‡d 1940-....
- 100 0 _ ‡a Stanley Hauerwas ‡c American theologian
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (31)
Title | Sources |
13인의 기독교 지성, 아나뱁티즘을 말하다 | |
After Christendom? : how the church is to behave if freedom, justice, and a Christian nation are bad ideas | |
Against the nations : war and survival in a liberal society | |
Approaching the end : eschatological reflections on church, politics, and life | |
Beginnings : interrogating Hauerwas | |
The betrayal of witness : reflections on the downfall of Jean Vanier | |
A better hope : resources for a church confronting capitalism, democracy, and postmodernity | |
The Blackwell companion to Christian ethics | |
Brieven aan mijn peetzoon : over karaktervorming voor grote en kleine christenen | |
Called to community : the life Jesus wants for his people | |
Character and the Christian life : a study in theological ethics | |
The character of virtue : letters to a godson | |
Christen sind Fremdbürger wie wir wieder werden, was wir sind: Abenteurer der Nachfolge in einer nachchristlichen Gesellschaft | |
Christian existence today : essays on church, world, and living in between | |
Christianity, democracy, and the radical ordinary : conversations between a radical Democrat and a Christian | |
Christians among the virtues : theological conversations with ancient and modern ethics | |
A community of character : toward a constructive Christian social ethic | |
Correspondence. Selections | |
Critical reflections on Stanley Hauerwas' theology of disability : disabling society, enabling theology | |
A cross-shattered church : reclaiming the theological heart of preaching | |
The difference Christ makes : celebrating the life, work, and friendship of Stanley Hauerwas | |
Discipleship as political responsibility | |
Discipleship in a world full of Nazis : recovering the true legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer | |
Dispatches from the front : theological engagements with the secular | |
Dissent from the homeland : essays after September 11 | |
Engaging Anabaptism conversation[s] with a radical tradition | |
Étrangers dans la cité | |
Finite care in a world of infinite need | |
Fully alive : the apocalyptic humanism of Karl Barth | |
Growing old in Christ | |
Hananim ui nageune doen baekseong | |
Hanna ui ai | |
Hannah's child : a theologian's memoir | |
The Hauerwas reader | |
Holy spirit | |
In good company : the Church as polis | |
Jesus changes everything : a new world made possible | |
L'Amérique, Dieu et la guerre : réflexions théologiques sur la violence et l'identité nationale | |
Living gently in a violent world : the prophetic witness of weakness | |
MacIntyre and Hauerwas on metaethics and science | |
The making of Stanley Hauerwas : bridging Barth and postliberalism | |
Matthew | |
Naming the silences : God, medicine, and the problem of suffering | |
The peaceable kingdom : a primer in Christian ethics | |
Performing the faith : Bonhoeffer and the practice of nonviolence | |
Postliberal theology and the church catholic : conversations with George Lindbeck, David Burrell, and Stanley Hauerwas | |
Prayers plainly spoken | |
Preaching to strangers | |
Radical traditions : Theology in a postcritical key | |
Reliģijas loma mainīgajā pasaulē : LU 80. starptautiskā zinātniskā konference : Teoloģijas un reliģijpētniecības sekcija : tēžu krājums, 2022: | |
Resident aliens : life in the Christian colony | |
Revisions : a series of books on ethics | |
Revisions, changing perspectives in moral philosophy | |
The risk of education : discovering our ultimate destiny | |
Le royaume de paix : une initiation à l'éthique chrétienne | |
Sanctify them in the truth : holiness exemplified | |
Schooling Christians : "holy experiments" in American education | |
Selig sind die Friedfertigen : ein Entwurf christlicher Ethik | |
Should war be eliminated? : philosophical and theological investigations | |
The state of the university : academic knowledges and the knowledge of God | |
Stations on the journey of inquiry : formative writings of David B. Burrell, 1962-72 | |
Suffering presence : theological reflections on medicine, the mentally handicapped, and the church | |
Theology without foundations : religious practice and the future of theological truth | |
The truth about God : the Ten commandments in Christian life | |
Truth, community, and the prophetic voice : Michael Walzer, Stanley Hauerwas, and Cornel West on justice and peace | |
Truthfulness and tragedy : further investigations in Christian ethics | |
Unleashing the scripture : freeing the Bible from captivity to America | |
Unsettling arguments : a Festschrift on the occasion of Stanley Hauerwas's 70th birthday | |
Vision and virtue : essays in Christian ethical reflection | |
War and the American difference | |
Why narrative? : readings in narrative theology | |
Wilderness wanderings : probing twentieth-century theology and philosophy | |
The wisdom of the Cross : essays in honor of John Howard Yoder | |
With the grain of the universe : the church's witness and natural theology : being the Gifford Lectures delivered at the University of St. Andrews in 2001 | |
Without apology, 2013: | |
The work of theology | |
Working with words : on learning to speak Christian | |
Works. Selections | |
Zalig de zachtmoedigen : het profetisch getuigenis van zwakheid | |
덕과 성품 좋은 삶을 일구는 핵심 미덕 14가지 | |
주여, 기도를 가르쳐 주소서 | |
하나님의 나그네 된 백성 이 땅에서 그분의 교회로 살아가는 길 | |
宇宙の筋目に沿って : 教会の証しと自然神学 : 世界の注目を集めた「ギフォード講義」 | |
平和を可能にする神の国 | |
教会を通り過ぎていく人への福音 : 今日の教会と說教をめぐる対話 | |
旅する神の民 : 「キリスト教国アメリカ」への挑戦状 | |
暴力の世界で柔和に生きる | |
神の真理 : キリスト教的生における十戒 | |
美徳の中のキリスト者 : 美徳の倫理学との神学的対話 |