Goldsmith, Lewis, 1763?-1846
Lewis Goldsmith
Goldsmith, Lewis
Goldsmith, Lewis, ca. 1763-1846
Goldsmith, Lewis, asi 1763-1846
Goldsmith, Lewis apie 1763-1846
VIAF ID: 88910861 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Goldsmith, Lewis ‡d 1763-1846
- 100 0 _ ‡a Lewis Goldsmith
- 100 0 _ ‡a Lewis Goldsmith
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (30)
5xx's: Related Names (9)
- 500 0 _ ‡a Cases
- 500 0 _ ‡a Gentleman resident at Paris
- 500 1 _ ‡a Hamecourt, Eug. d'
- 500 1 _ ‡a Joly, Jaspar Robert ‡d 1819-1892
- 551 _ _ ‡a Paris ‡4 orts ‡4
- 500 0 _ ‡a Stewarton
- 500 1 _ ‡a Stewarton
- 500 1 _ ‡a Talleyrand, ... ‡d 1754-1838
- 500 1 _ ‡a Titus, S. Colonel
Title | Sources |
Abrégé de l'histoire grecque | |
Buonaparte, an outlaw!!! : an appeal to the Germans, on necessity of outlawing Buonaparte ... | |
Crimes des cabinets, ou, Tableau des plans et des actes d'hostilités formés par les diverses puissances de l'Europe pour anéantir la liberté de la France, et démembrer son territoire ... | |
crimes of cabinets or a review of their plans and aggressions for the annihilation of the liberties of France | |
An exposition of the conduct of France towards America. | |
Gedenkschriften van C. M. Talleyrand de Perigord, een' van Buonaparte's voornaamste secretarissen van Staat ... | |
Geheime Geschichte des neuen französischen Hofes : in Briefen während der Monate August, September und Oktober 1805 | |
geheime geschiedenis van het hof en kabinet van St. Cloud | |
Histoire secrète du Cabinet de Napoléon Buonaparté, et de la cour de Saint Cloud | |
Historia Secreta do Gabinete de Napoleão Bonaparte com a sua Vida privada, Caracter, Administração domestica, e conducta com as Nações Estrangeiras, etc. Seguida de dous Appendices. O primeiro contém huma Collecção de Documentos importantes, e o segundo as Vidas dos Individuos que compoem a Côrte de S. Cloud | |
history of England from the earliest times, to the death of George II | |
Karaktermatige beschrijving van het bijzonder leven en gedrag van Napoleon Buonaparte, als mede zijne handelwijs omtrent vreemde mogendheden : met eene menigte geheime anekdoten, betreffende de verschillende hoven van Europa en de Fransche omwenteling | |
Memoirs of C. M. Talleyrand de Perigord ... containing the particulars of his private and public life, of his intrigues in boudoirs as well as in cabinets | |
Procès de Buonaparte, ou adresse à tous les Souverains de l'Europe ... Suivie des proclamation, lettres, reflexions, écrits, enfin de tous les débats survenus jusquà ce jour en Angleterre touchant la destination de Napoléon Buonaparte | |
The revolutionary Plutarch : exhibiting the most distinguished caracters, literary, military, and political, in the recent annals of the French Republic | |
Secret history of the cabinet of bonaparte : including his private life, character, domestic administration, and his conduct to foreign powers. together with secret anecdotes of the different courts of europe, and of the french revolution | |
Secret history of the court & cabinet of st. cloud. : in a series of letters from a resident in paris to a nobleman in london. written during the months of august, september and october, 1805 | |
State of the French Republic at the end of the year VIII, 1801: | |
Statistics of France | |
Storia segreta di Napoleone Bonaparte |