Guaranty trust company of New York
Guaranty Trust Company (Nowy Jork).
VIAF ID: 65144814326123316643 (Corporate)
Preferred Forms
- 110 2 _ ‡a Guaranty Trust Company of New York
- 110 2 _ ‡a Guaranty Trust Company of New York
- 110 2 _ ‡a Guaranty Trust Company of New York
- 110 2 _ ‡a Guaranty Trust Company of New York
- 110 2 0 ‡a Guaranty Trust Company of New York
- 110 2 _ ‡a Guaranty Trust Company of New York
- 110 2 _ ‡a Guaranty trust company of New York
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (3)
5xx's: Related Names (6)
- 510 2 _ ‡a J.P. Morgan & Co
- 510 2 0 ‡a J.P. Morgan & Co.
- 510 2 _ ‡a Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York
- 510 2 0 ‡a Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York
- 510 2 _ ‡a Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York ‡e Nachfolger
- 510 2 _ ‡a Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York ‡e Relation allgemein
Title | Sources |
23 Wall Street | |
Acceptances. | |
American goods and foreign markets / Guaranty Trust Company of New York. - New York, 1919. | |
Amortization; some notes of interest to investors, executors, trustees, and beneficiaries under trusts. | |
Annual report to stockholders for the year 1952 | |
Combining for foreign trade : plans and methods of operation | |
Digest of the Federal reserve act | |
Digest of the United States shipping act | |
Export trade combinations : permitted by the Webb Law, approved April 10, 1918 | |
The fabric of civilization : a short survey of the cotton industry in the United States | |
The Federal Estate Tax Law and regulations : United States inheritance tax : Act of September 8, 1916, amended March 3, 1917 | |
The federal income tax law enacted September 8, 1916 : together with a synopsis of the features of the law affecting individuals and fiduciaries | |
France and America, their mutual interests and obligations. | |
Greater France. | |
Guaranty service | |
Guaranty survey, Apr. 1921: | |
How business with foreign countries is financed | |
How to figure interest returns on securities, 1917 | |
Income tax primer (revised March 1, 1919) | |
Index of bonds, indicating those containing "tax free clause." | |
The industrial development of India. | |
The Investment tax law of the state of New York and the Mortgage tax law of the state of New York. | |
[Miscellaneous printed matter] | |
Mobilizing money for war. | |
The new revenue law, revenue act of 1918. | |
New York state franchise tax on business corporations; chapter 726, Laws of New York, 1917, as amended in 1941. | |
One hundred years of banking service, 1839-1939 | |
Ownership certificates under the federal income tax law including returns of information and witholding. | |
Paris en 12 coupures : principales curiosités, Paris en 8 jours, tramways, autobus, théâtres et concerts, environs de Paris | |
Questions to decide when making your will. | |
The Railroad situation | |
A review of export and import procedure. | |
Russia. | |
The safe keeping of securities. | |
Short term bond yield charts. | |
The solvency of the allies; Great Britain-France-Belgium-Italy. | |
Specimen form of trust agreement : to provide for liquidation of a decedent's interest in a close corporation or partnership | |
Statement of condition. | |
Suggestions for the preparation of trust deeds for members of the bar exclusively. | |
Summary of Neutrality act of 1939 together with certain related material, November 8, 1939 | |
Synopsis of war tax law of 1914, passed October 22, 1914; not effective after December 31, 1915. | |
Taking stock of the future; outlines of the plans of various foreign countries for commercial reconstruction. | |
Tax on personal incomes, state of New York, chapter 627, laws of New York, 1919, approved May 14, 1919. | |
Taxes on estates, gifts and personal incomes : giving effect to present Federal and New York State taxes, July 15, 1940. | |
Trading with Australasia. | |
Trading with China: methods found successful in dealing with the Chinese... | |
Trading with the enemy, act approved October 6, 1917 as amended March 28, 1918 | |
Trading with the near East [microform] : present conditions and future prospects. | |
The Transfer tax law; article 10, chapter 62, laws of New York 1909 ... | |
Transportation act, 1920, approved February 28, 1920. | |
United States income and estate taxes on nonresident aliens. | |
The victory drive; fourth liberty loan. | |
War excess profits tax law : imposed by the War Revenue Act, approved October 3, 1917, including Treasury Department Regulations no. 41 | |
War finance corporation act, approved April 5, 1918. | |
War loans of the United States and the third liberty loan. | |
Why you should make a will. |