Horn, J.E.
Horn, Ede 1825-1875
Horn, I. E. (Ignaz Einhorn), 1825-1875
Horn, I. E. 1825-1875
Horn, Ignace Einhorn, 1825-1875, dit Edouard
Ede Horn
Horn, J. Édouard 1825-1875
Horn, J. Edouard
Horn, I. E. (Ignaz Eduard), 1825-1875
הורן, אדוארד, 1825-1875
Horn Ede
Horn, Ignace Édouard, 1825-1875
VIAF ID: 56718546 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/56718546
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a Ede Horn
- 100 0 _ ‡a Horn Ede
- 200 _ | ‡a Horn ‡b J. Édouard ‡f 1825-1875
- 100 1 _ ‡a Horn, I. E. ‡d 1825-1875
- 100 1 _ ‡a Horn, I. E. ‡q (Ignaz Einhorn), ‡d 1825-1875
- 100 1 _ ‡a Horn, Ignace Einhorn, ‡d 1825-1875, ‡c dit Edouard
- 100 1 _ ‡a Horn, J. E.
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (105)
Title | Sources |
Die Aktiengesellschaften : Gesetzentwurf nebst Motivenbericht, dem ungarischen Reichstag unterbreitet am 24. Mai 1873 | |
Államháztartásunk rendezéséről | |
Annuaire international du crédit public pour... / par J. E. Horn | |
Arthur Görgei, Obercommandant der ungarischen Armee | |
Bankfreiheit | |
Bankszabadság különös tekintettel a magyar bankmozgalomra | |
Bevölkerungswissenschaftliche Studien aus Belgien : mit durchgehender vergleichender Erforschung der entsprechenden Verhaltnisse in Oestreich, Sachsen, Preussen, Frankreich, England, Holland und andern Staaten | |
Bilan de l'empire | |
Brief instructions for children: wherein, the chief grounds of the Christian religion are plainly, though briefly, laid down, as may best sute the capacity of children: though not unusefull for the view and consideration of those that are grown men. The great mysteries of redemption, faith, works, law, gospel; yea and of predestination, election, reprobation, being opened herein, agreeably to scripture, and as most conduces to the promoting of Godlinesse. The second edition, somewhat abreviated, though in some few places altred and augmented, by John Horn, a servant of God in the gospel of his son, at Lin, All-hallows | |
Brüssel nach seiner Vergangenheit und Gegenwart | |
The cause of infants maintained, against such as would defraud them of their interest in the church or kingdom of God, or, A reply to Mr. Thomas Grantham : wherein both the vanity of his introductive argument with all its absurds, and not only the inconcludingness of, but also the prevarications, fallacies, and falshoods contained in his anwers, are plainly discovered: so, as that all his attempts against infant-baptism greatly fail of evidencing its original not to be from Zion. Written for the undeceiving of all such as thought and cryed up his said answers thereabout as unanswerable: and for satisfaction to all others that are doubtful about the points here in controversie. By I. Horn, sometimes minister of Lin Allhallows in Norfolk | |
Les Comptes fantastiques d'Haussmann | |
Le crédit populaire : Mémoire couronné par l'Institut (Académie des sciences morales et politiques) | |
Le crédit populaire / par A. Batbie. - Paris, 1864. | |
Die Creditwesen in Frankreich : nationalökonomische Skizze | |
La crise cotonnière et les textiles indigènes, 1863: | |
The description and use of the new invented patent universal sowing machine, for broad-casting or drilling every king of grain, pulse, and seed, : Particularly beans, pease, tares, wheat, barley, clover, oats, rye, cole-seed, hemp, flax, canary, rape, lucerne, tresoil, turnips, &c. with anregularity not to be equalled by any other method; by which the produce of every crop will be greatly increased; and, at the same time a very considerable saving made in the seed, and in the expence attending the culture. By John Horn | |
Džon Lo / Gorn. - S.-Peterburg, 1895. | |
Džon Lo : opyt izsledovaniâ po istorii finansov | |
The efficacy of the true balme : being a true relation of Mrs. Rose Warnes carriage, confession of her sins, and profession of her hope in the mercy of God, so far as it was known to an eye and ear witness of much of it after she was apprehended, and to the time of her death, to which she was adjudged April 1667. At Lin Regis in the county of Norfolk, upon strong presumption of her murther of her infant, and suffered April 14. With some means used for her help in her imprisonment. As also an in perfect [sic] yet pretty full relation of what she spake to the people at her execution. Published by John Horn of Lin Regis with his epistle and some verses on her | |
Einige Bemerkungen ueber das "Gutachten" der Herrn L. Schwab, Rabiner der israelitischen Gemeinde zu Pesth | |
Les finances de l'Hôtel de Ville. | |
Die Finanzlage der Stadt Paris | |
A forradalom és a zsidók Magyarországon, 2000: | |
Frankreichs-Finanzlage | |
Franz Rákóczy II. Fürst von Ungarn und Siebenbürgen : ein historisches Charakterbild | |
La grande nation 1870-1871 | |
La Hongrie en face de l'Autriche | |
La Hongrie et la crise européenne / par J.-E. Horn. - Paris, 1860. | |
Horn Ede (1825-1875) : a magyar -zsidó nemzeti identitàstudat forràsvidékén | |
Jean Law : ein finanzgeschichtlicher Versuch | |
L'économie politique avant les physiocrates | |
Liberté des banques | |
Liberté et nationalité | |
Ludwig Kossuth | |
Notice sur J. E. Horn : Lecture de M. Alph. Courtois secrétaire perpétuel | |
Procès de banknotes hongroises : François-Joseph Ier contre Louis Kossuth / [éd. Ed. Horn]. - Paris, 1861. | |
Qu'est-ce que le syndicat du Crédit ? | |
Rede Eduard Horn's Reichstagsabgeordubeter der k. freistadt Pressburg : gehalten am 29. Febrauar 1872 vor den Pressburger Gewerbetreibenden in Angelegenheit des ungarischen Gewerbebundes. | |
Revolution und die juden in ungarn : nebst einem rückblick auf die geschichte der letztern | |
Salut au troisième milliard | |
Spinozas Staatslehre Zum ersten Male dargestellt | |
Statistische Gemälde des Koenigreichs Belgien : nach der gleichzeitig erscheinenden, vom Min. d. In. herausgegebenen "Statistique générale de la Belgique" u. anderen sämtlichen Quellen | |
Le traité de commerce franco-allemand | |
Der ungarische Israelit Wochenschrift zur Beförderung des politischen, sozialen und religiösen Fortschrittes unter den ungarischen Israeliten | |
Ungarns Finanzlage und die Mittel zu ihrer Hebung | |
Die Weltindustrie in der zweiten Hälfte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts | |
Zur Judenfrage in Ungarn | |
Zur ungarisch-östreichischen Centralisationsfrage | |
Zwölf nationalökonomische Vorträge : gehalten im Collège de France bei Eröffnung der Jahreskurse 1840-41 bis 1851-52 |