Wezler, Albrecht.
Wezler, Albrecht, 1938-
Albrecht Wezler German Indologist
VIAF ID: 66956562 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/66956562
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a Albrecht Wezler ‡c German Indologist
- 200 _ | ‡a Wezler ‡b Albrecht
- 100 1 _ ‡a Wezler, Albrecht
- 100 1 _ ‡a Wezler, Albrecht
- 100 1 _ ‡a Wezler, Albrecht
- 100 1 _ ‡a Wezler, Albrecht
- 100 1 _ ‡a Wezler, Albrecht ‡d 1938-
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (4)
Title | Sources |
Bālambhaṭṭī, being a commentary by Bālambhaṭṭa Pāyaguṇḍe on the Mitākṣarā of Śrī Vijñeśwara on the Yājñavalkya-smr̥ti | |
Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Indischen Kultur- und Religionsgeschichte | |
Bestimmung und Angabe der Funktion von Sekundär-Suffixen durch Pāṇini | |
Bhṛṅgāra in Sanskrit literature | |
Catalogue of the Buddhist Sanskrit manuscripts in the University library, Cambridge in cooperation with the National Archives, Kathmandu | |
Dharma in the Veda and the Dharma??stras | |
Elementarbuch der Sanskrit-Sprache : Grammatik, Texte, Wörterbuch | |
Festschrift Minoru Hara | |
Festschrift Paul Thieme zur Vollendung des 75. Lebensjahres | |
Harānandalaharī : volume in Honour of Profesor Minoru Hara on his Seventieth Birthday | |
Indian philology and South Asian studies | |
Kālidāsa's meghadūta : ed. from manuscripts, with the commentary of Vallabhadeva, and provided with a complete Sanskrit-English vocabulary | |
Kleine Schriften | |
Mahabhasyapradipa. [Extraits.] | |
Mānavadharmaśāstra | |
Meghadūta | |
Nala und Damayanti : eine Episode aus dem Mahabharata | |
Nalopākhyāna | |
Nepal research centre publications | |
Paribhāsā IV, V und XV. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der einheimischen indischen grammatischen Scholastik... von Albrecht Wezler.. | |
Proceedings of the XXXII International Congress for Asian and North African Studies, Hamburg, 25th-30th August 1986 | |
Publications of the Nepal-German Manuscript Preservation Project | |
Studien zum Jainismus und Buddhismus Gedenkschrift für Ludwig Alsdorf | |
Thin, thinner, thinnest : some remarks on Jaiminīja Brāhmaṇa 1.144 | |
Uddyota. [Extraits.] | |
Veda-vyākaraṇa-vyākhyāna : Festschrift Paul Thieme zum 90. Geburtstag am 18. März 1995, dargebracht von Schülern, Freunden und Kollegen | |
Die wahren Speiseresteesser (Skt. vighasāśin) | |
Yuktidīpikā the most significant commentary on the Sāṃkhyakārikā |