Melanie Wakefield Australian health researcher
Wakefield, Melanie
VIAF ID: 57795311 (Personal)
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- 100 0 _ ‡a Melanie Wakefield ‡c Australian health researcher
- 100 1 _ ‡a Wakefield, Melanie
- 100 1 _ ‡a Wakefield, Melanie
- 100 1 _ ‡a Wakefield, Melanie
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (1)
Title | Sources |
The effect of nicotine replacement therapy advertising on youth smoking, c2007: | |
News on tobacco and public attitudes toward smokefree air policies in the United States | |
Newspaper coverage of youth and tobacco: implications for public health | |
No lasting effects of plain packaging on cigarette pack retrieval time in small Australian retail outlets | |
Non-smokers' responses when smokers light up: a population-based study | |
Nothing beats taste or convenience: a national survey of where and why people buy sugary drinks in Australia | |
Parental awareness and attitudes about food advertising to children on Australian television | |
Parents' reactions to unhealthy food v. pro-health sponsorship options for children's sport: an experimental study | |
Parent's responses to nutrient claims and sports celebrity endorsements on energy-dense and nutrient-poor foods: an experimental study | |
Pathways to a cancer-free future: a protocol for modelled evaluations to minimise the future burden of colorectal cancer in Australia | |
Plain packaging: a logical progression for tobacco control in one of the world's 'darkest markets'. | |
Point-of-Sale Cigarette Marketing, Urge to Buy Cigarettes, and Impulse Purchases of Cigarettes: Results From a Population-Based Survey. | |
Portrayal of tanning, clothing fashion and shade use in Australian women's magazines, 1987-2005. | |
Potential effectiveness of anti-smoking advertisement types in ten low and middle income countries: do demographics, smoking characteristics and cultural differences matter? | |
Potential effectiveness of specific anti-smoking mass media advertisements among Australian Indigenous smokers | |
Potential for smoke-free policies in social venues to prevent smoking uptake and reduce relapse: a qualitative study | |
Price discounting of cigarettes in milk bars near secondary schools occurs more frequently in areas with greater socioeconomic disadvantage | |
The proliferation of 'We Sell Tobacco Here' signs at the point-of-sale of tobacco retailers in Melbourne, Australia. | |
The prostate cancer screening debate: public reaction to medical controversy in the media | |
Public awareness and misunderstanding about DrinkWise Australia: a cross-sectional survey of Australian adults. | |
Public misperception of new regulations supports a call for a nationwide solarium ban | |
Public opinion on food-related obesity prevention policy initiatives | |
Public support for introducing cigarette pack inserts in Australia | |
Rationale, design, and baseline data of a cross-national randomized trial on the effect of built shade in public parks for sun protection | |
Real people, real stories: a new mass media campaign that could help smokers quit | |
Response to: counter-advertising to combat unhealthy food marketing will not be enough. commentary on "can counter-advertising reduce pre-adolescent children's susceptibility to front-of-package promotions on unhealthy foods? Experimental research" | |
Responses to antismoking radio and television advertisements among adult smokers and non-smokers across Africa: message-testing results from Senegal, Nigeria and Kenya | |
Results of a national mass media campaign in India to warn against the dangers of smokeless tobacco consumption | |
The role of overweight and obesity in perceived risk factors for cancer: implications for education | |
The role of smoking intentions in predicting future smoking among youth: findings from Monitoring the Future data | |
Role of the media in influencing trajectories of youth smoking | |
Secondhand smoke drift: examining the influence of indoor smoking bans on indoor and outdoor air quality at pubs and bars | |
Secondhand smoke exposure and respiratory symptoms among casino, club, and office workers in Victoria, Australia. | |
Secondhand smoke exposure (PM2.5) in outdoor dining areas and its correlates | |
Shade Sails and Passive Recreation in Public Parks of Melbourne and Denver: A Randomized Intervention. | |
Short-term changes in quitting-related cognitions and behaviours after the implementation of plain packaging with larger health warnings: findings from a national cohort study with Australian adult smokers. | |
Should cigarette pack sizes be capped? | |
The silent salesman: an observational study of personal tobacco pack display at outdoor café strips in Australia. | |
Size matters but when, why and for whom? | |
Smoke-free São Paulo: a campaign evaluation and the case for sustained mass media investment | |
Smoker sensitivity to retail tobacco displays and quitting: a cohort study | |
Smokers' responses to television advertisements about the serious harms of tobacco use: pre-testing results from 10 low- to middle-income countries | |
Smoking cessation strategies | |
Smoking prevalence following tobacco tax increases in Australia between 2001 and 2017: an interrupted time-series analysis | |
Smoking status of 132,176 people advertising on a dating website. Are smokers more "desperate and dateless"? | |
Socio-economic disparities in Australian adolescents' eating behaviours | |
Solarium use in Australia, recent trends and context | |
'Something's brewing': The changing trends in alcohol coverage in Australian newspapers 2000-2011. | |
Standardised packaging and new enlarged graphic health warnings for tobacco products in Australia-legislative requirements and implementation of the Tobacco Plain Packaging Act 2011 and the Competition and Consumer (Tobacco) Information Standard, 20 | |
State Anti-Tobacco Advertising and Smoking Outcomes by Gender and Race/Ethnicity | |
A store cohort study of compliance with a point-of-sale cigarette display ban in Melbourne, Australia | |
Taxation Reduces Social Disparities in Adult Smoking Prevalence | |
Teen smokers reach their mid twenties | |
Televised antismoking advertising: effects of level and duration of exposure | |
Televised state-sponsored antitobacco advertising and youth smoking beliefs and behavior in the United States, 1999-2000. | |
Textual analysis of tobacco editorials: how are Key media gatekeepers framing the issues? | |
Tobacco industry marketing at point of purchase after the 1998 MSA billboard advertising ban | |
Tobacco packaging and mass media campaigns: research needs for Articles 11 and 12 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control | |
Tobacco price boards as a promotional strategy-a longitudinal observational study in Australian retailers | |
Tobacco product developments in the Australian market in the 4 years following plain packaging | |
Trends in news coverage about skin cancer prevention, 1993-2006: increasingly mixed messages for the public | |
Trends in recall and appraisal of anti-smoking advertising among American youth: national survey results, 1997-2001. | |
Understanding and influencing cancer-related beliefs and behaviour can improve outcome | |
Unhealthy sport sponsorship at the 2017 AFL Grand Final: a case study of its frequency, duration and nature | |
Use of illicit tobacco following introduction of standardised packaging of tobacco products in Australia: results from a national cross-sectional survey | |
Use of mass media campaigns to change health behaviour | |
Use of sun-protective clothing at outdoor leisure settings from 1992 to 2002: serial cross-sectional observation survey. | |
Weekend Sun Protection and Sunburn in Australia | |
Welcome to cardboard country: how plain packaging could change the subjective experience of smoking | |
What factors predict frequent unhealthy snacking among Australian secondary students? | |
What impact have tobacco control policies, cigarette price and tobacco control programme funding had on Australian adolescents' smoking? Findings over a 15-year period. | |
What is the role of tobacco control advertising intensity and duration in reducing adolescent smoking prevalence? Findings from 16 years of tobacco control mass media advertising in Australia | |
What price quitting? The price of cigarettes at which smokers say they would seriously consider trying to quit | |
What types of nutrition menu labelling lead consumers to select less energy-dense fast food? An experimental study | |
"When we were young, it really was a treat; now sugar is just the norm every day"-A qualitative study of parents' and young adults' perceptions and consumption of sugary drinks | |
Which types of televised anti-tobacco campaigns prompt more quitline calls from disadvantaged groups? | |
Who drinks sugar sweetened beverages and juice? An Australian population study of behaviour, awareness and attitudes | |
Who smokes unbranded illicit tobacco in Australia: results of nationally representative crosssectional household surveys in 2004, 2007, 2010 and 2013 | |
Who uses rollies? Trends in product offerings, price and use of roll-your-own tobacco in Australia | |
Why Do Smokers Talk About Antismoking Campaigns? Predictors of the Occurrence and Content of Campaign-Generated Conversations. | |
Why we need tobacco sales data for good tobacco control | |
Working to make an image: an analysis of three Philip Morris corporate image media campaigns. | |
"You're made to feel like a dirty filthy smoker when you're not, cigar smoking is another thing all together." Responses of Australian cigar and cigarillo smokers to plain packaging |