Acoustical society of America
Acoustical Society of America international scientific society
VIAF ID: 142913027 (Corporate)
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- 110 2 _ ‡a Acoustical Society of America
- 110 2 _ ‡a Acoustical Society of America
- 110 2 0 ‡a Acoustical Society of America
- 110 2 _ ‡a Acoustical Society of America
- 110 2 _ ‡a Acoustical Society of America ‡c international scientific society
- 110 2 _ ‡a Acoustical society of America
- 210 | | ‡a Acoustical society of America
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (20)
5xx's: Related Names (1)
- 510 2 _ ‡a Archives Society of Alberta
Title | Sources |
Acoustical designing in architecture | |
Acoustical measurements | |
Acoustical Society of America standards | |
Acoustics of auditoriums in public buildings | |
Acoustics research letters online : ARLO. | |
Acoustics today | |
Aeroacoustics of flight vehicles : theory and practice | |
American national standard methods for manual puretone threshold audiometry | |
American standard method for specifying the characteristics of pickups for shock and vibration measurement | |
American standard method for the free-field secondary calibration of microphones | |
American standard specification for ultrasonic therapeutic equipment | |
American standard test code for apparatus noise measurement | |
ANSI/ASA S2.1-2009/ISO 2041:2009 (E) | |
ANSI S1.11-2004 | |
ARLO | |
ASA/ANSI S3.7-2016 (E) | |
Comparative studies of hearing in vertebrates | |
Concert and opera halls : how they sound | |
Crystal acoustics : introduction to the study of elastic waves and vibrations in crystals | |
Electroacoustics : the analysis of transduction, and its historical background | |
Guidelines for the preparation of standard procedures to determine the noise emission from sources | |
Halls for music performance : another two decades of experience, 1982-2002 | |
Innovations in nonlinear acoustics : ISNA 17, 17th International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics, including the International Sonic Boom Forum, State College, Pennsylvania 18-22 July 2005 | |
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. | |
JASA express letters. | |
Mechanical vibration, shock and conditio monitoring - Vocabulary | |
Membership directory and handbook | |
Membership list, officers, bylaws, and history | |
Methods for the measurement of sound pressure levels | |
Noise control | |
Noise news. | |
Nonlinear underwater acoustics | |
Papers in speech communication. | |
POMA | |
Proceedings | |
Ref. contemp. pap. acoust. | |
Research papers in violin acoustics, 1975-1993 with an introductory essay : 350 years of violin research | |
The Sabines at Riverbank : their role in the science of architectural acoustics | |
Scientific papers Volumes I-VI, 1869-1919 | |
Sound : its uses and control. | |
Sound (Lanc. Pa., Online) | |
Specification for octave-band and fractional-octave-band analog and digital filters | |
Suggested experiments for laboratory courses in acoustics and vibrations | |
The technology of binaural understanding | |
Thermoacoustics : a unifying perspective for some engines and refrigerators | |
Timbre : acoustics, perception, and cognition | |
Vibration and sound | |
Vibration of shells |