Chaucheyras-Durand, Frédérique
VIAF ID: 74173071 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (2)
Title | Sources |
Characterisation of the role of the Antigen 43 in the colonisation process of Escherichia coli O157∶H7. | |
Development of an in vitro model of gut dysbiosis in weaning piglets. Application to the study of probiotics to fight against post-weaning diarrhea | |
Développement d’un modèle in vitro de dysbiose intestinale chez le porcelet au sevrage. Application à l’étude des probiotiques pour lutter contre les diarrhées post-sevrage. | |
Les écosystèmes digestifs | |
Effects of two strains of saccharomyces cerevisiae, used as a feed additive for ruminants, on in vitro activity of several rumen microorganisms. | |
Limitation of Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC) asymptomatic carriage by cattle, bio-protective potential of Lactic Acid Bacteria in cattle feed. | |
Stratégies de limitation du portage sain des Escherichia coli producteurs de Shigatoxines (STEC) par les bovins. Potentiel bio-protecteur des bactéries lactiques en alimentation animale | |
Study of the survival and pathogenicity of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) in artificial digestive systems . Influence of the food matrix and of the administration of probiotic strains.. |