Anne, Queen of Great Britain, 1665-1714
Anne, 1665-1714, reine de Grande-Bretagne
Anna (królowa Wielkiej Brytanii ; 1665-1714).
Anne Stuart
Anne, Queen of England 1665-1714
Anne 1665-1714 Queen of Great Britain
Anne, koningin van Groot-Brittannie͏̈ en Ierland, 1665-1714
Anna Großbritannien, Königin, 1665-1714 1665-1714
Anna I, reina de la Gran Bretanya, 1665-1714
Anne dronning av England 1665-1714
Anna Stuart, drottning av Storbritannien, 1665-1714
Anne, Queen of Great Britain
Anne, reine de Grande-Bretagne, 1665-1714
Anne королева английская 1665-1714
Anne, Queen of Great Britain (British queen, 1665-1714)
אן מלכת בריטניה, 1665-1714
Anna Stuartovna, anglická královna, 1665-1714
Anne 1665-1714 Didžiosios Britanijos karalienė
Anne, 1665-1714
Anne, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland
Anne <regina di Gran Bretagna>
Stuart, Anne
VIAF ID: 805714 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a Anna Stuart, ‡c drottning av Storbritannien, ‡d 1665-1714
- 100 0 _ ‡a Anna ‡c Großbritannien, Königin, 1665-1714 ‡d 1665-1714
- 100 0 _ ‡a Anne Stuart
- 200 _ 0 ‡a Anne ‡c <regina di Gran Bretagna>
- 100 0 _ ‡a Anne ‡d 1665-1714 ‡c Queen of Great Britain
- 100 1 _ ‡a Anne, Queen of Great Britain
- 100 0 _ ‡a Anne, Queen of Great Britain ‡g British queen, 1665-1714
- 100 0 _ ‡a Anne, ‡c Queen of Great Britain, ‡d 1665-1714
- 100 0 _ ‡a Anne, ‡d 1665-1714, ‡c reine de Grande-Bretagne
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (239)
5xx's: Related Names (28)
- 510 1 _ ‡a Anglaterra i Gal·les. ‡b Monarca (1702-1707 : Anna I)
- 510 2 _ ‡a Anglaterra i Gal·les ‡b Monarca (1702-1707 : Anna I)
- 510 1 _ ‡a England and Wales. ‡b Sovereign (1702-1707 : Anne)
- 510 2 _ ‡a England and Wales ‡b Sovereign (1702-1707 : Anne)
- 510 1 _ ‡a Escòcia. ‡b Monarca (1702-1707 : Anna I)
- 510 2 _ ‡a Escòcia ‡b Monarca (1702-1707 : Anna I)
- 500 1 _ ‡a George, Prince ‡d 1653-1708
- 500 0 _ ‡a Georg ‡c Dänemark, Prinz ‡d 1653-1708 ‡4 bezf ‡4 ‡e Beziehung familiaer
- 510 2 _ ‡a Gran Bretanya. Monarca (1707-1714 : Anna I)
- 510 1 _ ‡a Gran Bretanya. ‡b Monarca (1707-1714 : Anna I)
- 510 2 _ ‡a Gran Bretanya ‡b Monarca (1707-1714 : Anna I)
- 515 _ _ ‡5 g ‡a Grande-Bretagne ‡z 1702-1714 (Anne)
- 551 _ _ ‡a Grande-Bretagne ‡y 1702-1714 (Anne)
- 510 2 _ ‡a Great Britain. Sovereign (1707-1714 : Anne)
- 510 1 _ ‡a Great Britain. ‡b Sovereign (1707-1714 : Anne)
- 510 2 _ ‡a Great Britain ‡b Sovereign (1707-1714 : Anne)
- 500 0 _ ‡a Jakob ‡b II. ‡c England, König ‡d 1633-1701 ‡4 bezf ‡4 ‡e Beziehung familiaer
- 551 _ _ ‡a Kensington ‡g London ‡4 orts ‡4
- 510 2 _ ‡a L'Honoré, François ('s-Gravenhage)
- 510 2 _ ‡a L'Honoré, Jonas ('s-Gravenhage)
- 551 _ _ ‡a London ‡4 ortg ‡4
- 551 _ _ ‡a London ‡4 ortw ‡4
- 510 2 _ ‡a Scheltus, Jacobus (I, 's-Gravenhage)
- 510 2 _ ‡a Scheltus, Paulus (I, 's-Gravenhage)
- 510 1 _ ‡a Scotland. ‡b Sovereign (1702-1707 : Anne)
- 510 2 _ ‡a Scotland ‡b Sovereign (1702-1707 : Anne)
- 520 _ _ ‡a Stuarts (династия)
- 500 1 _ ‡a William, Duke of Gloucester ‡d 1689-1700
Title | Sources |
1703 for the Birth Day [...] Jon. Eccles | |
57 Sacred songs | |
63 Pieces | |
[An] Act appointing commissioners to examine, state, and take the publick accompts of the kingdom | |
An Act for registring the popish clergy | |
Acts and statutes made in a Parliament begun at Dublin the twenty first day of September, Anno Dom. 1703 : In the second year of the reign of our Most Gracious Sovereign Lady Queen Anne, before His Grace James Duke of Ormonde, Lord Lieutenant General and General Governor of Ireland. | |
Again the welcome morn | |
Aloud proclaim the cheerful sound. A song on Queen Ann's Coronation, the words by Mr. Tate [s.l., s.n. (engraved by T. Cross)] | |
Anne, by the Grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Queen ... As the welfare and support of the Church of England, as by law established, have been always our greatest care, so we have since our accession to the crown frequently reflected on the miserable condition of a very great number of clergy of this our kingdom, by reason of the mean and insufficient provision for their maintenance in several places, which tends very much to the ruine of this Church ... | |
Anne, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c. To all to whom these presents shall come, greeting. Whereas our good brother, the emperor of Germany hath represented unto us, that he finds it highly necessary, for ... carrying on the war against the French king in Italy, that a ... reinforcement of men be made: ... | |
Anno Regni Annæ Reginæ Magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ, sexto. At the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster the twenty third day of October, .. 1707. In the sixth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Anne, .. Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c | |
Arringhe fatte dalla maestà della regina Anna d'Inghilterra nell'apertura del nuovo parlamento, il dì 27. Novembre 1710 | |
At a Great and General Court or Assembly, holden at Boston by several prorogations & adjournment, unto Wednesday, March, 14th. 1710 : Whereas at the session of this Court in October last, an act pass'd, entituled, an Act for exchanging the twenty shilling bill of credit, &c. ... | |
Awake harmonious powers | |
Brief van Anne koningin van Groot-Brittannië en Ierland (1665-1714), geschreven aan [Willem III, prins van Oranje (1650-1702), koning van Groot-Brittannië] | |
By the Queen, a proclamation, for the due observance of an act made in the last session of parliament, intituled, An act to prevent all traiterous correspondence with Her Majesties enemies | |
[caption title:] 12) | (15) (A Song that was perform'd to Prince George upon his marriage w|t|h ye Lady Ann.) | Symph. | |
[caption title, f.195v:] M|r Tudway | [within the score:] Is it true? | |
Case of William Penn, Esq. and of Joshua Gee, and others, his mortgagees of Pensilvania | |
The Chronology Of Ancient Kingdoms Amended. | |
A collection of all Her Majesty's speeches, messages, &c. from her happy accession to the throne, to the twenty first of June 1712. | |
Compos'd by Doctor Crofts. | |
Declaratie van oorlog, van haare majesteyt de Koninginne van Groot Brittannien, tegens Vrankryk en Spanjen. | |
[divisional t.p., bassone 2, f.1r:] Serenade | Basson | | |
Epître à Sa Majeste la Reine de la Grande Bretagne protectrice de la liberte de l'Europe et de toute la religion chretienne | |
Eternal source of light divine | |
The Four Indian kings speech to Her Majesty, London, April 20, 1710. | |
Hare Majesteyts seer gratieuse aenspraeck aen beyde de Huysen van het Parlement, op vrydagh den 1/16 Junii 1712 | |
[heading:] "Down among the dead men" Song of Queen Anne's Reign. | |
[heading:] Giovanni Blow Maestro della Cappella Reale per lo spazio di 35 anni nel Regno di Carlo II. Giacomo II. del Re Guglielmo e della | Regina Anna. Gibbons fù Maestro di Blow; e questi fù Maestro di Enrico Purcell = Blow mori il 1. Ottobre 1708 in età di 60 anni. | |
Her Majestys letter to the Arch-bishop of Canterbury, and his graces letter to the bishop of his province | |
Ihro Königl. Majestät von Gross- Brittanien, Franckreich und Irland ... Schreiben An S. Königl. Majestät von Schweden. | |
Inspire us genius of the day | |
Kind health descends. upon ye Queen Ann's bearth day | |
Kurze Anmerkungen uber die sogenannte gründliche Wiederleg-und Entkräftungen derer Wiennerischen-Circular-Schreiben. | |
The letters and diplomatic instructions of Queen Anne; | |
Lives of the Queens of England : from the Norman conquest. Vol. 8 | |
O Lord make thy servant Anne | |
O Lord save the queen | |
Miscellaneous documents. 1705 | |
Missive van Hare Majesteyt de Koninginne Anne, geschreven aen Haer Hoogh Mog. den 10. Maert 1702. | |
[Monnaie] Angleterre, Anne d'Angleterre, 4 pence, 1710 | |
My Breast a sacred impulse feels | A paraphrase of the 45th Psalm [...] adapted to Handel's music for the Ode on Queen Anne's Birthday, 1713 [...] ress on inside front cover: 9 Craven Hill, Bayswater | |
[no title indicated] | |
An Ode Compos'd for y|e Queens Birth Day [...] by M|r Tudway | |
Ode for the birthday of Queen Anne ; Anthem for the Foundling Hospital | |
Palaia Diathēkē e Kata Tus Hebdomēkonta = Vetus Testamentum Ex Versione Septuaginta Interpretum | |
The pastoral | |
A Prayer for the Queen | |
prefixed | |
Prepare. A Song on the Queen's Birthday [...] D|r Crofts | |
Prepare ye sons of art | |
The Princess Anne of Denmark's letter to the Queen. | |
Proclamations. 1702-03-08 | |
Public General Acts. 1703-1704. 2 Anne | |
Queen Anne's reasons for her conduct, both with respect to the war and peace : And Her Majesty's characters of King William III. and His Majesty K. George the French King and the pretender. Publish'd for the use of the late Ministery. | |
Queen Anne's son; a memoir of William Henry, duke of Gloucester, 1689-1700. | |
The Queen shall njoyce, | Psal - y|e 21|t|h. verse I |s|t. 3. 5. 6 | Being y|e 2 |d Anthem sung at y|e Coronation Solemnity | of her Majesty Queen Ann, | April 23rd, 1702 | |
The reasons which induc'd Her Majesty to create the Right Honourable Robert Harley, Esq., a Peer of Great Britain. | |
The Royall Gailliarde. Mr. Isaac's new dance, made for Her Majesty's Birth Day, 1710 ... engraven in characters & figures for y|e use of ma[ste]rs. [London, J. Walsh; P. Randall & J. Hare] | |
The Saltarella | |
Scriptorum ecclesiasticorum historia literaria | |
See- und Commercien-Tractat Zwischen Der Durchl. und Großmächtigsten Fürstin Anna, Von Gottes Gnaden Königin von Groß-Britannien, Franckreich und Jrrland: Und Dem Durchl. und Großmächtigsten Fürsten Ludwig XIV. König von Franckreich &c. Geschlossen zu Utrecht, den 11 April Ao. 1713. | |
Septuaginta interpretum tomus. Continens Octateuchum; quem ex antiquissimo MS. codice Alexandrino accurate descriptum, ... summa cura edidit Joannes Ernestus Grabe.... | |
Serenata for Qu: Anne | |
Services and Anthems [...] from y|e Reformation [...] down to y|e Accession of Queen Anne [...] [collected] A.D. MDCC[X]VII | |
Sing o heav'ns | |
Song on her Royall Highness Birth Day | |
The souls of the righteous | |
Speeches. 1703-02-27 | |
[spine title:] G. F. | Händel. | Hand- | Exem- | plar. | Queen | Anna | Birthday | Serenata | [caption title:] Serenata. | |
Three letters sent, two from Her Most Gracious Majesty, viz. one to the Princess Sophia, the other to the Duke of Cambridge, and one from the Lord High Treasurer to the Duke of Cambridge ; relating to his coming over to England | |
Tractatus pacis & amicitiae inter serenissimam ac potentissimam Principem Annam, Dei gratiâ, Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, Reginam, fidei defensorem, &c. & serenissimum ac potentissimum Principem Philippum V. Dei Gratiâ, Hispaniarum regem catholicum, Conclusus Trajecti ad Rhenum die 2/13 Mensis Julii, Anno 1713 = Treaty of peace and friendship between the most serene and most potent Princess Anne, by the grace of God, Queen of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, defender of the Faith, &c. and the most serene and most potent Prince Philip the Vth, the catholick King of Spain, concluded at Utrecht the 2/13 day of July, 1713 |