Pattamadilok, Chotiga, 19..-....
Chotiga Pattamadilok chercheuse
VIAF ID: 86154739823152991054 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (6)
Title | Sources |
Apprentissage de la lecture et phonologie : implication du code phonologique dans la reconnaissance visuelle de mots chez l'enfant | |
Bayesian modelling of reading. | |
Beyond rhyme or reason: ERPs reveal task-specific activation of orthography on spoken language. | |
Broca's area plays a causal role in morphosyntactic processing | |
Consistency and variability in functional localisers | |
Contribution of writing to reading: Dissociation between cognitive and motor process in the left dorsal premotor cortex. | |
The developmental turnpoint of orthographic consistency effects in speech recognition. | |
Does orthographic training on a phonemic contrast absent in the listener's dialect influence word recognition? | |
Etude en EEG de l'impact de l'acquisition du langage écrit sur la perception de la parole | |
How does learning to read affect speech perception? | |
How does reading performance modulate the impact of orthographic knowledge on speech processing? A comparison of normal readers and dyslexic adults. | |
How Early Does the Brain Distinguish between Regular Words, Irregular Words, and Pseudowords during the Reading Process? Evidence from Neurochronometric TMS. | |
Influence des entrainements auditif, audio-articulatoire et audio-orthographique sur la perception et l'apprentissage de phonème /θ/ chez les participants francophones européens | |
Influenece de la morphologie sur l'effet de consisitance orthographique dans la reconnaissance de la parole | |
Intégration audiovisuelle dans le traitement du langage | |
Interactions between spoken and written languages during isolated word and sentence processing : comparison of adults with and without dyslexia. | |
Interactions entre langage oral et langage écrit lors du traitement de mots isolés et de phrases : comparaison d'adultes dyslexiques et normo-lecteurs | |
Investigating occipito-temporal contributions to reading with TMS. | |
Le langage, une fonction cognitive spécifique ou générale ?, français | |
LaVisual Word Form Area : étude en stimulation magnétique transcrânienne | |
Learning to read and phonology : phonological code involvement during visual word recognition in children. | |
Modélisation bayésienne de la lecture | |
Naming in noise: the contribution of orthographic knowledge to speech repetition. | |
Orthographic congruency effects in the suprasegmental domain: evidence from Thai. | |
Orthographic effects in spoken language: on-line activation or phonological restructuring? | |
Orthographic representations in spoken word priming: no early automatic activation. | |
Perception de phonèmes étrangers par des auditeurs francophones adultes : le cas des fricatives dentales anglaises | |
A role for left inferior frontal and posterior superior temporal cortex in extracting a syntactic tree from a sentence | |
Spatiotemporal reorganization of the reading network in adult dyslexia. | |
Transfer of sensorimotor learning and speech units development. | |
Transfert d'apprentissage sensorimoteur et développement des unités de parole | |
Unattentive speech processing is influenced by orthographic knowledge: evidence from mismatch negativity. |