Clark, Grahame, 1907-1995.
Clark, Grahame
Grahame Clark British archaeologist and prehistorian (1907–1995)
Clark, John Grahame Douglas
Clark, Grahame (John Grahame Douglas), 1907-1995
Кларк, Г 1907-
Clark, John Grahame Douglas, 1907-1995
Clark, John Grahame Douglas, 1907-
קלארק, גרהם, 1907-1995
Кларк, Г. 1907- Грэм
VIAF ID: 108580938 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 0 ‡a Clark, Grahame
- 100 1 _ ‡a Clark, Grahame
- 100 1 _ ‡a Clark, Grahame ‡d 1907-1995
- 100 1 _ ‡a Clark, Grahame, ‡d 1907-1995
- 100 1 _ ‡a Clark, Grahame, ‡d 1907-1995
- 100 1 _ ‡a Clark, Grahame, ‡d 1907-1995
- 100 1 _ ‡a Clark, John Grahame Douglas, ‡d 1907-
- 100 0 _ ‡a Grahame Clark ‡c British archaeologist and prehistorian (1907–1995)
- 100 1 _ ‡a Кларк, Г ‡d 1907-
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (78)
Title | Sources |
Archaeology and society | |
Arqueología y sociedad : reconstruyendo el pasado histórico | |
The Cambridge encyclopedia of archaeology, 1980 | |
Les chasseurs de l'Âge de la pierre | |
Ciencia en arqueología | |
The dawn of civilization : the first world survey of human cultures in early times | |
Derivative Forms of thePetit Tranchetin Britain | |
The earlier Stone Age settlement of Scandinavia | |
Economic prehistory : papers on archaeology | |
Europa preistorica : gli aspetti della vita materiale | |
Europa przedhistoryczna : podstawy gospodarcze | |
Excavations at Farnham, Surrey (1937-38) : the Horsham culture and the question of Mesolithic dwellings | |
Excavations at Star Carr : an early Mesolithic site at Seamer near Scarborough, Yorkshire | |
From savagery to civilization | |
Frühgeschichte der Menschheit Ein Überblick | |
La Identidad del hombre : vista por un arqueólogo | |
A identidade do homem : uma exploração arqueológica | |
Identity of man : as seen by an archaeologist | |
De jagers uit de steentijd | |
L'alba della civiltà : panorama universale del mondo antico | |
Luftbild und Vor- und Frühgeschichtliche Forschung. pp. 85, text diagrams and numerous half-tones. Berlin, S.W. 29; Hansa Luftbild, 1938. Note.—Not on sale, but obtainable free of charge from the publishers | |
Manual de Historia Universal: Tomo I. Prehistoria. By Basch Martin Almagro. Pp. 918, figs. 944, 13 folding maps, 8 coloured plates, 19 tables. Espasa-Calpe, Madrid, 1960 | |
The mesolithic age in Britain | |
The mesolithic settlement of Northern Europe : a study of the food-gathering peoples of Northern Europe during the early post-glacial period | |
Microlithic Industries from Tufa Deposits at Prestatyn, Flintshire and Blashenwell, Dorset | |
Miscelanea en Homenaje al Abate Henri Breuil (1877–1961). Edited by Perelló E. Ripoll. 2 vols., pp. xix + 496 and xxi + 450. Instituto de Prehistoria y Arqueologia, Barcelona, 1964 and 1965 | |
Die Mittlere Steinzeit in Estland. By Indreko R.. Kungl. Vitt. Hist. och Antik. Akad. Handl., d. 60. Stockholm, 1948. pp. 428, abb. 88. Price, 15 Swedish kroner | |
Neolithic Cattle-Keepers of South India: a Study of the Deccan Ashmounds. By Allchin F. R.. Pp. xvi+189, 22 figs., XII pl. (2 in colour). University of Cambridge Oriental Publication No. 9. Cambridge University Press, 1963. Price 55s. ($10.50) | |
New World origins | |
NORGES STEINALDER. By Gutorm Gjessing. Norsk Arkeologisk Selskap, Oslo, 1945. pp. 527, fig. 153. Price not given | |
Notes on Excavations in England, the Irish Free State, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, during 1937 | |
Das Pfahlbauproblem. Von W. U. Guyan, H. Levi, W. Ludi, J. Speck, H. Tauber, J. Troels-Smith, E. Vogt, und M. Welten. II 3/5 × 8¾. Pp. 334 + 36 pls. + 159 text-figs. Monographien zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte der Schweiz, Bd. XI. Basel: Birkhäuser | |
A pré-história | |
La préhistoire de l'humanité | |
Prehistoric Europe : the economic basis. | |
Prehistoric societies | |
A Premium on Antiquity. | |
Primitive man in Egypt, Western Asia and Europe | |
Przestrzeń, czas i człowiek : spojrzenie badacza prehistorii | |
Report on an early bronze age site in the south-eastern fens | |
Report on Excavations on the Cambridgeshire Car Dyke, 1947 | |
Rummet, tiden och människan : en förhistorikers perspektiv | |
DIE SCHWEIZ ZUR RENTIERZEIT. By Hans-Georg Bandi. Frauenfeld: Verlag Huber and Co., 1947, pp. 217, numerous text figures, 16 plates and folding map. 13.50 Swiss francs | |
Sekki jidai no shuryōmin | |
Simris: On Cultural Connections of Scania in the Roman Iron Age. By Stjernquist Berta. Pp. 186, text figs. 11, pl. xlv, 1 map. Acta Archaeologica Lundensia, ser: in 4°, no. 2. Lund, 1955. Price 70 kr. (Swedish).Simris II: Bronze Age Problems in the | |
Space, time and man : a prehistorian's view | |
Społeczeństwa prahistoryczne | |
Star Carr : a case study in bioarchaeology | |
The Stone Age hunters | |
The Stone Age of Indonesia. By Van Heekeren H. R.. Verhandlungen van het Kon. Inst. voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, deel XXI. The Hague, 1957. pp. 141, 24 figs., 47 pls. Price, 15 Dutch guilders.The Bronze-Iron Age of Indonesia. By Van Heekeren H. | |
The Stone Age of Mount Carmel: Excavations at the Wady Elmughara, Vol. I, by Garrod D. A. E. and Bate D. M. A.. pp. 240, pl. LXV, text figs. 8. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1937. Price, 42s | |
The Stuntney Hoard | |
Symbols of excellence : precious materials as expressions of status | |
Text-Book of Modern Pollen Analysis, by Faegri Knut and Iversen Johs.. Ejnar Munksgaard, Copenhagen, 1950. 168 pp., 15 figs., IX pl. 16 kr. (Danish) | |
The Timber Monument at Arminghall and its Affinities | |
TRAEN-FUNNENE (Inst. f. Sammen. Kulturforskning. Ser. B: skr. XLI). By Gutorm Gjessing. Oslo, 1943. pp. 234, pl. 52. Paper. 30 kr. (Norwegian). Boards, 35 kr | |
Von der Wildheit zur Zivilisation | |
What happened in history | |
World prehistory | |
Доисторический мир | |
中石器時代 : 新石器文化の摇籃期 | |
先史時代の社会 | |
石器時代の狩猟民 | |
空間、時間、そして人類 : 時空認識の人類史 |