Gopher, Avi
Avi Gopher archaeologist
Gōfer, ʾAvī
Gopher, Avraham.
גופר, אבי
Gōfer, ʾAvī 1969-
Gopher, Avi, 1969-
Goldberg, Avi (Israeli photographer, born 1969)
VIAF ID: 59118347 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a Avi Gopher ‡c archaeologist
- 100 1 _ ‡a Goldberg, Avi ‡g Israeli photographer, born 1969
- 100 1 _ ‡a Gopher, Avi
- 100 1 _ ‡a Gopher, Avi
- 100 1 _ ‡a Gopher, Avi
- 100 1 _ ‡a Gōfer, ʾAvī ‡d 1969-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Gōfer, ʾAvī
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (31)
5xx's: Related Names (9)
- 500 1 _ ‡a Bar-Yosef, Ofer
- 500 1 _ ‡a Eisenberg, Emanuel
- 500 1 _ ‡a Goldberg, Avi
- 500 1 _ ‡a Greenberg, Raphael
- 500 1 _ ‡a Ladiray, Daniel
- 500 1 _ ‡a Porat, Naomi
- 500 1 _ ‡a Tsuḳ, Tseviḳah
- 500 1 _ ‡a Yizraeli-Noy, Tamar
- 500 1 _ ‡a לבנה, מיכה
Title | Sources |
An Alternative Interpretation for the Material Imagery of the Yarmukian, a Neolithic Culture of the Sixth Millennium BC in the Southern Levant | |
Ancient gold, 1991: | |
Another Side of the Amudian Industry at Qesem Cave, Israel: The Southern Area Lithic Assemblage | |
The archaeology of Netiv Hagdud | |
Arrowheads of the Neolithic Levant : a Seriation Analysis | |
Atlit-Yam: A Prehistoric Site on the Sea Floor off the Israeli Coast | |
Biyut ha-tsemaḥ̣im u-reshit ha-ḥ̣aḳla'ut ba-Mizraḥ ha-Ḳarov | |
Bone marrow storage and delayed consumption at Middle Pleistocene Qesem Cave, Israel (420 to 200 ka) | |
Breaking ground : plant domestication in the Neolithic Levant : the "core-area one-event" model | |
The Cemetery as a Symbol: a Reconsideration of Chalcolithic Burial Caves in the Southern Levant | |
The chickpea, summer cropping, and a new model for pulse domestication in the ancient near east | |
Coffee Beans, Cowries and Vulvas: a Reply to Comments by Y. Garfinkel | |
Cooperative hunting and meat sharing 400-200 kya at Qesem Cave, Israel | |
Cosima order | |
Dan 1 | |
Dan I : a chronicle of the excavations, the pottery neolithic, the early bronze age and the middle bronze age tombs | |
Dealing with the dead : studies on burial practices in the Pre-Pottery Neolithic Levant | |
Early evidence of stone tool use in bone working activities at Qesem Cave, Israel | |
An early Neolithic village in the Jordan Valley. | |
The Eastern Wing of the Fertile Crescent : late prehistory of Greater Mesopotamian lithic industries | |
Extensive Paleolithic Flint Extraction and Reduction Complexes in the Nahal Dishon Central Basin, Upper Galilee, Israel | |
Flaked Stone Discs of the Neolithic and Chalcolithic Periods in the Southern Levant | |
The flint assemblages of Munhata : final report | |
Flint tool industries of the Neolithic period in Israel | |
The function of recycled lithic items at late Lower Paleolithic Qesem Cave, Israel: An overview of the use-wear data | |
Hallelujah | |
How and when was wild wheat domesticated? | |
The 'Human Mind' as a common denominator in plant domestication | |
Intra-site variability in lithic recycling at Qesem Cave, Israel | |
Jacob Kaplan's excavations of protohistoric sites, 1950s-1980s | |
Knowledge transmission and apprentice flint-knappers in the Acheulo-Yabrudian: A case study from Qesem Cave, Israel | |
The microvertebrates of Qesem Cave: A comparison of the two concentrations | |
Misdar Ḳozimah | |
Mitqufat ha-ʼeven | |
Musculoskeletal stress markers in Natufian hunter-gatherers and Neolithic farmers in the Levant: the upper limb | |
The Nahal Qanah cave : earliest gold in the southern Levant | |
New datings of Amudian layers at Qesem Cave (Israel): results of TL applied to burnt flints and ESR/U-series to teeth | |
A New Look at Shelter 131/51 in the Natufian Site of Eynan (Ain-Mallaha), Israel | |
Organized waste disposal in the Pottery Neolithic: A bifacial workshop refuse pit at Ein Zippori, Israel | |
Palaeolithic landscape of extraction: flint surface quarries and workshops at Mt Pua, Israel | |
Plant domestication and the origins of agriculture in the neolithic Near East | |
Plant domestication versus crop evolution: a conceptual framework for cereals and grain legumes | |
ha-Prehisṭoryah shel ha-Negev ha-merkazi, 1981: | |
The Qesem Cave hominin material (part 2): A morphometric analysis of dm2-QC2 deciduous lower second molar | |
Raw material choices in Amudian versus Yabrudian lithic assemblages at Qesem Cave: A preliminary evaluation | |
Reconsidering domestication of legumes versus cereals in the ancient near east | |
Recycling bones in the Middle Pleistocene: Some reflections from Gran Dolina TD10-1 (Spain), Bolomor Cave (Spain) and Qesem Cave (Israel) | |
Regional variability in late Lower Paleolithic Amudian blade technology: Analyzing new data from Qesem, Tabun and Yabrud I | |
The ripples of "The Big (agricultural) Bang": the spread of early wheat cultivation | |
Sitting on the tailing piles: creating extraction landscapes in Middle Pleistocene quarry complexes in the Levant | |
Sixth-fifth millennia B.C. settlements in the Coastal Plain, Israel | |
Spatial aspects as seen from a density analysis of lithics at Middle Pleistocene Qesem Cave: Preliminary results and observations | |
State of the art of the multidisciplinary research at Middle Pleistocene Qesem Cave, Israel, 2015 – An introduction | |
The Stratigraphy and Flint Industry of Wadi Ibeik : a PPNB Site in Southern Sinai. | |
Subsistence economy and social life: A zooarchaeological view from the 300 kya central hearth at Qesem Cave, Israel | |
Tooth wear and dental pathology at the advent of agriculture: new evidence from the Levant | |
Tortoises as a dietary supplement: A view from the Middle Pleistocene site of Qesem Cave, Israel | |
Use-wear analysis of an Amudian laminar assemblage from the Acheuleo-Yabrudian of Qesem Cave, Israel | |
Using bones to shape stones: MIS 9 bone retouchers at both edges of the Mediterranean Sea | |
What happens around a fire: Faunal processing sequences and spatial distribution at Qesem Cave (300 ka), Israel | |
Zehav ḳedumim : tagliyot nedirot mi-meʻarat Naḥal Ḳanah | |
ביות הצמחים וראשית החקלאות במזרח הקרוב | |
הללויה | |
הפרהיסטוריה של הנגב המרכזי | |
זהב קדומים : תגליות נדירות ממערת נחל קנה | |
מסדר קוזימה |