Wergeland, Harald, 1912-1987
Wergeland, H
Wergeland, H. (Harald), 1912-1987
Wergeland, Harald (1912- ).
Harald Wergeland norsk fysiker, ingeniør og professor
Wergeland, Harald
VIAF ID: 34849279 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/34849279
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a Harald Wergeland ‡c norsk fysiker, ingeniør og professor
- 100 1 _ ‡a Wergeland, H. ‡q (Harald), ‡d 1912-1987
- 100 1 _ ‡a Wergeland, Harald
- 100 1 _ ‡a Wergeland, Harald ‡d 1912-1987
- 100 1 _ ‡a Wergeland, Harald ‡d 1912-1987
- 100 1 _ ‡a Wergeland, Harald, ‡d 1912-1987
- 100 1 _ ‡a Wergeland, Harald, ‡d 1912-1987
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (30)
5xx's: Related Names (2)
Title | Sources |
100 år. Den Gymnastiske Centralskole 1870-1915, Statens gymnastikkskole 1915-1968, Norges idrettshøgskole 1968-1970 : Referat fra jubileumssymposiet 2.-4. januar 1970 | |
Autocorrelation function of some "linear" stationary stochastic processes | |
Bølgemekanik : utdrag av forelesningene våren 1954 | |
Christian Møller : minnetale i fellesmøtet 21. april 1980 | |
Contribution to the theory of Einsteins condensation phenomenon | |
Egil A. Hylleraas 15.5.1898-28.10.1965 | |
Einstein-Lorentz's formula for the fluctuations of electromagnetic energy | |
Èlementarnaja termodinamika / D. ter Chaar, G. Vergeland. - Moskva, 1968. | |
Elements of thermodynamics | |
Festskrift til Egil Hylleraas : på sekstiårsdagen 15de mai 1958 | |
Fluctuations in the number of particles in the lowest quantum state of Bose systems | |
Forelesninger i mekanikk III høsten 1955 | |
Fysikk og politikk | |
Grunnbegrepene i den specielle relativitetsteori | |
Harald Wergeland : minnetale i Det norske videnskaps-akademi | |
high Voltage Plant for nuclear investigation | |
How far can the radiation from atoms be represented by classical models? | |
Innføring i strålingsteorien | |
Kompetansekurset 1969/72 : Rapport 1970 | |
A manybody problem for students | |
Minneord om Albert Einsteins liv og verk | |
n50002493 | |
Niels Bohr 1885-1962 | |
Om atomkjernenes struktur : mit einer Zusammenfassung in deutscher Sprache | |
Om et komplementaritetsforhold ved spredningseksperimenter | |
On an Alternative to the Wiener kintchine representation of a stationary stochastic process | |
On pressure fluctuations | |
On some exact relations in quantum statistics | |
On some wave packets and ghosts (II) contd. | |
On the hydride and deuteride of lithium I | |
On the "intermediary" statistics of G. Gentile | |
On the light from synchrotron beams | |
On the present status of the Klein paradox / by H. Wergeland | |
Paralipomena of the Debye-Hückel theory / Harald Wergeland | |
Partition function of Bose statistics and principal characteristics of the symmetric group | |
Photon Emission form a given current | |
[Privatarkiv Harald Wergeland] | |
Professor Christian Møller in memoriam / [Haakon Olsen, Harald Wergeland] | |
Reaction of sound waves and its application for absolute measurement of intensity | |
Rum og tid : gamle og nye forestillinger sett fra en fysikers synspunkt | |
Selected scientific papers of Egil A. Hylleraas | |
Signe Schmidt-Nielsen 1878-1959 | |
Some remarks on the equation of state of fully ionized gases | |
Some Remarks on the thermodynamical inequalities | |
Some theoretical remarks on the diffraction of sound : scattering by a rigid sphere | |
Statistisk mekanik | |
Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics in the special theory of relativity | |
Twenty-six articles dedicated to Professor Harald Wergeland in celebration of his sixtieth birthday | |
Über die ausgedehnten Luftschauer des kosmischen Strahlung | |
Über eine Integral aus der Akustik | |
Undersøkelse av en atomkjernemodell bygget opp av α-partikler | |
Utdrag av prof. Wergelands forelesninger i "elektrodynamikk" høst 1952 | |
Varmelære | |
Wave packets and ensemble interpretations of quantum mechanics | |
Wave packets of relativistic electrons | |
Wikidata via Wikipedia, May 16, 2019 | |
Zu einer Aufgabe vom Ernst Jacobsthal Ernst Jacobsthal zum 80. Geburtstag |