Strutt, Joseph, 1749-1802
Strutt, Joseph
Joseph Strutt British engraver, artist, antiquary and writer (1749-1802)
Strutt, Joseph (British painter, printmaker, and author, 1749-1802)
VIAF ID: 69001823 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a Joseph Strutt ‡c British engraver, artist, antiquary and writer (1749-1802)
- 200 _ | ‡a Strutt ‡b Joseph ‡f 1749-1802
- 100 1 _ ‡a Strutt, Joseph
- 100 1 _ ‡a Strutt, Joseph
- 100 1 _ ‡a Strutt, Joseph ‡d 1749-1802
- 100 1 _ ‡a Strutt, Joseph ‡g British painter, printmaker, and author, 1749-1802
- 100 1 _ ‡a Strutt, Joseph, ‡d 1749-1802
- 100 1 _ ‡a Strutt, Joseph, ‡d 1749-1802
- 100 1 _ ‡a Strutt, Joseph, ‡d 1749-1802
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (14)
5xx's: Related Names (2)
Title | Sources |
An account of two remarkable trials for murder, in the counties of Gloucester and Essex | |
Ancient times | |
Angleterre ancienne, ou tableau des moeurs, usages, armes, habillemens, &c. des anciens habitans de l'Angleterre; c'est-à-dire des anciens Bretons, des Anglo-Saxons, des Danois & des Normands | |
A biographical dictionary; containing an historical account of all the engravers, from the earliest period of the art of engraving to the present time; and a short list of their most esteemed works. With the cyphers, monograms, and particular marks, used by each master, accurately copied from the originals, and properly explained. To which is prefixed, An essay on the rise and progress of the art of engraving, both on copper and on wood. With several curious specimens of the performances of the most ancient artists. | |
Cheshire antiquities, 1838: | |
Cheshire antiquities, Roman, baronial and monastic, being a re-publication of genuine original copper plates, engraved by J. Strutt. With historical and illustrative descriptions of the subjects of engraving... including also a re-print of "The County palatine of Chester", by John Speed... By Charles Hulbert,... | |
The chronicle of England, or, A compleat history, civil, military, and ecclesiastical, of the ancient Britons and Saxons : from the landing of Julius Caesar in Britain, to the Norman Conquest : with a compleat view of the manners, customs, arts, habits, &c. of those people ... | |
A Common-place Book to the Holy Scriptures | |
A complete view of the dress and habits of the people of England : from the establishment of the Saxons in Britain to the present time : illustrated by engravings taken from the most authentic remains of antiquity : to which is prefixed an introduction, containing a general description of the ancient habits in use among mankind, from the earliest period of time, to the conclusion of the seventh century | |
County palatine of Chester [a fragment detached from the Theatre of the empire of Great Britain] | |
The Derby arboretum : containing a catalogue of the trees and shrubs included in it; a description of the grounds and directions for their management; a copy of the address delivered when it was presented to the town council of Derby; by its founder, Joseph Strutt, esq. And an account of the ceremonies which took place when it was opened to the public, on Sept. 16, 1840 | |
Explication de quelques médailles grècques & phéniciennes, avec une paléographie numismatique. | |
Extrait sur la gravure tiré en grande partie du discours préliminaire du dictionnairebiographique des graveurs, ecrit en anglais, par monsieur Strutt, graveur cet article est de m. chèreau graveur | |
Glig-gamena angel-deod | |
Die Hautkrankheiten und ihre Behandlung. Systematisch beschrieben von Robert Willan. M. D. Mitglied des Königlichen Collegiums der Aerzte in London, Arzt der Finsbury-Kranken-Anstalt und der öffentlichen Kranken-Anstalt in Carey-Street. Erster [-dritter] Band. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt, und mit einigen Anmerkungen und einem Anhange begleitet, von Friedrich Gotthelf Friese. Der Arzneykunst Doctor und ausübender Arzt in Breslau, der Märkischen ökonomischen Gesellschaft zu Potsdam, und der Sächsischen ökonomischen Societät zu Leipzig Ehrenmitglied. Mit ... Kupfertafeln.. | |
History and description of Colchester, (the "Camulodunum" of the Britans, and the first Roman colony in Britain,) with an account of antiquities of that most ancient borough | |
Joseph Strutt as a writer on the history and folklore of sports | |
Méthode nouvelle et facile de guérir la maladie vénérienne ; suivie 1°. d'un Traité Pratique de la Gonorrhée ; 2°. d'Observations sur les Abcès & sur la Chirurgie générale & médicale ; 3°. d'une Lettre à M. Buchan, sur l'Inoculation, sur la Petite-Vérole, & sur les Abcès varioleux. Par M. Clare, chirurgien. Traduit de l'anglois, par J.D.D.M.H.D.M.C.D.A.. | |
n82227246 | |
Plays. | |
Queenhoo-Hall a romance | |
The regal and ecclesiastical antiquities of England : containing the representations of all the English monarchs from Edward the Confessor to Henry the Eighth; and of many persons that were eminent under their several reigns; on sixty copper plates, engraved by the author: with a supplement, containing twelve plates. The whole carefully collected from ancient illuminated manuscripts | |
Sammlung | |
Sports & leisure in England. | |
Sports and pastimes of the people of England | |
Supplement to the Regal and ecclesiastical antiquities, manners, customs, arms, habits, etc. of the English, by Joseph Strutt | |
Tableau complet des costumes et vêtements des anglois : depuis l'éstablissement des Saxons dans la Grande-Bretague jusqu'au temps présent; enrichi de gravures tiréss des monuments les plus authentiques de l'analiquite; Précédé D'Une Introduction, Contenant Une Description Générale Des Vêtements EN Usage Dans LE Monde Depuis Son Origine Jusqu'à LA Fin DU Septième Siècle. Par Joseph Strutt. vol.1. | |
Þorda angel-cynnan. | |
Þorða Anzel-cẏnnan : or a compleat view of the manners, customs, arms, habits, &c. of the inhabitants of England, from the arrival of the Saxons, till the reign of Henry the Eighth. With a short account of the Britons, during the government of the Romans. In two volumes | |
Traits of ancient superstition |