Bagrow, Leo.
Bagrow, Leo, 1881-1957
Bagrov, Lev Semenovič (1881-1957).
Лео Багров русско-шведский учёный и историк картографии
Leo Bagrow
Bagrov, Lev Semenovič
Багров, Л. С. (Лев Семенович), 1881-1957
Bagrow, Leo (Lev Semenovič)
Bagrov, L. S. 1881-1957 Lev Semenovič
Багров, Л. С. 1881-1957 Лев Семенович
Багров, Лев Семенович 1881-1957
VIAF ID: 70027613 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Bagrov, Lev Semenovič
- 200 _ | ‡a Bagrow ‡b Leo ‡f 1881-1957
- 100 1 _ ‡a Bagrow, Leo
- 100 1 _ ‡a Bagrow, Leo
- 100 1 _ ‡a Bagrow, Leo ‡d 1881-1957
- 100 1 _ ‡a Bagrow, Leo, ‡d 1881-1957
- 100 0 _ ‡a Leo Bagrow
- 100 0 _ ‡a Лео Багров ‡c русско-шведский учёный и историк картографии
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (54)
5xx's: Related Names (7)
- 551 _ _ ‡a Berlin ‡4 ortw ‡4
- 551 _ _ ‡a Den Haag ‡4 orts ‡4
- 551 _ _ ‡a Den Haag ‡4 ortw ‡4
- 510 2 _ ‡a Geographisches Institut Petrograd ‡4 affi ‡4 ‡e Affiliation
- 551 _ _ ‡a Petrograd ‡4 ortw ‡4
- 551 _ _ ‡a Sankt Petersburg ‡4 ortw ‡4
- 551 _ _ ‡a Solikamsk ‡4 ortg ‡4
Title | Sources |
Anecdota cartographica | |
The atlas of Siberia | |
The book of the great map | |
Carta Itineraria Europae Martini Ilacomili, 1511 | |
Chorografičeskaja Čerteznaja kniga | |
Dell'Universale... | |
Drei Lebensabschnitte von Leo Bagrow (1881-1957) | |
A Dutch globe at Moscow, ca. 1650 | |
Die ersten Karten der Ukraine (XVII.Jh.) | |
Essay of a catalogue of map-incunabula. | |
A few remarks on maps of the Amur, the Tartar Strait and Sakhalin | |
The first German Ortelius | |
The first map printed in Russian | |
The first maps of the Dnieper cataracts | |
The first Russian maps of Siberia and their influence on the West‐European cartography of N.E. Asia | |
Fragments of the “Carta Marina” by Laurentius Fries, 1524 | |
Geschichte der kartographie | |
The Gottorp globe in Russia | |
History of cartography. | |
Imago mundi : a review of early cartography. | |
Imago mundi : Jahrbuch der alten Kartographie | |
Imago mvndi | |
Istoriâ geografičeskoj karty : očerk i ukazatel' literatury / L. S. Bagrov. - Petrograd, 1917. | |
Istoriâ russkoj kartografii / Leo Bagrov. - Moskva, 2005. | |
Italians on the Caspian | |
Italiens insatser inom skandinavisk kartografi. | |
Ivan Kirilov, compiler of the first Russian Atlas, 1689–1737 | |
Karty Azīatskoĭ Rossīi, 1914: | |
The maps from the home archives of the descendants of a friend of Marco polo | |
The maps of Regiomontanus. | |
Materìaly kʺ istoričeskomu obzoru kartʺ Kaspìjskago morâ | |
Matheo Pagano, a Venetian cartographer of the 16th century; | |
Meister der Kartographie : Wiedergabe alter Karten auf 22 Farbtafeln und 118 Tafeln in Kunstdruck, 79 Karten im Text und biographische Angaben zu 1291 Kartographen | |
Norden i den äldsta kartografien. | |
An old Russian world map | |
The origin of Ptolemy's Geographia | |
A. Ortelii Catalogus cartographorum | |
Österlandets äldre kartografi. | |
P. Coppo's Karte von Britannien | |
A page from the history of the distribution of maps | |
Rodi | |
A Russian communications map, ca. 1685 | |
Rüst's and Sporer's world maps | |
Semyon Remezov - a Siberian cartographer | |
Sojuz socialisticeskich sovetskich respublik (Evropejskaja čast') ; [Izdanie narodnogo komissariata prosvesčenija] | |
A tale from the Bosphorus | |
A turkish map of the Nile River, about 1685 | |
Tuto il mondo tereno | |
vera descritione dela gran Cita del Caiero | |
Vingboons' maps in Sweden | |
The Vitus Bering first voyage maps [Transl. from the Russ.] | |
The Wilczek‐Brown Codex | |
Большая советская энциклопедия, 3-е изд.: | |
История русской картографии | |
Матеріалы къ историческому обзору картъ Каспійскаго моря | |
О трех этапах в жизни Л.С.Багрова (1881-1957) | |
Очерки мировой войны на море (с 20 ноября по 31 декабря 1915 г.) | |
Структура предпринимательских организаций |