Ussher, James, 1581-1656
Usher, James, 1581-1656
Ussher, James
James Ussher Archbishop of Armagh (1581-1656)
Ussher, James, arciv. di Armagh, 1581-1656
אשר, ג'יימס, 1581-1656
Usserius, Iacobus, arciv. di Armagh, 1581-1656
VIAF ID: 68969862 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a James Ussher ‡c Archbishop of Armagh (1581-1656)
- 100 1 _ ‡a Usher, James, ‡d 1581-1656
- 100 1 _ ‡a Ussher, James
- 100 1 _ ‡a Ussher, James
- 100 1 _ ‡a Ussher, James ‡d 1581-1656
- 100 1 _ ‡a Ussher, James, ‡d 1581-1656
- 100 1 _ ‡a Ussher, James, ‡d 1581-1656
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (118)
5xx's: Related Names (3)
Title | Sources |
Annales Veteris et Novi Testamenti | |
Annales Veteris Testamenti. | |
Annales Veteris Testamenti. Pars posterior | |
The annals of the world | |
De anno civili veterum Judæorum | |
Answer to a challenge made by a Jesuite in Ireland | |
Answer to a challenge made by a Jesuite in Ireland. Selections | |
De antiqua Ecclesiae britannicae libertate et privilegiis | |
Appendix Ignatiana | |
Articles of religion, agreed upon by the archbishops and bishops and the rest of the clergie of Ireland in the Convocation holden at Dublin in... 1615 for the avoyding of diversities of opinions and the establishing of concent touching true religion [drawn up by James Usher] | |
Bible | |
The Bishop of Armaghes direction, concerning the lyturgy, and episcopall government : Being thereunto requested by the Honourable, the House of Commons, and then presented in the year 1642 | |
Body of divinity | |
A brief declaration of the universality of the church of Christ; and the unity of the catholick faith professed therein. Delivered in a sermon before the King's Majesty the 20th of June, 1624. at Wansted. | |
Britannicarum ecclesiarum antiquitates : quibus inserta est pestiferae adversus Dei gratiam à Pelagio Britanno in ecclesiam inductae haereseos historia | |
Choice observations and explanations upon the Old Testament : Containing in them many remarkable matters, either not taken notice of, or mistaken by most, which are additionals to the large annotations made by some of the Assembly of Divines. To which are added some further and larger observations of his upon the whole book of Genesis perused and attested by the Reverend Bishop of Armagh, and Mr. Gataker Pastor of Rederith | |
Chronologia sacra | |
Clio, or, a discourse on taste | |
Confessions and proofes of Protestant divines of reformed churches : that episcopacy is in respect of the office according to the word of God, and in respect of the use the best : together, with a briefe treatise touching the originall of bishops and metropolitans | |
A copie of the proceedings of some worthy and learned divines, appointed by the Lords to meet at the Bishop of Lincolnes in Westminster : touching innovations in the doctrine and discipline of the Church of England. Together with considerations upon the Common prayer book | |
discourse of the religion anciently professed by the Irish and Brittish | |
The editio princeps of the Epistle of Barnabas by archbishop Ussher : as printed at Oxford, A.D. 1642, and preserved in an imperfect form in the Bodleian library ; with a dissertation on the literary history of that edition | |
De episcoporum et metropolitanorum origine | |
Epistolae | |
Faults on all sides The case of religion consider'd: shewing the substance of true godliness ; wherein are also particulariz'd, sundry errors, maxims and corruptions of men and sects of this present age, with suitable observations and reflections thereon. With some conclusive reasons to perswade to unity, moderation and charity. Presented to the inhabitants (especially) of the colony of Rhode Island ; and all others who make profession of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. In six sections. To which is added, the prophecies and predictions of the learned James Usher, Lord Archbishop of Armagh, Lord Primate of Ireland, relating to the great persecution that is yet to break out in England, Scotland and Ireland. [Five lines of Scripture text]. | |
The genuine and remarkable prophecies of Archbishop Usher : Containing Not only those which have been already verified according to his Predictions, but likewise those which are yet to come, To which is added, An Appendix, giving an Account of divers other Prophecies and Predictions, no less remarkable and surprizing. | |
Gotteschalci, et prædestinatianæ controversiæ ab eo motæ, historia: unà cum duplice ejusdem confessione, nunc primum in lucem editâ | |
De Graeca Septuaginta | |
Gravissimae quaestionis, de Christianarum ecclesiarum, in Occidentis praesertim partibus, ab apostolicis temporibus ad nostram usque aetatem, continua successione et statu, historica explicatio | |
Historia dogmatica | |
Immanuel. Neu Ddirgelwch dyfodiad Mab Duw yn y cnawd. Wedi ei agor gan y gwir Barchedig Dad yn Nuw, James Usher Gynt Arch-Esgob Armagh, YN YR Iwerddon. Newydd ei gyfiaethu i'r Gymraeg gan W. Williams, Gweinidog YR Efengyl. | |
Immanuel, or, The mystery of of the incarnation of the Son of God | |
Immanuel, or, The mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God. | |
Immanuel: or, The mystery of the incarnation of the son of God. | |
In Polycarpianam epistolarum Ignatianarum syllogen annotationes... in quibus Graecorum Ignatii exemplarium et inter se cum utraque vetere latina interpretatione comparatio continetur. | |
James Ussher's classic survey of world history | |
The judgement of the late Arch-Bishop of Armagh and Primate of Ireland : 1. Of the extent of Christs death and satisfaction &c, 2. Of the Sabbath, and observation of the Lords day, 3. Of the ordination in other reformed churches : with a vindication of him from a pretended change of opinion in the first, some advertisements upon the latter, and in prevention of further injuries, a declaration of his judgement in several other subjects | |
The judgement of the late Arch-bishop of Armagh, and Primate of Ireland : Of Babylon (Rev. 18. 4.) being the present See of Rome. (With a sermon of Bishop Bedels upon the same words.) Of laying on of hands (Heb. 6. 2.) to be an ordained ministery. Of the old form of words in ordination. Of a set form of prayer | |
Een korte verklaaring van de algemeenheidt der kerke Christi, ende de eenigheidt van het Katholyke geloof. Voor-gestelt in een predikatie over Ephes. 4. vol. 13. ... | |
Letters. | |
De Macedonum et Asianorum anno solari dissertatio | |
A method for meditation: or, A manuall of divine duties, fit for every Christians practice | |
The opinions of certaine reverend and learned divines concerning the fundamentall points of the true Protestant religion, and the right government of reformed churches : Wherein is declared the plaine path-way to a godly and religious life. Published by authoritie | |
The original of bishops and metropolitans briefly laid down by James Arch Bishop of Armagh. | |
The power communicated by God to the prince, and the obedience required of the subject : briefly laid down, and confirmed out of the Holy Scriptures, the testimony of the primitive church, the dictates of right reason, and the opinion of the wisest among heathen writers | |
The prophecy of Bishop Usher : Unto which is added two letters touching the designs of the papists against King Charles the First | |
The Protestant tutor, 1726: | |
Rationarum temporum : cui præter la omnia quæ uberrima in postrima veneta editione adjecta sunt in hac nostra novissima accessere duo opuscula Jacobi Usserii | |
Reduction of episcopacie | |
The reduction of episcopacy unto the form of synodical government : Recived in the antient Church, proposed in the year 1641. as an expedient for the prevention of those troubles, which afterwards did arise about the matter of Church Government, episcopal and presbyierial Government conjoyned. Proposed now again, anno 1703. for removing the differences in the Church of Scotland, By the Author of the Essay for promoving national love and unity. This may be altered according to the different circumtances of the National Church of Scotland. | |
De reductione episcopatus, ad forman regiminis synodici, in antiqua ecclesia recepti | |
De Romanæ Ecclesiæ Symbolo Apostolico vetere | |
Sermons. Selections | |
A short catechism of the principles of Christian religion Now fully corrected, and much enlarged by the author, James Usher, late Archbishop of Armagh. | |
Strange and remarkable prophesies and predictions of the holy, learned, and excellent James Usher | |
Substance of that which was delivered in a sermon before the Commons House of Parliament, in St. Margarets Church at Westminster, the 18. of February, 1620 | |
summarie view of the government both of the Old and New Testament | |
Symbole de saint Athanase | |
Usserii Annales | |
Veteris Ecclesiae gubernatio patriarchalis | |
Veterum epistolarum hibernicarum sylloge : quae partim ab hibernis, partim ad hibernos, partim de hibernis vel rebus hibernicis sunt conscriptae | |
Vitae Theologorvm Ervditione Et Scriptis Insignivm / Collectae Et Editae Cvm Praefatione Io. Georgii Iochii. - Francofvrti; [Jena], 1707. | |
Vreemde en aanmerkelyke voorzeggingen van de heylige, geleerde en uytstekende Jacobus Usher, eertijts aartsbisschop van Armag, en primaat van Yrland. Zijnde een verhaal dat hy voorsegt heeft: 1. De rebellie van Yrlandt veertig jaren eerse gebeurde: 2. De verwarringen en elenden van Engelandt in kerk en politie: 3. De doodt van koning Karel de eerste: 4. Sijn eyge armoede en gebrek: 5. De verdeeltheden in Engeland in saken des godsdiensts: En ten laatsten een grote en schriklyke vervolging welke de gereformeerde kerk soude overkomen van de papisten, waar in de paus die 'erals dan zyn sal, ten hoogsten soude geraakt zyn. | |
Works. Selections. 1631 | |
Yllwgbraidd- fodd byrr o gristianogawl grefydd gyd agadroddiad hynodob ... 1658: | |
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