Act for sequestrating the quenis majesties person and detening the same in the hous and place of Lochlevin . XVI jun. MDLXVII |
Books published by Chatto & Windus, Piccadilly |
Catalogue of the tercentenary of Mary, queen of Scots exhibition Peterborough, 1887 |
copie of a letter to the right honourable the Earle of Lecester, Lieutenant generall of all her Majesties forces in the united Provinces of the lowe Countreys |
grands procès de l'histoire |
Historia della Regina Maria Stuarda |
History of Lochleven castle with details of the imprisonment and escape of Mary Queen of Scots |
De jure regni apud Scotos |
Mary Queen of Scots 1542-1587 Extracts from the English, Spanish, and Venetian State Papers, Buchanan, Knox, Lesley, Melville, The "Diurnal of Occurrents", Nau, &c. &c. |
Mary, queen of Scots a drama in verse in two periods, eight scenes |
Mary Queen of Scots, a narrative and defence With portrait and eight illustrations specially drawn for the work |
Mary Queen of Scots, her life and reign |
Mary Stewart, queen of Scots, an historical drama. |
Mary Stuart |
Melrose in ancient times, during the last of the abbots. |
Memoirs of celebrated female sovereigns |
Memoirs of the Queens of France, including a memoir of Her Majesty, the late queen of the French (Marie Amelie). |
Menu de la maison de la royne faict par Mons. de Pinguillon. M.D.LXII |
A mervaylous discourse upon the lyfe, deedes, and behaviours of Katherine de Medicis, Queene mother :wherin are displayed the meanes which she hath practised to atteyne unto the usurping of the Kingedome of France, and to the bringing of the estate of the same unto utter ruine and destruction. |
Murat |
murder of Rizzio |
Note on the binding |
Notice of a volume of Scots acts from the Library of James VI. of Scotland |
Oraison funebre de la Royne d'Escosse,sur le subject de celle prononcee par Monsieur de Bourges. |
Papistische Inquisition und Gulden Flüs der Römischen Kirchen.Das ist. Historia und ankunst der Römischen kirchen und sonderlich vom Antichristischen wesen / inn Eihen Böcher verfast / nach anweisung der geheymen / unn doch wikgetrucken zahl inn der Offenbarung Johannis. ... zusammen getragen von Georgio Nigrino. Zu dienstlichen gefallen allen Clamantem und Huchlern des Bapstumbs... und sonderlich wider Doctor G. Eders Evangelische Inquisition und gulden Flüss zugericht... |
petit Florian ou Recueil de romances pastorales |
Portraits of illustrious persons of Scotland, engraved from the most authentic paintings, &c |
Le procès de Marie Stuart. - L'affaire Cinq-mars. - Le procès de Nicolas Foucquet, un profiteur du Grand Siècle. - Voltaire, défenseur de Calas. - Le procès de Camille Desmoulins |
Profils de reines |
Queen Elizabeth and some foreigners being a series of hitherto unpublished letters from the archives of the Hapsburg family |
Queen Mary ar Jedburgh in 1566 |
queen's quair or The six years' tragedy |
Quuen Elizabeth |
Register of appointment made by Queen Mary at Hermitage Castle, October 16th 1566. |
A relation of a short survey of 26 counties observed in a seven weeks Journey begun on August 11, 1634 Edited, with Introduction and Notes |
Remarks on the history of Scotland. By Sir David Dalrymple. |
Réplique pour le catholique anglois, contre le catholique associé des huguenots |
Rerum Aetatis nostra Medulla Historica |
rewarde of Wickednesse Discoursing the sundrye monstrous abuses of wicked and ungodlye worldelinges :in such sort set downe and written as the same have beene dyversely practised in the persones of Popes, Harlots, Proude Princes, Tyrauntes, Romish Byshoppes, and others. With a lively description of their severall falles and finall destruction. Verye profitable for all sorts of estates to reade and looke upon. Newly compiled by Richard Robinson, Servaunt in houshold to the right Honorable Earle of Shrowsbury. |
road royal |
Royal Elizabeths the romance of five princesses 1464-1840 |
royal exile ; or Poetical epistles of Mary, queen of Scots, during her captivity in England with other original poems |
Royan & loyal sufferers edited, with notes, and biographic and bibliographic sketches |
Salutem in Christo |
Schrifftliche vermanung zum Friede und Einigkeit des oebersten Gubernators und anderer der fuernemsten Regenten und Rethe des Koenigreichs Engellandt An den Adell und Gemeine Stende Auch alle andere Einwohner des Reichs Schottenlands.Auss Englischer Sprach ins latein verdolmetscht unnd hernach verdeutschet. |
Scotland in the time of Queen Mary |
Scottish history from contemporary writers, n° II |
A select catalogue of historical portraits of Mary Queen of Scots and her contemporaries, with topographical views of the castles, palaces, and prisons of this unfortunate princess... |
Septennii II. Medullae Historicae |
sermon against the masse |
staggering state of the Scots statesmen, for one hundred years, viz from 1550 to 1650. By Sir John Scot of Scotstarvet, Director of the Chancery. Now first published, from an original manuscript. |
Stoick King |
Superintendentes to the Faithfull |
Tableaux genealogiques de la maison royale de France. Et des six Pairies Laïcques; Bourgogne, Normandie, Guyenne, Tolose, Flandre, Champagne. Seconde Edition, reveuë & augmentée, & dediée au Roy Très-Chrestien. Par le R. P. Philippe Labbé, de la Compagnie de Jesus. |
A thankfull remembrance of Gods mercy. In an historicall collection of the great and mercifull deliverances of the church and state of England, since the Gospel beganne here to flourish, from the beginning of Queene Elizabeth. Collected by Geo : Carleton, doctor of divinity and bishop of Chichester. The third edition revised, and enlarged. |
Theatrum Scotiae" With life of the author, and large additional illustrations |
Time tries all |
To the regent of Scotland |
tragedy of Fotheringay founded on the journal of D. Bourgoing, physician to Mary queen of Scots, and on unpublished MS. documents |
trials of five queens Katherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Mary queen of Scots, Marie Antoinette and Caroline of Brunswick with twelve illustrations |
A true and plaine declaration of the horrible Traesons, practifed by William Parry the Traitor, against the Queenes Majestie.The maner of the Arraignment, Conviction and execution, together with the copies of sundry letters of his and others, tending to divers purposes, for the proofes of his Treasons. Also an addition not impertinent thereunto, containing a short collection of his birth, education and course of life. Moreover, a fewe observations gathered of his owne wordes and wrytings, for the farther manifestation of his most disloyal, devilish and desperate purpose. |
Tryal of the Regicides |
tryal of Thomas Duke of Norfolk by his peers, for high treason against the Queen ; on Wednesday the 16th day of January, in the year of Our Lord, 1571. and in the XIVth year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth : for attempting to marry Mary Queen of Scots without the consent and approbation of the said Queen Elizabeth.Together with the learned arguments of all the judges and Queen's Council against the Duke ... To which is added, an historical preface letting the reader into the nature of the case, with an epistle dedicatory to His Grace the present Duke of Norfolk. |
Vie des femmes célèbres, depuis les Hébreux jusqu'à nos jours |
Vita Mariae Stuartae Scotiae reginae, Dotariæ Galliæ, Angliæ & Hibernię Hæredis. Scriptore Georgio Conaeo scoto. Ad Urbanum VIII. Pont. Max. |
vraye histoire de la tres-illustre et tres-glorieuse Marie Stuart, reine de France et d'Escosse. |
Where ghosts walk the haunts of familiar characters in history and literature |
with an abstract of her life... The second edition |