35th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes : Brussels, Belgium, 28 September-2 October 1999 |
Ambulatory blood pressure and insulinaemia in different clinical conditions |
[Amyloidosis in plasmacytoma] |
[The application of hemodynamic examination in psychiatry] |
[Asymptomatic bacteriuria and arterial hypertension in patients with diabetes mellitus: the results of 8 years' observation] |
Badanie urykozurycznego działania środków kontrastowych |
[Case of temporal arteritis] |
[Circadian rhythm of blood pressure and pulse rate in young men with diabetes mellitus type I depending on duration of disease] |
[Clinical analysis of 10 cases of primary hyperaldosteronism] |
The clinical course of untreated asymptomatic bacteriuria in diabetic patients--14-year follow-up. |
[Clinical evaluation of a new sulfonylurea derivative, preparation SPC-703, based on a 5-year observation] |
Diagnostyka kliniczna i dynamika skrobiawicy nerek na podstawie 103 przypadków obserwowanych w II Klinice Chorób Wewnętrznych Akademii Medycznej w Gdańsku |
[Differential diagnosis of various forms of primary aldosteronism] |
Ectopic secretion of estrogens in bronchogenic carcinoma of the lung |
The effect of dietary sodium loading on the kinetics of sodium excretion and blood pressure regulation in essential hypertensive men. |
[Effect of oral sodium chloride load on plasma concentrations of cholesterol and its fractions and triglycerides in patients with primary hypertension] |
[Effect of pindolol treatment on left-ventricular systolic and diastolic time intervals in men with borderline primary arterial hypertension] |
[Effects of isometric exercise on left ventricular function assessed with polycardiography in patients with early type I diabetes] |
[Evaluation of blood pressure changes and heart rate in young health men based on results of a 24-hour monitoring of pressure] |
[Evaluation of the hypotensive effect of Viskaldix] |
Gastrointestinal changes in patients with hypogammaglobulinemia |
Haemodynamic and humoral diagnostics of arterial hypertension in a dispensatory group of a ship repair yard |
Have rapid socioeconomic changes influenced awareness of blood pressure in Poland? |
Hemodynamics in hyperthyroidism |
How to improve cooperation with political leaders and other decision-makers to improve prevention of cardiovascular disease: lessons from Poland. |
Hypoconvertinemia |
[Indices of left heart ventricle relaxation after 5-months of hypotensive therapy with guanfacine] |
[The influence of 5-week relaxation therapy on psychological state of patients with borderline hypertension] |
The influence of exercise on albumin excretion rate in borderline hypertensives and in offspring of hypertensive parents |
[Intravascular volume of women with hyperthyroidism] |
Jak radzić sobie z nadciśnieniem tętniczym? : samodzielny pomiar ciśnienia tętniczego, dieta, leczenie |
Korelacja miedzy ciśnieniem tetniczym skurczowym i rozkurczowym przypadkowym a elektrokardiograficznymi cechami przerostu lewej komory |
[Levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, uric acid and glucose following prolonged treatment of hypertension with low and normal renin activity with hydrochlorothiazide] |
Levels of insulin in serum during fasting and circadian blood pressure profile in young health men |
Nadciśnienie tętnicze w codziennej praktyce |
Ocena kliniczna grupy dyspanseryjnej nadciśnienia tętniczego Gdańskiej Stoczni Remontowej : wstęp do ukierunkowanej terapii |
Organization of the studies of thyroid function in the area of the Gdansk Medical Academy |
[Percutaneous dilatation of the renal artery - method of treating renovascular hypertension] |
Pheochromocytoma with extra-adrenal localization associated with neurofibromatosis |
Physical activity and angiotensin-converting enzyme gene polymorphism in mild hypertensives |
Plasma insulin and blood pressure response to oral glucose tolerance test in young borderline hypertensives. |
Plasma volume in men with low-, normal- and high-renin essential hypertension |
Polityka i medycyna |
Prague 1960-2002 |
[Psychological factors in mitral valve leaflet prolapse syndrome] |
[Renal hemodynamics in patients with short-lasting diabetes mellitus type I] |
Renin-aldosterone regulation during upright posture in young men with mitral valve prolapse syndrome |
[The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in patients with pheochromocytoma. Evaluation of its interrelations with hemodynamics, electrolyte balance and kidney function] |
[Results of outpatient treatment of essential hypertension] |
[The role of medical university in modern prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Examples from Medical University of Gdańsk] |
sabbu |
Socio-economic factors in the management of hypertension: the Polish experience |
[Spectrum analysis of heart rate. A method of studying the role of the autonomic nervous system in the regulation of blood circulation] |
Supine body position is an important factor influencing postprandial ambulatory blood pressure |
[Systolic pressure and random diastolic pressure versus electrocardiographic characteristic of cardiac hypertrophy |
Szpital na Łąkowej, czyli Szpital Najświętszej Maryi Panny Państwowy Szpital Kliniczny nr 3 Akademii Medycznej w Gdańsku we wspomnieniach (1949-2003) |
Thyroxine turnover and transport in viral hepatitis. |
[The use of measurements of internal turnover of radiothyroxine in clinical investigations |
Walcz z nadciśnieniem! |
Zastosowanie i perspektywy badań hemodynamiczynch w psychiatrii. |