Eilenberg, Samuel, 1913-1998
Eilenberg, Samuel
Samuel Eilenberg
VIAF ID: 73853061 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/73853061
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Eilenberg, Samuel
- 100 1 _ ‡a Eilenberg, Samuel
- 100 1 _ ‡a Eilenberg, Samuel
- 100 1 _ ‡a Eilenberg, Samuel ‡d 1913-1998
- 100 1 _ ‡a Eilenberg, Samuel, ‡d 1913-1998
- 100 0 _ ‡a Samuel Eilenberg
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (41)
5xx's: Related Names (3)
- 500 1 _ ‡a Bourbaki, Nicolas ‡d ca. 20. Jh.- ‡4 pseu ‡4 http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#pseudonym ‡e Pseudonym
- 551 _ _ ‡a New York, NY ‡4 orts ‡4 http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#placeOfDeath
- 551 _ _ ‡a Warschau ‡4 ortg ‡4 http://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#placeOfBirth
Title | Sources |
About continuous maps of subsets of Euclidean spaces on the circle line | |
An adjunction theorem for locally equiconnected spaces | |
Algebra, topology, and category theory : a collection of papers in honour of Samuel Eilenberg | |
Automata, languages and machines | |
Axiomatic Approach to Homology Theory | |
Bemerkungen zur Pontrjaginschen Verallgemeinerung des Alexanderschen Dualitätssatzes | |
Cohomologie des groupes, suite spectrale, faisceaux[par Samuel Eilenberg, Henri Cartan et Jean-Pierre Serre]. 2e édition... | |
Cohomology Theory in Abstract Groups. II: Group Extensions with a non-Abelian Kernel | |
Cohomology theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras | |
Continuous Mappings of Infinite Polyhedra | |
Eilenberg-Mac Lane collected works | |
Foundations of Algebraic Topology | |
Foundations of fiber bundles : lectures | |
Homological algebra | |
Homology and fibrations I: Coalgebras, cotensor product and its derived functors | |
Homology theories for multiplicative systems | |
Homotopie et espaces fibrés I. H. P. mathématiques approfondies, 1966-1967 | |
An invariance theorem for subsets of Sn | |
Lectures on modern mathematics. | |
The lotus transcendent : Indian and Southeast Asian art from the Samuel Eilenberg collection | |
On curves without knots | |
On pseudovarieties | |
On small-slice transformations | |
On the dimension of modules and algebras. IV: Dimension of residue rings of hereditary rings | |
On the Groups H(Π, n), III: Operations and Obstructions | |
On the Problems of Topology | |
Osnovaniâ algebraičeskoj topologii | |
Polskie osiagnięcia naukowe na obczyźnie | |
Proceedings of the Conference on Categorical Algebra La Jolla 1965 | |
Pure and applied Mathematics A series of monographs and textbooks | |
Pure appl. math. (New York. 1949) | |
Recursiveness | |
Relations between Homology and Homotopy Groups | |
Remarks on Pontryagin's generalization of Alexander's duality theorem | |
Remarques sur les ensembles et les fonctions relativement mesurables = (Uwagi o zbiorach i funkcjach względnie mierzalnych) | |
A sasanian silver medallion of Varhrān III | |
Selected papers | |
Sélections. | |
Semi-simplicial complexes and singular homology | |
Séminaire Henri Cartan. | |
Singular Homology in Differentiable Manifolds | |
Sur la dérivation des fonctions dans les ensembles dénombrables | |
Sur la multicohérence des surfaces closes = (O wielosprzęgłości powierzchni zamkniętych) | |
Sur le théorème de décomposition de la théorie de la dimension | |
Sur les courbes sans noeuds | |
Sur les espaces multicoherents. | |
Sur les groupes compacts d'homéomorphies | |
Sur les transformations à petites tranches | |
Sur quelques propriétés topologiques de la surface de sphère | |
Sur un théorème topologique de M. L. Schnirelmann | |
Un théorème de dualité | |
Un théorème sur l’homotopie | |
Transformations continues en circonférence et la topologie du plan | |
Über stetige Abbildungen der Teilmengen euklidischer Räume auf die Kreislinie | |
Zahlentheoretische Eigenschaften ganzzahliger Polynome | |
O zastosowaniach topologicznych odwzorowań na okrąg koła | |
Об одной топологической теореме Л. Шнирельмана | |
Основания алгебраической топологии |