Can environment predict cryptic diversity? The case of Niphargus inhabiting Western Carpathian groundwater |
Current cave monitoring practices, their variation and recommendations for future improvement in Europe: A synopsis from the 6th EuroSpeleo Protection Symposium |
Description of Acanthocephalus anguillae balkanicus subsp. n. (Acanthocephala: Echinorhynchidae) from Proteus anguinus Laurenti (Amphibia: Proteidae) and the cave ecomorph of Asellus aquaticus (Crustacea: Asellidae) in Slovenia |
Do cryptic species matter in macroecology? Sequencing European groundwater crustaceans yields smaller ranges but does not challenge biodiversity determinants |
The effect of pleistocene glaciation on the phylogeographic structure of the amphipod Niphargus stygius |
The European Green Deal misses Europe’s subterranean biodiversity hotspots |
Functional ecology of the genus Niphargus |
Izzivi varovanja skrite naravne dediščine podzemnih voda Slovenije |
The limits of cryptic diversity in groundwater: phylogeography of the cave shrimp Troglocaris anophthalmus (Crustacea: Decapoda: Atyidae) |
Local host ant usage of scarce large blue Phengaris teleius and dusky large blue P. nausithous (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) at Goričko Nature Park (NE Slovenia) |
Metulji na našem vrtu |
Migratuions of Maculinea teleius (Bergstraesser, 1779) and M. nausithous (Bergstraesser, 1779) in fragmented landscape of Slovenske gorice |
Moitoring of Habitats directive butterfly species in Slovenia - ten years after |
Monitoring izbranih ciljnih vrst metuljev v letu 2023 monitoring izbranih ciljnih vrst metuljev v letih 2021, 2022 in 2023 (Program razvoja podeželja 2014–2020) |
Morphologically Cryptic Amphipod Species Are "Ecological Clones" at Regional but Not at Local Scale: A Case Study of Four Niphargus Species |
Moth fauna (Lepidoptera) at selected illuminated churches in Slovenia |
Multiple independent transitions to cave life and high diversity in the olm |
Natura 2000 |
No room for males in caves: Female‐biased sex ratio in subterranean amphipods of the genus Niphargus |
Not the last piece of the puzzle : Niphargus phylogeny in Hungary |
Nove najdbe in nenavadna zgradba velkovrhije Velkovrhia enigmatica Matjašič & Sket, 1971 (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa: Bougainvilliidae) |
Novi podatki o razširjenosti in razponu nadmorskih višin pojavljanja dalmatinskega rjavčka, Proterebia afra dalmata (Godart, [1824]) (Lepidoptera: Satyrinae) na Hrvaškem |
Ocene starosti za nekatere podzemeljske taksone in živalske linije na Dinarskem krasu |
Ogroženi metulji vlažnih travnikov |
Okoljsko poročilo - podatki o okoljskih ciljih plana po posameznih segmentih, o stanju okolja, o vplivih plana in njihovi presoji, o čezmejnih vplivih, o omilitvenih ukrepih ter o načinu spremljanja stanja okolja. |
Okoljsko poročilo z dodatkom za širitev igrišča za golf v Lipici |
Okoljsko poročilo za načrt ureditve Kobilarne Lipica - 2. del |
Olm lineages native to Bosnia and Herzegovina in the framework of parallel evolution of troglomorphy across the Dinaric Karst |
The olm (Proteus anguinus), a flagship groundwater species |
Oviparity, viviparity or plasticity in reproductive mode of the olm Proteus anguinus: an epic misunderstanding caused by prey regurgitation? |
Ovipozicijske preference in larvalni razvoj svetlinovega veščca (Proserpinus proserpina) v Naravnem rezervatu Škocjanski zatok Oviposition and larval preferences of the Willowherb Hawkmoth (Proserpinus proserpina) in Škocjanski zatok nature reserve |
The paradox of syntopy in cryptic stygobiont lineages from the Dinaric Karst |
Phylogenies reveal speciation dynamics case studies from groundwater |
Phylogeny and biogeography of three new species of Niphargus (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from Greece |
Phylogeography of the unique cave tube worm Marifugia cavatica (Polychaeta: Serpulidae) |
Podzemeljska favna dvanajstih jam v Istri |
Poročilo o delu lepidopterološke skupine |
Poročilo o evidentiranju izhodiščnega stanja izbranih vrst in habitatnih tipov na IP območjih : Travniški postavnež (Euphydryas aurinia) na območju Natura 2000 Slovenska Istra (SI000212) : končno poročilo : akcija A.1.2 |
Poročilo skupine za metulje |
Poročilo z drugega Slovenskega entomološkega simpozija |
Presoja sprjemljivosti vplivov izvedbe plana na varovana območja. |
Primerjalna filografija holodinarsko razširjenih jamskih taksonov |
Prvo opažanje belega in črnega močerila (Proteus anguinus) v istem izviru |
Pylogeny of the cave shrimp Troglocaris: evidence of a young connection between Balkans and Caucasus |
Ranljivost človeške ribice |
Razširjenost in značilnosti habitata vrste Proterebia afra (Fabricius, 1787) (Lepidoptera, Satyrinae) na Hrvaškem = Distribution and habitat characteristics of Proterebia (Fabricius, 1787) (Lepidoptera, Satyrinae) in Croatia |
Redescription of two subterranean amphipods Niphargusmolnari Méhely, 1927 and Niphargusgebhardti Schellenberg, 1934 (Amphipoda, Niphargidae) and their phylogenetic position |
Revealing the consequences of Pleistocene events on present day distribution of Niphargus stygius (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Niphargidae) |
RNA-Seq data of common woodlice Porcellio scaber |
Seasonal patterns in Apollo (Parnassius apollo) (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) abundance and flight period in Posočje region |
Secondary contact and limited hybridization of two distinct Proteus anguinus lineages in the underground of the Classical Karst |
A shrimp out of place. New genus of Atyidae (Crustacea: Decapoda) in subterranean waters of southeastern Europe, with some remarks on Atyidae taxonomy |
Speciation of a subterranean amphipod on the glacier margins in South Eastern Alps, Europe |
The status of large blues in Slovenia |
SubBIOCOD : developing new tools for rapid assessment of subterranean biodiversity in Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Subterranean fauna of twelve Istrian caves |
Supporting future research and conservation of subterranean fauna in Southeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina the case of SubBIOCODE project |
Towards evidence‐based conservation of subterranean ecosystems |
Translating Niphargus barcodes from Switzerland into taxonomy with a description of two new species (Amphipoda, Niphargidae). |
Ugriznimo znanost |
Uporabnost ne-genetskih podatkov, pridobljenih med genetskim monitoringom močerila |
Varstvena genetika močerila v Postojnsko-planinskem jamskem sistemu |
Vpliv osvetljevanja cerkva na nočne metulje (Lepidoptera) v Sloveniji |
Vspodbujanje uporabe podatkov o podzemni biotski raznovrstnosti pri varovanju narave - primeri iz Slovenije in Bosne in Hercegovine |
Vzpostavitev monitoringa izbranih ciljnih vrst metuljev (Lepidoptera) : prvo poročilo - 1. mejnik |
Znotrajvrstna raznolikost istrske slepe postranice Niphargus krameri : diplomsko delo : univerzitetni študij = Intraspecific diversity of the Istrian blind amphipod Niphargus krameri : graduation thesis : university studies |