Philipps, Jenkin Thomas, ?-1755
Philipps, Jenkin Thomas, 16..-1755
Philipps, J. T. (Jenkin Thomas), -1755
Philipps, J.T.
Jenkin Thomas Philipps
Philipps, Jenkin Thomas, m. 1755
VIAF ID: 70149294081780520454 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a Jenkin Thomas Philipps
- 100 1 _ ‡a Philipps, J. T. ‡q (Jenkin Thomas), ‡d -1755
- 100 1 _ ‡a Philipps, Jenkin Thomas ‡d -1755
- 100 1 _ ‡a Philipps, Jenkin Thomas ‡d -1755
- 100 1 _ ‡a Philipps, Jenkin Thomas, ‡d 16..-1755
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (41)
Title | Sources |
De anima brutorum, qua asseritur eam non esse materialem, contra Cartesianam .. | |
De atheismo ... | |
A compendious way of teaching ancient and modern languages : formerly practised by the learned Tanaquil Faber, in the education of one of his sons, and of his daughter the celebrated Madam Dacier, and now, with little alteration, successfully executed in London. | |
Demonstratio existentiae et attribvtorvm dei adversvs Hobbesivm, et Spinosam potissimvm atqve eorvm, asseclas, Anglice conscripta a Samvuele Clarkio, M.A. multum Reverendo, in Deo Patri Johanni Episcopo, Norwicensi, a Sacris. Accedit Interpretis Jenkini Thomasii historia atheismi [...] | |
Discours touchant l'origine & le Progrès de la religion Chrêtienne parmi la nation Brittanique : Composé en Latin pour la jour de la naissance de Son Altesse Royale Madame la Prinrcesse [sic] de Galles, le premier jour de Mars. 1715/6. et Presenté au roy, par son tres humble, & tres obeissant Serviteur & Suject, J. Thomas Philipps | |
Dissertatio academica de lepra Graecorum & Iudaeorum quam ... ad d. 26. Octobr. anni MDCCVIII ... publicae eruditorum velitationi ... exponit Ienkinus Thomasius, med. D. & V.D.M. Anglus. Respondentis munere functuro ... Ioh. Rodolpho Zvingero, Basil. Med. Cult.. | |
Dissertatio historico-philosophica de atheismo : Sive historia atheismi in qua multi scriptores vetusti & recentiores, impietatis falsò postulati, liberantur à turpi atheismi stigmate: Alii verò qui de supremo Numine sentire videntur minus rectè, corripiuntur meritò. Authore J. Thomasio Philipps | |
Dissertationes historicae quatuor : I. De Atheismo, sive Historia atheismi... II. De Papatu. III. De Origine et progressu christianae religionis apud Britannos. IV. De Regimine ecclesiae St. Gallensis in Helvetia... | |
Dissertationes varii argumenti ... : Accedit Cl. Davazi Dissertatio theologica de traditionibus. | |
I. Easy and elegant Latin letters to the Duke of Cumberland and Princess Mary : by their Royal Highnesses preceptor, J. T. Philipps. II. Epist. laconicæ, extracted from the works of celebrated authors | |
Epistola hortativa ad serenissimum principem Gulielmum Cumberlandiæ ducem de frequenti & assidua lectione libri Hugonis Grotii, de jure belli & pacis | |
Epistolæ Laconicæ : ex operibus Ciceronis, Plinii, Erasmi Roterodami, Angeli Politiani, aliorumque bonæ notæ authorum, collectæ. In usum Serenissimi Principis Gulielmi, Ducis de Cumberland | |
Epistolae selectae | |
Epistolæ sermone facili conscriptae ad Serenissimum Principem Gulielmum, Ducem de Cumberland : annum Septimum agentem. Accedit oratio habita die natali serenissimae Dominæ Carolinæ Reginæ, Calend. Mar. MDCCXVI | |
An essay towards an universal and rational grammar, 1726 | |
The fundamental Laws and Constitutions of seven potent Kingdoms in Europe [...] | |
Historia atheismi, breviter delineata | |
The history of the two illustrious brothers, princes of Saxony : viz., their Serene Highnesses Ernestus the Pious, First Duke of Sax-Gotha, and Bernard the Great, Duke of Sax-Weimar, who won the Battle of Lutzen after the death of the great Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden : together with a short history of his Serene Highness John William, Prince of Gotha, who was killed at the Siege of Toulon in 1707 : to whiich are added genealogical tables of the illustrious and serene House of Sax-Gotha, shewing its relation to all the royal and sovereign families in Europe. | |
Jenkini Thomasi Angli Oratio de Peregrinationis litterariæ insigni utilitate, in studio cum primis theologico | |
Journal of a voyage to Africa and Barbadoes | |
Lex regia : or The royal law of Denmark | |
Libellus de regimine ecclesiastico, trium primorum Ecclesiae christianae seculorum. Anglice conscriptus ab autore anonymo nunc autem Latinitate donatus à Jenkino Thomasio.... | |
Méthode courte et facile pour apprendre les humanités grecques et latines. | |
Oratio de origine & progressu, Christianæ religionis inter Britannos : Habita die natali serenissimæ principis Walliæ. Primo die martis, 1716. Cui accedit dissertatio historica de ortu & progressu Romani Pontificatus. Editio secundo. Autore J.T. Philipps. | |
... de papatu | |
A rational grammar : with easy rules in English to learn Latin, Compared with the best Authors In most Languages on this Subject | |
The Russian Cathechism, composed and published by order of the Czar | |
A short account of the church-government, and ceremonies of the Moscovites | |
Thirty four conferences between the Danish missionaries and the Malabarian bramans |