Phillips, Adam, 1954-....
Phillips, Adam
Adam Phillips
פיליפס, אדם, 1954-
VIAF ID: 64291731 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a Adam Phillips
- 200 _ 1 ‡a Phillips ‡b , Adam
- 200 _ | ‡a Phillips ‡b Adam ‡f 1954-....
- 100 1 _ ‡a Phillips, Adam
- 100 1 _ ‡a Phillips, Adam ‡d 1954-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Phillips, Adam ‡d 1954-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Phillips, Adam ‡d 1954-...
- 100 1 _ ‡a Phillips, Adam, ‡d 1954-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Phillips, Adam, ‡d 1954-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Phillips, Adam, ‡d 1954-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Phillips, Adam, ‡d 1954-....
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (24)
5xx's: Related Names (2)
Title | Sources |
Amazing animals | |
Animate to Harmony [electronic resource] | |
Animate to harmony - the independent animators guide to toon boom. | |
Animaux incroyables | |
Attention seeking | |
Baisers, chatouilles et autres petits riens | |
Beast in the nursery | |
Becoming Freud : the making of a psychoanalyst | |
Beijo, cocegas e tedio : o inesperado da vida a luz da psicanalise | |
Besynderlige bedrifter og mærkelige mennesker | |
La boîte de Houdini : l'art de s'échapper | |
The book of evidence ; The sea | |
The book of interruptions | |
BZ20 | |
Centuries of childhood | |
The Christopher Bollas reader | |
The concise dictionary of dress | |
Cross-dressing | |
The cure for psychoanalysis | |
Darwin's worms | |
Darwins Würmer und Freuds Tod über den Sinn des Vergänglichen | |
Devenir Freud : biographie d'un déplacement | |
The diary of Virginia Woolf | |
Du flirt | |
The electrified tightrope, c1993: | |
Equals | |
Exploits fantastiques, records absurdes : les plus bizarres et les plus farfelus du monde entier! | |
Fantastic feats and ridiculous records | |
Freud de geboorte van de psychoanalyticus | |
Freundlichkeit diskrete Anmerkungen zu einer unzeitgemäßen Tugend | |
Going sane | |
The hands of the living God : an account of a psycho-analytic treatment | |
Houdini's box : the art of escape | |
In onbalans over de psychoanalyse en een evenwichtig leven | |
In writing | |
Intimacies | |
John Clare in context | |
Lisa May post [49a] Biennale di Venezia, [Dutch pavilion, 10 June-4 November 2001] | |
Liza May Post, c2001: | |
La meilleure des vies : éloge de la vie non vécue | |
Missing out : in praise of the unlived life | |
Monogamy | |
mort qui fait aimer la vie Darwin et Freud | |
N'ayons pas honte d'être gentils | |
On balance | |
On flirtation | |
On getting better | |
On giving up | |
On kindness. | |
On kissing, tickling, and being bored : psychoanalytic essays on the unexamined life | |
On wanting to change | |
One way and another : new and selected essays | |
Het ongeleefde leven over de zin van alles wat niet kan | |
Opüşme, Gidiklanma ve Sikilma Üzerine : Hayatin Didiklenmemiş Yanlarina Dair Psikanalitik Denemeler | |
penguin Freud reader | |
A philosophical enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful | |
Placeres permitidos | |
plaisirs non défendus | |
Het plezier van alles wat mag | |
Le pouvoir psy | |
Promesses : de la littérature et de la psychanalyse | |
Promises, promises. | |
The Renaissance, 1986: | |
La scatola di Houdini : le arti della fuga / Adam Phillips ; traduzione di Laura De Tomasi e Giuliano Luna | |
Second chances : Shakespeare and Freud | |
Selected prose | |
Shinmitsusei. | |
Side effects | |
Soyons fous pour rester sains | |
Terrors and experts | |
Tribute to Freud | |
Trois capacités négatives | |
Über das Flirten psychoanalytische Essays | |
Unforbidden pleasures | |
Utrolige dyr | |
Utvalg | |
Värsta djuren : bravader, bragder & ruggiga rekord : [vilt, vettlöst och vansinnigt från djurvärlden] | |
viaf | |
Winnicott | |
Works. | |
Wunschlos glücklich? über seelische Gesundheit und den alltäglichen Wahnsinn | |
The ¤truth about love | |
ויניקוט | |
멀쩡함과 광기에 대한 보고되지 않은 이야기 | |
위니코트 사랑 그리고 역설의 대가 | |
ダーウィンのミミズ, フロイトの悪夢 | |
精神分析というお仕事 : 専門性のパラドクス |