Toland, John, 1670-1722
T, Johnny
John Toland
VIAF ID: 66497400 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a John Toland
- 100 1 _ ‡a T, Johnny
- 100 1 _ ‡a Toland, John ‡d 1670-1722
- 100 1 0 ‡a Toland, John ‡d 1670-1722
- 100 1 _ ‡a Toland, John ‡d 1670-1722
- 100 1 _ ‡a Toland, John, ‡d 1670-1722
- 100 1 _ ‡a Toland, John, ‡d 1670-1722
- 100 1 _ ‡a Toland, John, ‡d 1670-1722
- 100 1 _ ‡a Toland, John, ‡d 1670-1722
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (96)
5xx's: Related Names (4)
- 500 1 _ ‡a Eoganesius, Janus Junius
- 500 1 _ ‡a Harrington, James ‡d 1611-1677
- 551 _ _ ‡a Inishowen (Irland) ‡4 ortg ‡4
- 551 _ _ ‡a London-Putney ‡4 orts ‡4
Title | Sources |
Account of the courts of Prussia and Hanover | |
Adeisidaemon | |
The agreement of the customs of the East-Indians : with those of the Jews, and other ancient people: being the first essay of this kind, towards the explaining of several difficult passages in Scripture, and some of the most ancient writers, by the present Oriental customs, with cuts. To whicha re added instructions to the young gentlemen that intend to travel. | |
Anglia libera | |
Anglia libera, or the limitation and succession of the crown of England explain'd and asserted; as grounded on His Majesty's speech, the procedings in parlament, the desires of the people, the safety of our religion, the nature of our constitution, the balance of Europe and the rights of all mankind | |
Apology for Mr Toland | |
The art of governing by partys : particularly, in religion, in politics, in Parlament, on the Bench, and in the Ministry; with the ill effects of partys on the people in general, the King in particular, and all our foren Affairs; as well as on our Credit and Trade, in Peace or War, etc. | |
The art of restoring. or, the Piety and Probity of general Monk. In bringing about the last restoration, evidenc'd from his own authentic letters : With a just account of Sir Roger, who runs the parallel as far as he can. In a letter to a minister of state, at the court of Vienna. | |
Aufklärung in England | |
Christianity not mysterious | |
Cicero illustratus : Dissertatio philologico-critica: sive consilium de toto edendo Cicerone, alia planè methodo quàm hactenus unquam factum. Auctore Joanne Tolando. | |
Clidophorus | |
A collection of several pieces : of Mr. John Toland, now first publish'd from his original manuscripts: with some memoirs of his life and writings. | |
Conformité des coutumes des Indiens orientaux, avec celles des Juifs & des autres peuples de l'antiquité. | |
La constitution primitive de l'église chrétienne = The primitive constitution of the christian church / Texte anglais et traduction manuscrite. précédés de L'ecclésiologie de John Toland | |
Critical history of the Celtic religion and learning | |
The danger of mercenary Parliaments : with a preface, shewing the infinite mischiefs of long and pack'd Parliaments. By the editor of the Earl of Shaftesbury's letters to Lord Molesworth. | |
Defence of Mr Toland | |
The description of Epsom : with the humors and politicks of the place: in a letter to Eudoxa. There is added a translation of four letters out of Pliny. | |
The destiny of Rome : or, the Probability of the Speedy and Final Destruction of the Pope. Concluded Partly, from natural Reasons, and political Observations; and partly, on Occasion of the famous Prophesy of St. Malachy, Archbishop of Armagh, in the XIIth Century: Which Curious Piece, Containing Emblematical Characters of all the Popes, from his own Time to the utter Extirpation of them, is not only here entirely publish'd; but likewise set in a much clearer Light, than has ever hitherto been done. In a letter To a Divine of the Church of England, From a Divine of the Church of the First-Born. | |
A discourse upon coins | |
Dissertations diverses | |
Dunkirk or Dover : or, the Queen's honour, the nation's safety, the liberties of Europe, and the peace of the world, all at stake till that fort and port be totally demolish'd by the French. | |
Džon Toland | |
The early lives of Milton | |
The grand mystery laid open : namely, by dividing of the Protestants to weaken the Hanover succession, and by defeating the succession to extirpate the Protestant religion. To which is added, The sacredness of parliamentary securities: Against those, Who wou'd indirectly this Year, or more directly the next (if they live so long) attack the Publick Funds. | |
Gründe für die Einbürgerung der Juden in Grossbritannien und Irland | |
High-Church display'd : being a compleat history of the affair of Dr. Sacheverel, in its origin, progress, and consequences. In several letters to an English gentleman at the court of Hanover. With an alphabetical index, by which at one View any Particular in the Doctor's History and Tryal may be found. | |
Hypatia : or, the history of a Most beautiful, most vertuous, most learned, and every way accomplish'd lady; who Was torn to Pieces by the Clergy of Alexandria, to gratify the Pride, Emulation, and Cruelty of their Archbishop, commonly but undeservedly stiled St. Cyril. Magnum aliquid instat, efferum, ... impium. Sen. Medea, Act. 3. Scen. I. lin. 16. | |
The jacobitism : perjury, and popery of High-Church priests. | |
Letters to Serena | |
Letters to Serena : containing, I. The origin and force of prejudices. II. The History of the Soul's Immortality among the Heathens. III. The Origin of Idolatry, and Reasons of Heathenism. As also, IV. A letter to a gentleman in Holland, showing Spinosa's System of Philosophy to be without any Principle or Foundation. V. Motion essential to Matter; in Answer to some Remarks by a Noble Friend on the Confutation of Spinosa. To all which is prefix'd, VI. A preface; being a Letter to a Gentleman in London, sent together with the foregoing Dissertations, and declaring the several Occasions of writing them. By Mr. Toland. | |
Lettres à Serena et autres textes | |
Lettres philosophiques : sur l'origine des préjugés, du dogme de l'immortalité de l'ame, de l'idolâtrie & de la superstition; sur le systême de Spinosa & sur l'origine du mouvement dans la matiere. | |
Lezione delle monete. | |
The life of Iohn Milton : containing, besides the history of his works, several extraordinary characters of men, and books, sects, parties, and opinions: with Amyntor; or a defense of Milton's life: by Iohn Toland. And uarious notes now added. | |
Life of John Milton. | |
Listy Serene : Opiniorum commenta delet dies, Naturae judicia confirmat | |
Memoirs of Denzil Lord Holles, Baron of Ifield in Sussex, from the year 1641, to 1648. | |
The memorial of the state of England : In Vindication of the Queen, the church, and the Administration: design'd to rectify the mutual mistakes of protestants, and to unite their affections in defence of our religion and liberty. | |
A memorial to Protestants on the fifth of November, ... In a letter to a peer of Great Britain. | |
The militia reform'd, or, An easy scheme of furnishing England with a constant land-force : capable to prevent or to subdue any forein power, and to maintain perpetual quiet at home, without endangering the publick liberty | |
Nazarenus, or Jewish, gentile and Mahometan christianity | |
A new edition of Toland's History of the druids : with an Abstract of his life and writings; and a copious appendix, containing notes, critical, philological, and explanatory | |
The Oceana : and other works of James Harrington, esq | |
Oratio philippica ad excitandos contra Galliam Britannos, maximè verò, ne de pace cum victis praemature agatur: sanctiori Anglorum concilio exhibita, anno a Christo nato 1514 | |
Pantheisticon | |
Pantheisticon : or, the form of celebrating the Socratic-Society. Divided into three parts. Which Contain, I. The Morals and Axioms of the Pantheists; or the Brotherhood. II. Their Deity and Philosophy. III. Their Liberty, and a Law, neither deceiving, nor to be deceived. To which is prefix'd a discourse upon the antient and modern societies of the learned, as also upon the Infinite and Eternal Universe. And subjoined, a short dissertation upon a two-fold philosophy of the pantheists, that is to be followed; together with an Idea of the best and most accomplished Man. Written originally in Latin, by the ingenious Mr. John Toland. And now, for the first time, faithfully rendered into English. | |
Pantheisticon : Sive formula celebrandae Sodalitatis Socraticae, in tres particulas divisa; Quae Pantheistarum, sive Sodalium, Continent I, Mores et Axiomata: II, Numen et Philosophiam: III, Libertatem, et non fallentem Legem, Neque fallendam. Praemittitur de antiquis et novis eruditorum sodalitatibus, Ut et de Universo infinito et aeterno; diatriba. Subjicitur de duplici pantheistarum philosophia sequendâ, Ac de Viri optimi et ornatissimi idea, Dissertatiuncula. | |
A philippick oration to incite the English against the French, but especially to prevent the treating of a peace with them so soon after they are beaten : offer'd to the Privy-council of England in the year of Christ, 1514 | |
Propositions for uniting the two East-India Companies : in a letter to a man of quality, who desir'd the opinion of a gentleman not concern'd in either company. | |
I. Reasons for addressing His Majesty to invite into England their Highnesses, the Electress Dowager and the Electoral Prince of Hanover. And likewise, II. Reasons for attainting and abjuring the pretended Prince of Wales, and all others pretending any Claim, Right, or Title from the late King James and Queen Mary. With Arguments for making a vigorous War against France | |
Reasons for naturalizing the Jews in Great Britain and Ireland. | |
The state anatomy of Great Britain, 1717 (surrogate): | |
The state-Anatomy of Great Britain : Containing a particular account of its several interests and parties, their bent and genius; and what each of them, with all the rest of Europe, may hope or fear from the reign and family of King George. Being a memorial sent by an intimate friend to a foreign minister, lately nominated to come for the court of England. | |
(Stephen Hartley), 1950. John Toland : his methods... | |
Tetradymus | |
Toland e i liberi pensatori del '700 | |
Tolérance et citoyenneté | |
Traité des trois Imposteurs... | |
Vindicius liberius | |
Works | |
Works. Selections. 1726 | |
Избранные сочинения, 1927: | |
秘義なきキリスト教 |