Pellowski, Anne.
Pellowski, Anne 1933-....
Pellowski, Anne, 19..-....
Pellowski, Anne (1933-2023)
Anne Pellowski eskritor brasileño
VIAF ID: 92360470 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a Anne Pellowski ‡c eskritor brasileño
- 100 1 _ ‡a Pellowski, Anne
- 100 1 _ ‡a Pellowski, Anne
- 100 1 _ ‡a Pellowski, Anne
- 100 1 _ ‡a Pellowski, Anne
- 100 1 _ ‡a Pellowski, Anne ‡d 1933-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Pellowski, Anne, ‡d 19..-....
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (10)
5xx's: Related Names (1)
- 551 _ _ ‡a Pine Creek, Wisc.
Title | Sources |
Avez-vous vu une comète | |
Betsy's up-and-down year | |
Drawing stories from around the world and a sampling of European handkerchief stories | |
The family storytelling handbook : how to use stories, anecdotes, rhymes, handkerchiefs, paper, and other objects to enrich your family traditions | |
Les ficelles du conteur | |
First farm in the valley : Anna's story | |
Have you seen a comet? Children's art and writing from around the world | |
Ḥawl miʿyār li-kutub al-aṭfāl fī al-bilād al-nāmiyyah | |
How to make cloth books for children a guide to making personalized books | |
Ima kodomo no hon ga umareru | |
Joining in : an anthology of audience participation stories & how to tell them | |
Kokonotsu no nakibeso ningyo. | |
A la medida : los libros para ninos en los paises en desarrollo | |
Latsch Valley Farm book | |
La littérature enfantine | |
Made to measure / Anne Pellowski. - Paris, Unesco, 1980. | |
Made to measure : children's books in developing countries | |
Mongolian folktales | |
The nine crying dolls : a story from Poland | |
Pain kuriku no kaitakuchi. | |
Polish folktales and folklore | |
Stairstep Farm : Anna Rose's story | |
The star maiden and other Indian tales | |
The story vine : a source book of unusual and easy-to-tell stories from around the world | |
The storytelling handbook : a young people's collection of unusual tales and helpful hints on how to tell them | |
Sur mesure : les livres pour enfants dans les pays en développement | |
Suteasuteppu nojo. | |
Uiro uindo nojo. | |
Vertellen in kleine kring : een handboek : hoe je verhalen, anekdotes en rijmpjes kunt vertellen en waar je ze vandaan haalt : hoe je zakdoeken, poppetjes en andere spulletjes kunt gebruiken bij het vertellen in groepen, in clubhuizen, in bibliotheken, op scholen, in crèches, bij naschoolse opvang, in peuterspeelzalen en... gewoon thuis, met veel voorbeelden | |
Waindingu vari nojo. | |
Willow Wind Farm : Betsy's story | |
Winding Valley farm : Annie's story | |
The world of children's literature | |
The world of storytelling | |
حول معيار لكتب الأطفال في البلاد النامية | |
いまー子どもの本がうまれる : 発展途上国からのたより | |
ウィロウ・ウィンド農場 : めいベッツィーの物語 | |
ステアステップ農場 : わたしアンナ・ローズの物語 | |
パイン・クリークの開拓地 : 大おばさんアンナの物語 | |
ワインディング・ヴァリー農場 : おかあさんアニーの物語 | |
九つの泣きべそ人形 : ポーランドの民話より |