Evans, Karen, 1949-....
Evans, Karen
Karen Evans
Evans, Karen (Karen M.), 1949-
VIAF ID: 72084183 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/72084183
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Evans, Karen
- 100 1 _ ‡a Evans, Karen
- 100 1 _ ‡a Evans, Karen ‡d 1949-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Evans, Karen ‡d 1949-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Evans, Karen, ‡d 1949-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Evans, Karen, ‡d 1949-....
- 100 0 _ ‡a Karen Evans
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (9)
5xx's: Related Names (1)
Title | Sources |
Apprentissage tout au long de la vie : politique sociale et agentivité individuelle | |
The Brain and Learning in Adolescence | |
Can Lifelong Learning Reshape Life Chances? | |
Le cerveau et l'apprentissage à l'adolescence | |
The challenge of establishing sustainable workplace ‘Skills for Life’ provision in the UK: organisational ‘strategies’ and individual ‘tactics’ | |
The challenges of ‘making learning visible’ | |
The Changing Role of the In‐company Trainer: an analysis of British trainers in the European Community context | |
Compare: exploring a 40‐year journey through comparative education and international development | |
Delegation and supervision of healthcare assistants' work in the daily management of uncertainty and the unexpected in clinical practice: invisible learning among newly qualified nurses | |
Developing knowledgeable practice at work | |
Does pre‐vocational education work? | |
Editorial Introduction | |
Education for young adults, 1991: | |
Employee-Driven Innovation Amongst â Routineâ Employees in the UK | |
Engaging to Learn: Situated Learning and Re-Integration for Young People | |
Exploración de la agencia, el aprendizaje y la identidad en las trayectorias de vida de las mujeres en el Reino Unido e Italia | |
Facilitating Learners' Motivation and Competence Development in the Workplace: The UK Context | |
'A fish out of water?' The therapeutic narratives of class change | |
Flexibility, learning and risk | |
Les formateurs en entreprise pour les jeunes au Royaume-Uni | |
How non-permanent workers learn and develop : challenges and opportunities | |
Improving literacy at work | |
in-company trainer of young people in the United Kingdom | |
Introduction: Researching Workplaces as Learning Spaces | |
Konzepte des Wissens und soziale Ungleichheit | |
Learning and work in the risk society lessons for the labour markets of Europe from Eastern Germany | |
Learning for a living ? : the powerful, the dispossessed and the learning revolution | |
Learning Organisations for Older People: Comparing Models of Learning in the University of Third Age (U3A) in the UK and the Senior University (SU) in Korea | |
Learning, work and social responsibility : challenges for lifelong learning in a global age | |
Leisure Patterns of Young Adults in Britain and the Role of the Youth Service | |
Life Chances, Learning and the Dynamics of Risk in the Life Course | |
Lifelong learning is no longer an empty social science concept: an interview with Karen Evan | |
Living at the Margins and Finding Ways toWork | |
Niches, transitions, trajectoires. De quelques théories et représentations des passages de la jeunesse | |
NVQs and Key Workers | |
Participation of Young Adults in Youth Organisations in the United Kingdom: A Review | |
Participation, Social Life and Politics | |
People, liminal spaces and experience: understanding recontextualisation of knowledge for newly qualified nurses | |
Perspectives internationales dans le champ de la formation des adultes : numéro spécial | |
Post‐16 Education, Training and Employment: Provision and Outcomes in Two Contrasting Areas | |
Putting knowledge to work: a new approach | |
Re-Enter and Reconnect-But Whose Problem is it? | |
Recognition of tacit skills and knowledge | |
Reconciling the System World with the Life Worlds of Young Adults: Where Next for Youth Transition Policies? | |
Reconnection : Countering Social Exclusion through Situated Learning | |
Relationships Between Work and Life | |
Reshaping Colleges for the Community in Canada and Britain | |
Risky Voyages: Learning Experiences, Transition Behaviours and Career Outcomes | |
Risky Voyages: Navigating changes in the organisation of work and education in Eastern Germany | |
Rolling feedback strategy: An approach to evaluation in dynamic contexts | |
Self-Evaluation of Tacit Skills and Competences of Adult Learners : Facilitating Learning Success and Work Reentry | |
Shaping futures, c1998: | |
Six challenges for the future | |
Structure and Agency in Youth Transitions: Student Experiences of Vocational Further Education | |
Students Anticipating the Future | |
Studying Forms of Transition: methodological innovation in a cross‐national study of youth transition and labour market entry in England and Germany | |
Systems and Societies in Transition: Challenging Inequalities, Choosing Inclusion | |
Systems under Strain: Labour Market Conditions and Training Options | |
Tacit Skills and Occupational Mobility in a Global Culture | |
Taking control? Agency in young adult transitions in England and the new Germany | |
Taking Control?: Early Adult Life in Contrasting Social Landscapes | |
Taking Control of Their Lives? A comparison of the experiences of unemployed young adults | |
Taking Control of Their Lives? The Youth, Citizenship and Social Change Project | |
Theorising in everyday nursing pratice : A critical analysis | |
Third international handbook of lifelong learning : with 58 figures and 28 tables | |
Uncertain Frontiers: taking forward Edmund King's world perspectives on post-compulsory education | |
What Does it Mean to Become Skilled for Young People in Canada, England and Germany? | |
Work‐based learning in Canada and the United Kingdom: a framework for understanding knowledge transfer for workers with low skills and higher skills | |
Work‐Learn‐Educate | |
Work Training: Values and Beliefs of Young Adults in Contrasting Labour Markets in Canada and Britain | |
Workers in Control of the Present? | |
Working to learn : transforming learning in the workplace | |
Workplace learning for changing social and economic circumstances | |
‘Your Past Makes You Who You Are’: Retrospective Parenting and Relational Resilience Among Black Caribbean British Young People |