Amplifying the Randomness of Weak Sources Correlated With Devices |
Area law for fixed points of rapidly mixing dissipative quantum systems |
Convergence to equilibrium under a random Hamiltonian |
Correlated entanglement distillation and the structure of the set of undistillable states |
Detection of multiparticle entanglement: quantifying the search for symmetric extensions |
Effective Spin Systems in Coupled Microcavities |
Efficient Quantum Pseudorandomness |
Entangled inputs cannot make imperfect quantum channels perfect. |
Entanglement activation and the robustness of quantum correlations |
Entanglement and quantum order parameters |
Entanglement area law from specific heat capacity |
Entanglement Area Laws for Long-Range Interacting Systems |
Entanglement quantifiers, entanglement crossover and phase transitions |
Entanglement theory and the second law of thermodynamics |
Erratum: Are all maximally entangled states pure? [Phys. Rev. A 72, 040303 (2005)] |
Exponential Decay of Correlations Implies Area Law |
Finite-Size Scaling of Out-of-Time-Ordered Correlators at Late Times |
A Generalization of Quantum Stein’s Lemma |
Generic emergence of classical features in quantum Darwinism |
Geometrically induced singular behavior of entanglement |
Hypercontractivity, sum-of-squares proofs, and their applications |
Irreducible private states (Conference Presentation) |
Light-shift-induced photonic nonlinearities |
Local Random Quantum Circuits are Approximate Polynomial-Designs |
Macroscopic Thermodynamic Reversibility in Quantum Many-Body Systems |
On Hastings' Counterexamples to the Minimum Output Entropy Additivity Conjecture |
One-Shot Rates for Entanglement Manipulation Under Non-entangling Maps |
A polaritonic two-component Bose–Hubbard model |
Product-state approximations to quantum ground states |
Public Quantum Communication and Superactivation |
Quantum Conditional Mutual Information, Reconstructed States, and State Redistribution. |
Quantum de finetti theorems under local measurements with applications |
Quantum Error Correcting Codes in Eigenstates of Translation-Invariant Spin Chains |
Quantum Gibbs Samplers: The Commuting Case |
Quantum many-body phenomena in coupled cavity arrays |
Quantum One-Time Pad in the Presence of an Eavesdropper |
Quantum proofs, the local Hamiltonian problem and applications |
Quantum Speed-Ups for Solving Semidefinite Programs |
Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor |
Randomness Amplification under Minimal Fundamental Assumptions on the Devices |
Realistic noise-tolerant randomness amplification using finite number of devices |
Remarks on the Equivalence of Full Additivity and Monotonicity for the Entanglement Cost |
Resource theory of quantum states out of thermal equilibrium |
Reversible Framework for Quantum Resource Theories |
Robust semidefinite programming approach to the separability problem |
Separable Multipartite Mixed States: Operational Asymptotically Necessary and Sufficient Conditions |
A Smooth Entropy Approach to Quantum Hypothesis Testing and the Classical Capacity of Quantum Channels |
Strongly interacting polaritons in coupled arrays of cavities |
Thermalization and Return to Equilibrium on Finite Quantum Lattice Systems |
Thermodynamic Capacity of Quantum Processes |
Three-Dimensional Color Code Thresholds via Statistical-Mechanical Mapping |
When Does Noise Increase the Quantum Capacity? |